The Greatest Creator has Taken Action; My Reply to a Netizen


August 18, 2021

People ask why they suffer from innumerable disasters while the Greatest Creator does nothing. The simple answer is that HE has already done a great deal.

In early April of 2009, I posted that the catastrophe of 2012 would not happen but would be replaced by a stepwise, reciprocating, and increasingly serious pattern of natural and man-made disasters. Then, on August 1 of 2017, I once again warned that “If mankind does not reevaluate their ways immediately and change their traditional modes of production and life, then not only is the entire natural ecology expected to collapse within fifteen to twenty years, but that humanity will be at risk long before then".

In order to save mankind, I compiled the "800 Values for New Era Humans" and set a new life model for people with the Chanyuan celestials of Lifechanyuan. All this is equivalent to saying that the ship of LIFE of the Greatest Creator has arrived and is calling everyone to embark quickly so that they can be kept safe, but how many have boarded this ship? I am telling you plainly that I am the messenger of the Greatest Creator and that I have come to harvest ripe crops and to create the Lifechanyuan Era for mankind, but after more than ten years of my calling out, how many people have responded? Is this not the action of the Greatest Creator? If this is not HIS action, do you want HE, HIMself to come and carry everyone to heaven? Are we worthy of HIS carrying?

When Noah built his ark on the top of Mount Ararat, most people ridiculed and mocked him and took his call as the act of a lunatic. What was the result? People still indulged in dissipation in their own ways. Eighteen years ago, I called on people through the internet to hurry up and get onboard this ship. I have been working hard, following the will of the Greatest Creator for eighteen years, but what has the result been? Not only have very few people responded, but they destroyed the kingdom of the Greatest Creator - the Second Home of Lifechanyuan - and called it “The Evil Homeland”. I ask you: has the Greatest Creator taken action? Have people listened?

You called me a big liar and accused me of deceiving and cheating people for money and sex, but have I cheated anyone out of their money or tricked anyone into having sex with me over the last eighteen years? Which of my thousands of articles is not telling the truth? Do you not believe me? Will you not listen to me? Alright then, live by “your” truth and let us wait for the result? I have warned against plagues, fires, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, hunger, extreme heat, extreme cold, social unrest, and so on. I have written more than two hundred articles in my "Warning Chapter" alone. Do you not think so, let us just wait and see! What happens next will not even leave you a chance to cry.

Do not blame the Greatest Creator for not saving you. If you want to blame someone, then blame yourself for being too foolish, too arrogant, too proud, and too ignorant not to have HIM in your heart. Do not blame the gods, buddhas, Celestial Beings, and saints for not saving you. I am coming to save you by combining the incarnations of the messenger of the Greatest Creator with all the aforementioned and my doing so is tantamount to their doing so. You refuse to listen, so why cast blame?

When cows enter cowsheds, pigs enter pigpens, the devil collects demon grandchildren, celestials go to a celestial world, they are all just returning home!

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