The Most Beautiful Life is Here


Oct. 5, 2023

Where is the most beautiful life?

"Actions speak louder than words," let the facts speak for themselves.

Search for "The Voices of Elderly People Living in the Second Home" on YouTube, and you will find the answer: the most beautiful life is in the Second Home.

These elderly individuals have a lower level of education, have lived in rural areas for most of their lives, and are in their seventies or even eighties. However, after living in the Second Home for over four years, what realizations and experiences do they have? Their shared sentiment is: life in the Second Home is excellent. Even if they were provided with houses in their hometowns, along with caregivers, and a monthly living allowance of ten thousand yuan, they firmly state they will not return, with some even saying, "We'd rather die than go back."

For these elderly individuals, living in the Second Home is like living in paradise.

So, how does life in the Second Home affect middle-aged people, young people, teenagers, and children?

Let the facts speak once again. Please search online, especially on YouTube and Facebook, for “Chanyuan Celestials Voices” and “The Second Home.” You will find the answer: in summary, from young children to young adults in their twenties, to middle-aged people in their forties and fifties, to the elderly in their eighties and nineties, not a single person says that life in the Second Home is anything but wonderful. Everyone enjoys life in the Second Home.

This generation of humanity has existed for nearly five thousand years, and in human history, there is no better way of life than life in the Second Home. Even in the future, no superior way of life will emerge. Even if gods, Buddhas, immortals, and sages were to collaborate in creating a more advanced way of life on Earth, it would never surpass the Second Home.

People pursue happiness, freedom, and security. Have you found happiness, freedom, and security?

I can say with certainty that apart from the production and lifestyle model of the Second Home, even if you have great power, even if you have vast riches, even if you are highly educated and knowledgeable, even if you are the "returning Jesus," "Ziwei Saint," "Eastern Sage," or "the next life of Maitreya," you will find it extremely difficult to create a life that makes everyone feel happy, joyful, free, and blessed. You won't be able to achieve true happiness, freedom, and security unless you have the ability to take people to heaven.

So, I suggest to all those who want to seek happiness for all of humanity, from high-ranking United Nations officials to all religious leaders, from presidents of various countries to various masters: stop struggling and causing chaos. You won't find it or be able to do it. You should humbly learn and spread Chanyuan values and earnestly practice the production and lifestyle model of the Second Home unless you have personal ambitions and motives.

As for the wealthy and the masses, instead of thinking about how to protect your wealth and develop yourselves, it would be more practical and appropriate to become Chanyuan celestials and live in the Second Home. Rushing and toiling day in and day out, in the end, you will still live in troubles, pains, anxieties, and fears. You will never achieve a life of happiness, joy, freedom, and blessedness.

When facing the facts, respect the facts and use them as a mirror.

Last updated