Living with Nobility and Dignity


November 5, 2010

How can one live a life with nobility and dignity?

I do not know. But I do know this: gold is found only after sifting through sand and gravel, and clear water is obtained only after filtering out the impurities.

I also know that the following kinds of people can never live a life of nobility and dignity:

Liars can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Flatterers can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Heartless people can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Lazy people can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who are stubbornly attached to everything can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Selfish and greedy people can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Arrogant and rude people can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who gossip and stir up trouble can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

People who frequently lose their temper can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who curry favor and seek power can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Subservient people can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who constantly lecture others can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

People who rely on others for their livelihood can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who harm nature can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

People who frequently beg from others can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who fear hardship, effort, and death can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

People who are constantly envious and complaining about others can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who dislike group activities can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

People who enjoy arguing can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who lack compassion, sympathy, and love can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

People who like to criticize and condemn others can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who abuse and destroy LIFE can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

People who mistreat their parents or abuse their children can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who always act secretly and sneakily can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

People who are extremely timid and indecisive can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who do not keep their word or lack integrity can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

People with coarse language, vulgar behavior, and deceitful nature can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who slander gods, buddhas, sages, or curse their ancestors can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

People who indulge in eating, drinking, gambling, visiting brothels, smoking, or engaging in deceit, and theft can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who bully widowers, widows, orphans, childless individuals, the elderly, the sick, the disabled, and the poor can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

People who are slovenly, untidy, and unhygienic can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who constantly boast, talk grandly, yet accomplish nothing can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

People who are extremely poor in spiritual, soul, and material wealth can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who are incompetent themselves but meddle in others' affairs can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

People who do not resist being wronged, exploited, oppressed, or abused can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Those who constantly complain, blame the heavens, the earth, society, or others, and use others as emotional dumping grounds can never live a life with nobility and dignity.

Nobility and dignity are not determined by one’s status, power, wealth, fame, or knowledge; they are qualities inherent in one’s character.

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