My Final Warning

Deiform Buddha

September, 2021

I have been preaching to the world for eighteen years and have told everyone what to expect and which path they should follow. It is none of my business whether or not you should listen or follow, that is only yours, but as you face difficulties or even death, you cannot blame gods, Buddha, celestials, saints, or especially the Greatest Creator because the road has been shown to you and you can only blame yourself if you do not choose to follow it. The Great Purification is about to begin, so I will give you some warnings now and I hope that they will protect you from disasters:

  1. Do not try to escape from predicaments and death because there is nowhere to hide; just light up the sacred lamp in your heart, let the Greatest Creator enter your heart, and pray that the Greatest Creator will ease your pain and keep you safe.

  2. Abandon everything, only embrace the Greatest Creator and allow HIM to flow into your blood, shine in your hair, give orders through your consciousness, and guide you when you are confused.

  3. Do not spend more time and energy on reading books with words; read the books without words. Everything and all phenomena are the wors of the Greatest Creator. Changing phenomena show the Greatest Creator announcing HIS will and warnings to you, so please read HIS books; they have no words in them, only images and phenomena.

  4. When deserts flood, tropical lands have snow, cold lands are hot, and black swans arrive in incredible places, you should be aware that the great purification has begun and is underway.

  5. When the meteorite that will destroy mankind is spotted and something that you have never seen before appears in the sky, you should understand that the earth has guardian angels and managers who will have exhausted their endurance for humankind’s destruction of nature; their patience will have reached its limit, and they will be ready to act against humanity's evil.

  6. Stop worshiping gods, buddha, celestial beings, saints, and great human leaders, and worship nature! Worship the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, and its mountains, rivers, insects, grass, and trees; worship all natural things because you will then be worshiping the Greatest Creator.

  7. Stop striving for money and material wealth because neither of them will save you. Even if you have hundreds of millions of dollars of assets and even if you hide in the safest place, pox will appear spontaneously all over your body, both inside and out, and you will die from unbearable itching.

  8. Do not follow and defend power because it is the source of lies and falsehoods; if you follow it, you will be with the devil and end miserably.

  9. Do not look for a savior; do not be deceived by people with apparently great supernatural powers because they are only illusions of the truth.

  10. Do not believe and follow any masters, angels, Christ, Buddha, immortals, or other similar figures who claim to be able to save you; they are clay bodhisattvas crossing the river-people who cannot protect themselves; following them will drop you into a pit and you will lose your chance of being saved.

  11. Do not listen to the myths of psychics; you do not know with what spirits they communicate and that is the same as gambling.

  12. No secretive talking is good and all sneaky things are shit, so be careful.

  13. Do not follow the masses; that is the road to confusion and enslavement.

  14. When all you see is death, you will suffer from extreme fear, so find three to five confidants in advance with whom to live and eat together and to help each other get through the sea of ​​fear.

  15. Even when your hunger becomes intolerable and you are in extreme distress, neither steal nor rob, let alone harm other LIVES, but maintain the purity of your soul and the light of your LIFE.

  16. Desperate trumpets will sound from all directions; it is only by lighting the sacred lamp within your heart and by firmly believing in the Greatest Creator, cause and effect, and that you are walking on HIS way that you will be able to climb through your quagmire of despair.

In the past, people could be saved and delivered from torment by showing kindness, compassion, and love; but now, those three attributes can no longer save them, so the program to save nature has started, including those people who should be saved.

Let the dead take care of the dead as you look up to the pure land. Do not stop your marching feet before you reach the pure land; if you die, you must die on your way to the pure land.

Last updated