The Meaning of Joy, Happiness, Freedom and Blessing

Xue Feng

Dec. 1, 2009

The Greatest Creator has created man so that man can enjoy the joy, happiness, freedom and blessing of life.

Man is conforming to the will of the Greatest Creator and is following the way of the Greatest Creator if he enjoys the joy, happiness, freedom and blessing of life and is thus thankful to the Greatest Creator for this.

The main value and significance of life is the pursuit of joy, happiness, freedom and blessing, the full enjoyment of joy, happiness, freedom and blessing on the journey of life, and consequently the love for life, for LIFE, for nature, and the gratitude for others, and the cultivation of the morality of man.

The meaning of joy is: a happy, pleasant, refreshing, and bright mood, without worry about trifles, without gloominess, anxiety, and fear, and a feeling as if the budding of flowers in the warmth of spring, the murmuring of limpid stream, the pleasantly warm sunshine, and the twittering of flying birds.

The meaning of happiness: a feeling of satisfaction, pleasantness, comfort, and sweetness, without trouble, suffering, complaint, and hatred, as if one is among the riot of flowers, where the butterflies are flying around, the dragons and phoenixes are presenting auspiciousness, and the two sexes are in great harmony.

The meaning of freedom: a state in which one is free from any bondage, obstacle, fear, birth and death, honor and disgrace, fame and gain, worry, debt, and enmity, and in which one is unrestrained and follow the predestined relations.

The meaning of blessing: a state in which one feels serenity, auspiciousness, elegance, and contentment, in which one is not disturbed by noise and overworked by official correspondence, and in which one is not worried about livelihood and future, and in which one reaches all thing with consciousness and masters everything with wisdom.

The effective way for the attainment of joy: open your mind, without any reservation and cheating, to the Greatest Creator, god, Buddha, relatives, friends and the society.

The effective way for the attainment of happiness: content with your own lot, unselfish, free of ego, impartial, and diligent.

The effective way for the attainment of freedom: reverence and esteem for the Greatest Creator, god, and Buddhas, adherence to laws and regulations, and free of debts.

The effective way for the attainment of blessing: unconditional giving and unselfish devotion.

Having understood the meanings of joy, happiness, freedom and blessing and mastered the effective way for the attainment of joy, happiness, freedom and blessing, you will most surely have a joyful, happy, free and blessed life if you persevere and persist.

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