Eighteen Values that Chinese People Need to Understand Urgently


August 18, 2021

I am watching China heading toward purgatory, so I am warning everyone of their urgent need to understand the following eighteen truths. With your understanding, there may be some room for reversal; otherwise, there will only be wailing and regrets.

  1. It is not that U.S. imperialists want us to die, but that the west never gives up its hope of helping us.

  2. It is not that mainland China should liberate Taiwan, but that we should hope for Taiwan to liberate the mainland.

  3. Mao Zedong’s thoughts will bring no happiness to the Chinese people, but only poverty and disasters.

  4. Our government is unreliable; the more you rely on it, the more you will suffer.

  5. Chinese government officials at all levels are failing to serve the people, but rather are oppressing and exploiting them.

  6. Programs are more reliable than moral preaching; we need more program construction and less moral preaching.

  7. Confucian culture is the root cause of China’s inability to produce Nobel Prize winners.

  8. Xuefeng-style communism is the only way for the Chinese nation to achieve happiness.

  9. Confrontation with the United States is the path to death.

  10. Uniting a centralized country by marriage is the same as prostitution.

  11. The stronger the control becomes, the more cunning the people will become.

  12. Most common people’s crimes are forced upon them by officials; therefore, the common people are not guilty, but the officials are.

  13. All those who praise the heads of government and the ruling party are bastards.

  14. A government that does not allow freedom of speech should and must be abandoned; why would anyone want or need such a government?

  15. There is no need for power, but there is for bread and freedom.

  16. A. There is no need for a country, but to live and work in peace and contentment. B. Where there is freedom, there is the best place for peaceful lives. C. Without freedom, you cannot live in peace, so for what do you want or need an unfree country?

  17. Small amounts of chicken soup for the soul and religious preaching are supplements, but large amounts of them are toxic and can poison people's minds.

  18. Those who are oppressed, bullied, and exploited, but do not resist, are tantamount to pigs or dogs; therefore, they will only fight back when they are driven beyond the limits of their endurance.

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