The Greatest Creator in the Bible (Old Testament) is Satan

Deiform Buddha

May 3, 2008

This secret was originally not intended to be revealed; it was only meant to be known within the "Preaching Tao Chapter" for the Chanyuan Celestials. However, since Christians are openly attacking me, claiming that Xuefeng is against the Greatest Creator and against the way of the Greatest Creator, I will now expose this fact.

The purpose of Lifechanyuan is to "revere the Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, revere nature, and walk the way of the Greatest Creator." For life, it means pursuing happiness, joy, freedom, and bliss, and creating the Lifechanyuan era for humanity. For LIFE, it involves perfecting the nonmaterial structure of one's LIFE and elevating the quality of one's LIFE to the Heavenly Kingdom-the Thousand-year World, Ten-thousand-year World, or the Celestial Islands Continent of Elysium World.

Everything in Lifechanyuan revolves around the Greatest Creator and the way of the Greatest Creator. So why do Christians attack Lifechanyuan, claiming it is against the Greatest Creator and against the way of the Greatest Creator?

The only reason is that the Greatest Creator revered and followed by Lifechanyuan is fundamentally different from the one in the Old Testament of the Bible. The Greatest Creator we revere has eight major characteristics: uniqueness, formlessness, neutrality, mystery, justice, mercy, supreme power, and absolute wisdom.

The Greatest Creator of the Old Testament in the Bible does not possess these eight characteristics. Let me provide a few examples to illustrate this.

1.The Greatest Creator of the Old Testament in the Bible says, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” This proves that this Greatest Creator is not singular but plural, as it says “let us” instead of “I will.” It also shows that these Greatest Creators have a fixed shape; they resemble humans and possess human likeness and form.

2.The Greatest Creator has no gender; the Greatest Creator is neither male nor female but neutral. However, the Greatest Creator in the Old Testament is depicted as male.

3.The Greatest Creator is mysterious, meaning that the Greatest Creator has no specific form. The Greatest Creator's will is "manifested" through the operation of Tao and the myriad material and nonmaterial forms and their changes. To understand the Greatest Creator, comprehend the Greatest Creator's will, and follow the way of the Greatest Creator, one can only gain this through enlightenment and revelation. The Greatest Creator does not communicate directly with anyone through voice but rather through revelations to living beings. Yet, the Greatest Creator in the Old Testament frequently communicates directly with people through voice, which contradicts the fact that "the Greatest Creator is mysterious."

4.The Greatest Creator inflicted ten plagues upon Egypt for the sake of the Israelites, which is unjust. Therefore, the Greatest Creator in the Old Testament does not possess the characteristic of justice.

5.The Greatest Creator in the Old Testament killed all the firstborn in Egypt, both humans and animals, including the firstborn of poor maidservants grinding at the mill. This is neither just nor merciful, indicating that the Greatest Creator in the Old Testament lacks the characteristic of mercy.

6.The fact that the Creator became angry and expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden after they betrayed Him, proves that the Greatest Creator in the Old Testament is neither supremely powerful nor wise. However, he appears to retaliate readily and fiercely.

7.According to the Old Testament, woman was created from man’s rib, establishing the inequality of men and women and placing billions of women in a subordinate position, which is neither fair nor just, nor merciful.

8.(1)According to the Bible, at that time, there were only Adam, Eve, and their two sons, Cain and Abel. Out of jealousy, Cain killed his brother Abel and was subsequently exiled to the “land of Nod, on the east of Eden,” where he had a wife and bore a son named Enoch. This raises the question: where did Cain's wife come from? Could she have been another daughter of Adam and Eve, thereby implying incest? If so, that would mean inbreeding, which has its consequences. If Cain's wife was not his sister, then who was she?

(2)According to the Bible, human history from Creation to the Great Flood was 1,656 years. From the Great Flood to the Exodus was 857 years; from the Exodus to the establishment of Israel was 396 years; from the establishment of Israel to the Babylonian exile was 510 years; from the Babylonian captivity to the rebuilding of Jerusalem was 152 years; from the rebuilding of Jerusalem to the birth of Jesus was about 450 years; and from the birth of Jesus to today is 2,008 years. According to the Bible, human history spans about 6,381 years. After the Great Flood, only eight people survived — Noah and his wife, and their three sons and their wives. That is, 4,700 years ago, besides Noah's family, there were no other people on Earth. This raises several questions. Firstly, where did the Native Americans come from? Based on the continental drift theory, the separation of the American continent from other continents could not have occurred within 4,700 years. So, how did Noah’s descendants travel from the Middle East to the Americas? Furthermore, Noah's family of eight would not have immediately dispersed after the Flood. Would Noah have sent one of his sons and daughters-in-law across the frigid Siberia and then risk crossing the Bering Strait to the Americas? Secondly, where did the Africans come from? From a genetic standpoint, Black, Yellow, and Caucasian races each have their own ancestors. A pair of pure Caucasians could not reproduce a Black or Asian people. Even considering evolution, Israelites could not evolve into Black or Yellow people in 4,700 years. Moreover, according to Darwin's theory of evolution, the principle is survival of the fittest. Would the Israelites, who wrote the Bible, evolve into African Black people? Despite how we console our Black brothers, they do not surpass Israelites in intelligence.

(3)It is said there are 2.1 billion Christians in the world today, making up nearly one-third of the global population. What are these 2.1 billion Christians doing? Why do we still live in such hardship? If 2.1 billion Christians were united, this world would have already become heaven. Why is there still such disorder, confusion, and suffering? Isn't it worth pondering?

Without a doubt, the Greatest Creator in the Old Testament of the Bible is not the true Greatest Creator. So, who is the Greatest Creator in the Old Testament?

The answer is given in the New Testament of the Bible, in the Book of Matthew:

Matthew 4:8: “Again, the devil took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. ‘All this I will give you,’ he said, ‘if you will bow down and worship me.’”

It turns out that everything in this world belongs to Satan; everything was created and made by Satan. When we look back at Genesis in the Old Testament, doesn't it appear consistent? Doesn't it clearly tell us that the Greatest Creator in the Old Testament is Satan?

So, who is the “Heavenly Father” whom Jesus repeatedly taught us about? Without a doubt, Jesus's Heavenly Father is the true Greatest Creator, the one with the eight characteristics revealed in the "Greatest Creator Chapter" of Lifechanyuan. Jesus represents the true Greatest Creator in opposing the "Greatest Creator" of the Old Testament. This thoroughly explains why Jesus was antagonistic towards the Pharisees and the scribes, why he often spoke in parables without revealing the truth directly, why he subtly hinted that people should not marry or form families, why he was persecuted to death, why his disciples mostly died tragic deaths, and why Jesus is the Truth, the Life, the Way, and the Light. Understanding this, we understand fully that Jesus is the Savior of humanity.

Then, how did Jesus, the Savior representing the true Greatest Creator, end up being persecuted to death? Could the Greatest Creator not protect him? This is another great secret, not to be revealed in this article.

Now it should be clear why Lifechanyuan is the final course for humanity and why Xuefeng, the founder of Lifechanyuan, is the messenger of the Greatest Creator and the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and Buddha Sakyamuni.

Looking back at the beginning of this article, Christians attacked Xuefeng and Lifechanyuan as being against the Greatest Creator and against the way of the Greatest Creator, just as the Pharisees attacked Jesus 2,000 years ago. Two thousand years have passed, and Satan's tactics remain unchanged.

However, some things must change. What Jesus did not complete, Xuefeng will complete. This is the covenant between the Greatest Creator, Satan, and Xuefeng.

People! Please think rationally and respect the facts. Satan no longer binds you; it is you who bind yourselves.

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