Fire at Traditions (1) - All Family members are Enemies


March 22, 2020

Matthew 10:36 in the Bible recorded Jesus Christ’s warning that, “Everyone’s worst foes shall be from their own households”; He also spoke clearly that, “I have come not to send peace, but a sword, for I have come to turn sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, and in-laws against each other; anyone who loves their father or mother more than Me and anyone who loves their son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me”.

In John 14:36, Jesus Christ tells us clearly: “I am the way, the truth, and LIFE”.

I, Xuefeng, am the incarnation of Jesus Christ in this age, and am here to bear witness to His teachings. I am proclaiming to the world that what He said is true. I have come to implement His words; let children leave their parents and let parents leave their children. I want to complete His final words and take the children who have left their parents and the parents who have left their children all into the kingdom of the Greatest Creator.

Relatives in the traditional sense are actually enemies; they are a resistance to heaven and the path to hell. Everyone who maintains traditional marriages and family relations is an assistant to the king of the Devil; every kind of preaching that maintains traditional marriages and families is the Devil’s preaching; all praises of marriages and families are harmful.

  • Parents have kidnapped their children for millennia in the name of love.

  • Parents always treat their children as private property by preventing them from following the lives they would choose.

  • Parents always impose their will on their children regardless of their children’s feelings and whether they know it or not.

  • Parents always rely on their children for care in their old-age.

  • Parents always impose their unfulfilled wishes on their children and hope to realize their wishes through them.

  • Parents always blame their incompetence on their children.

  • Parents always control their children with promises and threats.

Across thousands of years, from ancient times to modernity, both in China and abroad, history is bitter and filled with blood and tears, and it was personally brewed and written with praise for marriages and families with parents and children. If these relationships do not disintegrate, then the sea of human suffering will continue boundlessly. Not only will it remain as such, but in this kind of civilization, humankind will face disasters or even extinction.

Success leads to success and failure leads to failure. Five thousand years of human history is a history of failures, and repeating them will not bring success. It is only by thoroughly formatting all failed programs that we can usher in a beautiful and happy era for humankind.

Marriages and families are the pots for “boiling frogs in warm water”. Everyone in it is ultimately boiled to the animal world and hell. No one who lives in them all his life can reach heaven.

If Xuefeng was just discrediting the bitter and bloody program of marriages and families without pointing to a more ideal and better direction and building a more perfect new program, then he would be a destroyer, not a builder; I would be a devil and those words of Jesus Christ could neither be proven nor disproven.

Those who are parents, please do not scold me so quickly; those who maintain marriages and families, please calm down first; children who love their parents, please do not deny me so quickly.

I have created a new program for humankind that has no marriages or families. This new program is the kingdom of the Greatest Creator. People living in this program will testify that it is thousands of times more beautiful than traditional marriages and families. If you have not lived in it deeply, then it will be impossible for you to imagine, but the facts are there and we cannot help but face the truth.

Of course, I know clearly that the traditional program is very powerful and the people who fight against this new one have great power to destroy it, but this is not my concern. My business is its construction, and if you want to destroy it, that is your business. I just use the facts to prove to mankind that what Jesus Christ said is completely correct. Jesus Christ is “the way, the truth, and the LIFE”. By following His teachings, all of humankind can enter into the kingdom of the Greatest Creator and enjoy beautiful lives for a thousand years. Not only that, but most people can enter heaven.

Believe it or not, you can choose for yourself. Those who believe it are blessed but those who do not believe it will witness the results for themselves.

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