Why Do We Live and How Should We Live?


October 4, 2008

Why have we come to this world? Did we come here willingly and consciously? I doubt many would claim that all of this was planned or desired by themselves. So, what force is manipulating our destiny? Who arranged for us to come into this world?

On the surface, it seems our parents brought us into this world. Regardless of our willingness, the man and woman we call our parents did not consult us, did not seek our consent, and forcibly brought us into this world. They placed us into the roles of children, siblings, and members of a nation and family, binding us to these roles for life, rarely finding a way to escape until we leave this world.

It would have been better not to come into this world, where we spend our lives worrying about our own and our loved ones’ daily needs and life’s inevitable struggles. What have we truly achieved? Even if we become billionaires, international celebrities, emperors, or presidents, what value does it hold? Everything is fleeting, vanishing in an instant. What have we gained, and what have we lost? A dog finds joy in a bone, but to people, this joy seems pitiful. Similarly, humans find joy in possessing many things, but to celestial beings, this joy appears pitiful.

Since we were born into this world involuntarily and without clear reason, we are compelled to follow its rules. We may desire one thing or another, but it doesn’t always work out! Our range of self-control is very narrow. Try changing your skin color, appearance, family, or country, and you’ll find it impossible. Can we choose our parents, our birthplace, or the era in which we live? Can we choose our siblings, friends, or relatives? Can we survive without eating and drinking, or walk naked on the street? Can we avoid illness, disasters, or troubles? Can we skip school, work, earning money, or striving? Can we even choose to be fully honest with ourselves? Whether we are willing or not, there are some things we must say and many things we must do.

Life is a tragedy, but who created this tragedy? We did.

On the surface, it appears our parents brought us into this world. On a deeper level, it's higher life forms than humans that need us to serve them, just as we raise sheep, pigs, and chickens to serve us. Ultimately, we are responsible for placing ourselves in this situation.

The universe is holographic, with interconnected causes and effects: “You reap what you sow,” “Heaven’s net is vast, yet it misses nothing.” If someone is chasing you, it’s not without reason; if someone rewards you, it’s not without cause; if someone likes you, it’s not without a reason; if someone harbors enmity towards you, there is certainly something behind it. The expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden did not happen without cause; there must have been mistakes. The rise and fall of tides, the blooming and withering of flowers, the gathering and dispersal of clouds, and the coming and going of people all have their reasons. Our encounters with joy, anger, sorrow, and various life changes may seem random and accidental, but they all have their causes, which can be traced back to their origins, and the origin lies within ourselves.

Reality is the result of our past karma. Why do we still yearn for home even when we reach the ends of the earth? Why do we have many concerns even on sunny and calm days? Why is it difficult for people of Asian descent to be reborn in families of Caucasian or African descent? Why do we encounter so many setbacks and meet many people, whether we want to or not? These are all due to fate and the karma we have created in the past.

Everything from the past shapes today; everything from the past is set in stone, unavoidable, and unchangeable. Blaming or resenting others is futile; we can only endure, accept, and go with the flow. If we are not handsome or beautiful, who can we blame? If we were not born into a wealthy family, who can we blame? If we have to toil from dawn to dusk every day, who can we blame? If we are slow-witted and make poor decisions, who can we blame? What is the point of resentment?

Why do we live?

We live to atone for the sins we have committed, to repay the debts we owe, to fulfill our desires, and to create a better future for ourselves.

What is the purpose of living?

For those who are not enlightened, life is just life—what else can it be? If I raise a pig and pen it in, that pig can only live within the pen; can it refuse to live? Even if it escapes the pen, where can it go? Will its fate be better outside the pen? If I plant corn, the corn can only grow and bear fruit for me; can the corn refuse to grow or bear fruit? If you are a monk, you have to toll the bell daily; can you not ring it? If I hire a worker and give them a job, they can only do as I require; can they refuse? Why think so much? Just live! Herding sheep is to make money; making money is to get married; getting married is to have children; having children is to herd sheep—it’s an endless cycle. What else can you do?

Since the birth of Lifechanyuan, the final course for this generation of humanity, if people have been reluctant to read, listen, or be guided, then they will continue the cycle and reincarnate! What else can you do? Where else can you run? Can you escape the boundaries of heaven and earth? Can you escape the program of this world? Without Xuefeng's guidance, few can escape.

However, for those who are enlightened, life is about pursuing happiness, joy, freedom, and fulfillment, it is about striving to escape the constraints of the inevitable kingdom and move toward the kingdom of freedom.

How should we live?

The Prophet Muhammad said it well: "Without the power of authority, it is difficult to escape the boundaries of heaven and earth."

To transcend the Three Realms and not be confined by the Five Elements, if we want to escape the constraints of this world and live according to our desires, to live freely, joyfully, and happily, there is only one path now: to live according to the values of Lifechanyuan.

Xuefeng is the messenger of the Greatest Creator, the incarnation of Jesus, Sakyamuni, Muhammad, and Laozi. All those who believe in Christ Jesus, in the Buddha Sakyamuni, in the Prophet Muhammad, in the immortal Laozi, should quickly turn to Lifechanyuan and live according to its values. There is no other way to escape the boundaries of heaven and earth. Everything else is futile— like trying to catch water with a sieve, all in vain.

What? Xuefeng is talking nonsense? Fine! Then live according to your own choices and see where it leads you.

What? You don’t want Xuefeng's guidance? Hmph! I don’t want to guide you either; who do you think you are?

How should we live?

Revere the Greatest Creator, revere LIFE, and revere nature, and follow the way of the Greatest Creator.

Contribute more and repay the debts accumulated from your past lives as quickly as possible, freeing yourself from the gravitational pull of LIFE in the human world, the animal and plant world, and hell.

Escape from family, religion, political parties, and nations.

Focus on truth, goodness, beauty, love, sincerity, and trust; don’t dwell too much on falsehood, evil, ugliness, hatred, treachery, and lies.

Increase the frequency of your thinking, strive to bring order to your consciousness, perfect the nonmaterial structure of your LIFE, and work to embed the scenes of the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, and the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World into your consciousness. Create conditions to master the eight major secrets of LIFE as soon as possible.

Praise more, criticize less, avoid meddling in others' affairs, and don’t delve too much into mystical methods mystical arts.

Embrace the ordinary, be humble! Humble! Humble again; strive to return to zero, let go! Let go! Let go again!

Enter the fourth or fifth level of meditation as soon as possible and master the 64 divine powers and transformations.

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