The Crying and Shouting of Lifechanyuan’s Tour Guide


March 30, 2020

The Covid-19 epidemic sweeps across the earth as the daily death toll continues to rise and everyone is at a risk of being infected. It may claim a hundred-million lives, but this is only the beginning of human suffering with more difficult days to follow. Death by drowning, burning, dehydration, starvation, hyper and hypothermia, and physical attacks will happen in rapid succession; and in the end, few people will remain.

For the last eighteen years, I have been calling, yelling, and crying out to people to attach importance to the construction of the human soul because the core of all crises is the one of the soul, and I have been warning people that it is only by changing the traditional mode of production and life that people be able to survive the crises and turn them into peace. Few people have responded and still fewer people have listened to me. I wrote letters to Chinese President Xi Jinping and to the Secretary General of the United Nations, but it was like dropping pebbles into the ocean. In order to create a model that is different from the traditional production and life mode for everyone to follow, more than a hundred Chanyuan celestials have begun creating a new mode of production and life for mankind since April, 2009. Whether the mode is good or not, government staff and public security personnel have visited and investigated our home with six-hundred individual officer-visits, during which times they have witnessed our status quo. Just ask them, they will not say that they found anything bad.

So, as the tour guide, what did I get? Verbal internet abuse at me ranged from “Liar, fool, sorcerer”, to “demon”, all the way to “Devil King”, and those were just some. As for the parents, children, spouses, and siblings of Chanyuan celestials, threats and scolding from them were even worse. Even today, a father of one Chanyuan celestial said that I brainwashed his child and ruined her brain, and that he would never stop holding me accountable for injury to him and his family.

People scold me mostly about cheating my followers out of their money. Lord in Heaven! Whose money have I taken and how did I take it? I sold all the property that I had accumulated over the past ten years and invested in the construction of the New Oasis for Life. I am still worrying about my three meals each day. You say that I cheated them for money, but I ask where your conscience is?

More cruel is how the government never understood us and destroyed our three picturesque homes that we created in Yunnan and forced us out of them. There were a hundred and fifty of us! Where were we to go; what should we have done? All the money we donated had been invested in the three homes in Yunnan province. Do you know about our going to Nanjing and Xinjiang to rebuild our homes? Who could understand the pressure and hardships we suffered? In Nanjing, we had just begun construction, built a few houses to live in, beautified the environment, and planted some crops. Hey! The government came back to demolish everything and drove us out again. We built three more homes in Xinjiang, houses were built, the environment was beautified, the crops were harvested, and we were about to live happy lives. Oops! The government came again, demolished everything, and drove us from Xinjiang again. We could do nothing but find another place in Yunnan to build three more homes secretly. After we finished everything, everyone was smiling and we were all ready to live happy lives. Then, misfortune returned and we were driven out of our homes for the fourth time.

For more than ten years as the tour guide, the pressure that I have had to bear and the difficulties which I have had to resolve have exceeded the Red Army’s 25,000 Li March and Tang Monk’s travels to West Heaven to acquire scriptures. This morning, when the father of one Chanyuan celestial blamed all the responsibility for his child on me, I was near to having a nervous breakdown.

Over these ten years, more than a dozen children have grown up in our home as our middle-aged members have matured and grown old. More than twenty Chanyuan celestials are now over seventy years old. Most of them have no retreat and no source of income; what about their senior care? I once hoped that people who read my “800 Values For New Era Human Being” would pay one dollar each, but more than ten years have passed and fewer than ten people paid their dollar. Lifechanyuan’s column on a North America-based, Chinese language website has been viewed more than one-hundred and seventy-million times, but very few have paid their dollar. We once published “Chanyuan Corpus” and “Xuefeng Corpus” in a paperback format with the hope of getting some income from selling those books. As a result, the state banned their sale and the cost of their publication has never been recovered.

I can now feel the pain deeply in Christ Jesus’ heart when he was nailed to the cross, and understand deeply why Buddha Shakyamuni shed tears when he talked with the Chinese Devil King.

I am not complaining to anyone here because although we have gone through hardships, we have never complained about heaven, earth, society, the government, or anyone. The world is faultless; all faults lie within us. I am just faithfully recording the history and development of Lifechanyuan, and the course as the tour guide of Lifechanyuan, so as to provide a way of thinking and reference for people who want to follow the footsteps of Jesus, Shakyamuni, and me, Xuefeng in the future.

But there is still one thing that I must emphasize here; if humankind wants to survive crises and disasters and have lives in which, “the talented will be put to good use and the whole world will be one family”, “no one will pocket anything found on the ground and doors are not bolted at night”, “the weather will be good for harvesting, everything will be prosperous, and everyone will be happy, joyous, free and blessed”, you can only follow the path pioneered by Lifechanyuan. I, Xuefeng, am currently the only candidate to lead humankind out of its predicament. Of course people can continue to mock and ridicule me, insult and abuse me, and continue to threaten me, so let us wait and see! When people die in rapid succession and when they are enveloped by the fear of death, they will know who I am.

When Lifechanyuan is driven to a dead end, humans will have reached the end of the road to complete destruction.

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