Humanity Has Been Kidnapped


May 3, 2007

Kidnapping is defined as forcibly taking, infringing upon, or depriving a person of their rights to physical health, life, and personal freedom through violence, threats, drugging, or other means. It includes confining and monitoring the victim to the extent that they cannot, do not dare, or do not have the power to resist, thereby achieving the kidnapper’s goals.

Simplifying the concept of kidnapping, it means depriving someone of their physical and mental freedom to fulfill the kidnapper’s intentions.

I’ve discovered that the people of Earth have been kidnapped.

First, humans have been kidnapped by a machine called the state, which restricts their freedom, preventing free migration. The artificially established national borders are like the walls of a prison. If you cross these walls without permission, it’s considered illegal entry or illegal immigration, which is essentially no different from breaking out of prison. This means that from the moment a person is born, they are imprisoned by the state and have been kidnapped by it. What is considered normal from birth is, in fact, not normal at all.

Second, humanity has been kidnapped by a program called the family, which enslaves people for life. They exhaust themselves working for their families, and escaping the family’s grip is as difficult as ascending to heaven because the family prison is surrounded by layers of barriers—moral barriers, legal barriers, debt barriers, and emotional barriers. Once a person is trapped by the family program, escaping becomes nearly impossible.

Next, people are kidnapped by something called love and affection, causing them lifelong trouble. Originally, love and affection were the nectar of life, but because humanity has not fully understood their true meanings, these feelings have become more of a binding force than a blessing. Parents are kidnapped by their children, children by their parents, husbands by their wives, wives by their husbands, and siblings kidnap each other. Why is this? Because it involves love and affection.

After this, we see that humanity has been kidnapped by religion and politics. Religion, with its sweet promises of a beautiful future, successfully implements spiritual and mental kidnapping, anesthetizing billions. A series of doctrines and religious rules bind and shackle people’s spirits and souls. Long-term immersion in this is like becoming so accustomed to the smell of fish and mutton that one can no longer distinguish between them—what is unnatural becomes natural. This is what is meant by becoming accustomed to something. Politics, with its ability to stir and unite people’s hearts, has trapped the fearful in the machinery of interest groups. Fighting for the nation, the state, justice, or sacred causes—these grandiose slogans are political tools used to kidnap and divide humanity. Many have died for politics, believing they were noble, thinking that "living is great, and dying is glorious." How pitiful! During World War II, many young Germans and Japanese were kidnapped by politics and sent to the battlefield to kill and burn. Not only did they not realize they were committing crimes and disgraceful acts, but they also felt noble and great, as if they were doing something very honorable. Isn’t it pitiful that they gave their lives for politics without even realizing it?

In addition to the state, family, love, religion, and politics kidnapping humanity, there are countless other forms of kidnapping, all strange and varied. But as long as your freedom of will and physical freedom are violated, and you find it difficult or impossible to resist, you are kidnapped.

All of humanity has been kidnapped!

So, who has kidnapped humanity?

It is Satan. The state, family, religion, politics, and human love are the means and effective ways Satan uses to kidnap humanity.

Why does Satan want to kidnap humanity?

Because Satan wants to play games and derive pleasure from them, while also maintaining the dynamic balance of the overall LIFE of the universe.


Wouldn’t the order of human life fall apart without the state, family, religion, politics, and human love? Wouldn’t people live more freely, happily, and comfortably without these structures?

The answer is yes. In the past, it was impossible to live without the state, family, religion, politics, and human love. Without them, the order of human life would have inevitably collapsed because there was no correct theoretical guidance, and humanity was unaware that it was being kidnapped. But now it’s different because we now have Lifechanyuan.

Lifechanyuan is here to liberate humanity, to free people from the state of kidnapping and slavery, so they can walk the way of the Greatest Creator and live the joyful and happy life that humans were meant to enjoy.

The era of Lifechanyuan is a paradise-like life prepared for humanity.

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