Who Can Manage a Marriage Well?


December 31, 2018

Everyone wants to manage their marriage well; they want to grow old together with their childhood sweethearts, respect, support, and love each other until they die, and be compliant and loving until the end, but try to answer this question: how many people across all times and countries can actually do this? Can emperors or presidents? Can billionaires? Can powerful and influential high officials and dignitaries? Can literary talents, experts, professors or stars of entertainment? Can even ordinary workers manage them well?

The answer is that no one can manage their marriage well; even saints cannot do it.

What is the ideal marriage? A happy marriage requires that there are never arguments or quarrels, no hurting words towards each other, mutual trust without suspicion, that neither will keep private money or even consider sexual relations with anyone else, and that both will treat their parents, parents-in-law, uncles, other in-laws, more distant relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and children equally well and with the same spirit, heart, and courtesy, and without disagreements. Each respects and has much love for the other, and they never have any kind of cold war with verbal or emotional violence, let alone physical violence. The wife never attempts to control the husband by “crying, misbehaving, or threatening to harm herself, and the husband never swears, curses, or threatens to harm his wife. When either is unhappy, the other takes good care of them and comforts them lovingly. They were not born on the same day, but they hope to die together in each other's arms.

May I ask what husband or wife can do this? Stop fantasizing because there are none; they only exist in fiction novels.

Question: Where is the problem? Answer: It is in human nature; human nature is inherently selfish, so knowing that, how could you hope to find such a thing in real life?

The most complicated and difficult relationships in the world are thoses between married couples. If it is not a good match, then there will be no equality; if they are not in the same realm, then there will be no mutual understanding; if they do not make a perfect match, then it is inevitable that one will cheat on the other; if one of them is not enthusiastic about the other’s career or hobbies, then they will not resonate in harmony. The relationships between married couples are not simply ones between two people; rather, they involve all aspects of life. Unless a couple occupies an environment in which they are isolated from the world and rich in food, the war between them, whether obvious or secretive, superficial or deep, will only stop when death brings their relationship to a close.

People all yearn for freedom, but as long as you are in a marital relationship, that will never happen.

Will people be free if they earn more money?

Will an official be free if they rise to higher ranks?

Will a performer be free if they become famous?

Will people be free if they escape to a foreign country?

No, no, no, and no, so stop cheating yourselves and each other. Your superficial tenderness cannot hide your heart’s eagerness and your superficial smiles cannot cover up your heart’s bitter tears. People need to end marital relationships NOW.

Then how are people to live without marital relationships while still satisfying their needs for spiritual, emotional, and physical intimacy?

Blessed are we because it is for this reason that the ideal life mode which humans have dreamed of for thousands of years has finally arrived; it is the New Oasis for Life (the Second Home) mode created by Lifechanyuan. After nearly ten years of exploration and experimentation, we have found that this mode can not only solve all the problems that all couples have faced and confronted, but also lead lives toward a rich and beautiful world of happiness, joy, freedom, and blessing.

The problem which has not been solved for thousands of years, finally has been...NOW. Discard your fantasies and troubles and start to move toward Lifechanyuan's New Oasis for Life.

Come closer! Closer still! Do not try to change your husband or wife, do not try to know and understand them thoroughly, stop making unnecessary efforts, but try to build the New Oasis for Life wholeheartedly, plunge into the life of the New Oasis for Life. This is the most rational choice for a better life.

I hope that you can enter the New Oasis for Life (originally the Second Home) soon and experience the real joy of being human. Only then will you truly understand what human life can be.

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