What the Guide of Lifechanyuan Aims to Do in This World


November 16, 2010

First, let me clarify what I am not here to do:

1.I am not an organizational leader or manager and have no affiliation with any organization.

2.I am not a spiritual master in the context of practice or cultivation, nor am I a grand master, guru, or enlightened teacher.

3.I am not here to oppose any specific country, political party, religion, ethnic group, individual, or family.

4.I am not a savior of humanity; I am not here to rescue humankind.

5.I am not here to cure diseases or to solve anyone's personal suffering.

6.I am not here to establish a new religion.

7.I am devoid of virtue, benevolence, righteousness, and propriety. I lack kindness, sympathy, compassion, and a fighting spirit.

8.I am carefree and unrestrained, bound by no moral laws or doctrines. I act according to my nature and keep the main but change the others according to the situation. I am not a 'good person'—I do not do what good people do.

Now, let’s see what I am here to do:

1.I am here to preach the Way of the Greatest Creator.

2.I am here to "harvest the ripe crops," seeking those who have descended from the heavenly realms and the true disciples of Jesus, Shakyamuni Buddha, Laozi, and Muhammad, and to guide them with a roadmap to the heavenly realms: the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, and the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World.

3.I am here to unify all religions, beliefs, and schools of thought into a single belief system, and to align all dharma, laws, and regulations with the Greatest Creator’s will—and to establish the Lifechanyuan era for humanity.

4.I am here to cultivate superhumans and superhuman groups for humanity.

5.I am here to dismantle nations, political parties, religions, ethnicities, and family structures.

6.I am here to play through life: I engage with what is enjoyable, and I disregard what is not.

7.I come from the Thousand-year World, and my purpose on Earth is to fulfill my mission before ultimately moving on to the Celestial Islands Continent.

8.I am here to reach an agreement with “Satan” and to reveal the true identity of “Satan.”


1.If you want to confront the government, do not come to me.

2.If you aspire to be a hero, achieve grand deeds, or save humanity to gain everlasting fame, do not come to me.

3.If you need medical treatment or face poverty and hardship, do not come to me.

4.If you are troubled by pain, negativity, or pessimism, do not come to me.

5.If you lack independence and rely on others, do not come to me.

6.If you need help, frequently cry, or often blame others, do not come to me.

7.If you do not know how to have fun and play, do not come to me.

8.If you wish to educate or guide me, do not come to me.


1.If you wish to follow the Way of the Greatest Creator, come to me.

2.If you wish to go to the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, or the Celestial Islands Continent, come to me.

3.If you seek a life of joy, happiness, freedom, and fulfillment, come to me.

4.If you are positive, optimistic, and healthy, come to me.

5.If you are carefree, unrestrained, and enjoy playing through life, come to me.

6.If you can solve your own problems and have ample time and energy with no other obligations, come to me.

7.If you want to fully express your true nature without restraint, come to me.

8.If you can take responsibility for yourself, do not complain, resent, envy, hold grudges, regret, seek revenge, compare yourself to others, be lazy, greedy, extravagant, wasteful, or arrogant, and find it fun to walk with Xuefeng, then come to me.

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