Notice from the Arrogant, Proud, Bossy, and Autocratic Xuefeng

Deiform Buddha

September 21, 2020

I have made a lot of friends on the web recently. To avoid consuming too much of each other’s time and energy, I am hereby announcing the following:

I am Deiform Buddha. There are only two ways to react when you meet me: You can either follow me step by step, or if you think that you are wiser, you can follow the way that you think is right, and there will be no need to get acquainted with and make friends with me. I like dictatorships. You either surrender to me or follow your own path because I will never cooperate with or discuss nonsense with any of you. I believe that anyone who thinks that their cognitive abilities exceed those of Xuefeng and wants to direct him is ignorant.

For thousands of years, apart from Jesus Christ, Buddha Shakyamuni, celestial Laozi, and prophet Muhammad (PPUH), no one in this world’s cognitive ability has surpassed mine - Deiform Buddha (Xuefeng). Many of today’s masters are only worthy of carrying my shoes. People like Osho, Krishnamurti, and Neil Donal Walsh (author of “Dialogue with God”) are probably worthy of serving my tea. I despise people who call themselves “Heavenly Masters” on the internet even if they offer to wipe my ass.

To my eyes, people are very different and I can see them as clearly as they see pigs; I can distinguish who is fat from who is thin at a glance. In recent years, many “enlightened masters and superiors” have come and gone like mushrooms after rainfalls. They “teach scriptures” everywhere. To tell you the truth, they are like farts in my nose. They are ignorant of time and space, know nothing about the essence of LIFE, are mysterious and spooky all day, deceive the public, fool the people, and kill for money. Due to their limited cranial capacity, they think that they are “masters of Taoism” because they bamboozled a few fools. Some have even posed in front of me. It was so shameless because they never understood the immensity of heaven and earth. Shameless as they are, they might as well have hit a blank wall.

Some want me to “accept everyone”. Bullshit! I am not a trash can; why should I accept everyone? Some want me to “unite all those who can be united”. Bullshit! I am not a politician, so why should I want to unite so many people; to seek power, usurp the throne and become president? Do you think that Xuefeng wants to become president? Do you think that a deer wants to be a “pig leader” to reign over a group of pigs in a pigpen?

Someone suggested that I learn from the spirit of the sea, asking, “How did the great rivers and seas become the Lords of the ravines - by being good at keeping low”. Nonsense! I am the snow-covered peak who saw Mount Everest “Being good at keeping low”? What about “being good at keeping high”? Many people have never even stepped out of their country yet they ridicule foreigners' messages all day. They are like pigs in pigsties mocking lions and tigers outside; extremely foolish! Chinese people have generally received neither the knowledge of the Greatest Creator nor that of being human, but they are daring to educate and guide others brazenly. They are benighted, ignorant bastards who pretend to be saints worthy of teaching others, but they are nothing but thick skins.

People generally lack education and politeness, let alone other aspects. They add me on social media, but never “like” my posted contents. Are they educated and polite? Giving likes is not for the content, but just good etiquette to show respect for others and their good upbringing and self-cultivation. When they cannot even give likes, then they are lazier than pigs; what else can they do? Since they cannot give likes, why do they add me to their contacts? If they do not give likes but add many names to their contacts, then how are they different from thieves?

Why are those who post advertisements with small images everywhere so idle? Either they are bored or they have no brains, but they have to understand that when they share piles of rubbish, it is a deprivation of other people’s time and energy, disrespect for others, and a rape of other people’s consciousnesses, so I have quit most of these groups. Many groups do not even share central themes, but are just big garbage dumps.

For the laboring masses, for the hardworking and plain, honest people, there is only one bright way out, that is Xuefeng-style communism. All other roads are dead ends that lead to misery and abysses. Do not engage in those spiritual practices all day long, or those enlightenments, or in loving yourself, or upholding dharma, or being open to medians, or untying some made up "seal"! Those are all tricks of self-deception designed to deceive honest people. On the other hand, if you feel happy and like having fun, just follow your innermost driving force!

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