Resurrect as Soon as Possible


November 5, 2008

The Kingdom of the Greatest Creator is near! You must resurrect quickly!

All resurrection is of the spirit, not the body. Those who have died have only lost their physical forms, not their spirits. In reality, they are still alive; the person or animal you see is them.

Now is the time for a complete resurrection. If you do not resurrect now, you will have to wait another thousand years.

How to resurrect?

Board the Dharma boat created by Buddha and reach the formless shore. Then discard the boat.

Completely format your old consciousness, reset it to zero, and instill the values of Lifechanyuan.

Signs of Resurrection:

1.Neither marrying nor being given in marriage but being like the angels in heaven.

2.Considering those who follow the way of the Greatest Creator as family, rather than defining kinship by blood relations.

3.Recognizing the world as one family; transcending nations, political parties, religions, and family ties in consciousness, and identifying oneself as a citizen of Earth and the universe.

4.Acknowledging Jesus as the President of the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator.

5.Not personally owning anything and being devoid of possessions.

6.Serving one another and being self-reliant.

7.Loving LIFE, loving nature, and not participating in the abuse of LIFE or the destruction of nature.

8.Wholeheartedly dedicating oneself to serving the Greatest Creator.

Signs of Not Yet Resurrected:

1.Continuing to marry and upholding marriage.

2.Defining kinship by blood relations.

3.Not believing in the Greatest Creator, but believing that nations, political parties, religions, or family can bring happiness.

4.Recognizing people rather than Christ Jesus.

5.Desiring to keep possessions and seek more.

6.Wanting others to serve oneself and preferring idleness.

7.Prioritizing personal interests over the care of LIFE and nature.

8.Focusing solely on oneself and matters tied to personal interests.

Those who have resurrected will smoothly enter the Kingdom of the Greatest Creator.

The sooner the resurrection, the better; the faster, the better! (But do not lose balance.)

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