The Battle of the Soul


Dec 26, 2018

The conflict of consciousness between two diametrically opposed viewpoints within one person is the battle of the soul.

"Should I commit suicide?" "Should I go to see him?" "Should I resist?" "Should I get a divorce?" "Should I resign?" "Should I change my job?" “Should I cooperate with him?" "Is he reliable?" "What if I get fooled?" "Should I borrow money to buy a car?" "Should I contact her?" "Should I join the organization?" "Should I be a vegetarian?" "Should I run away from home?" "Should I believe him?" and so on. Such questions always contradict, interweave and cause conflict in our hearts. This is the battle of the soul. The battle of the soul is a battle within oneself. Many times, the battle of the soul is simply a cruel battle of life and death. From the outside, one can seem calm and peaceful, but inside his world is miserable. It is calm on the surface, but the fighting is fierce in one’s heart; superficially, it is a prevailing mood of harmony, but there is anger burning in one’s heart; on the surface, one is glamorous, but one’s heart is bleeding. Two diametrically opposed values are fighting desperately in one’s consciousness, and only when one side defeats the other, can one win a short period of inner peace, relieve mental stress, and breathe a breath of fresh air. If the two values are evenly matched, one will either commit suicide, or become dispirited and haggard or even sick.

The battle of the soul is essentially a battle of values. Values are a tradeoff, a choice, when encountering issues, such as the eating of meat. Should one eat meat? Some people think that we should not eat meat while others think we should. This is the result of a choice between two different values. When a person cannot decide whether to eat or not to eat meat, the battle of the soul begins, and his heart becomes full of contradictions and pain. We can use the conflicts between husbands and wives to analyze the battle of the soul. If either side of the husband-and-wife cheats, there is going to be a battle of the soul going on inside the other person. For example, a wife has an emotional and sexual relationship with a man other than her husband. Once the husband finds out, what will he do? Kill her? Divorce her? Beat her up? Stop talking to her? Swallow the bitter pill in silence and endure it? Tolerate it? Be happy? Encourage it? How to decide, how to choose, all depends on values. If you stick to the traditional concept, it will definitely lead to a scene of putting the cat among the pigeons and a sorrowful separation. If you feel that it doesn’t matter, you can continue the husband-and-wife relationship, allowing human nature to overflow naturally. If you feel that your wife having an affair just created an excuse and reason for you to have an affair, you will secretly rejoice. But when we don’t know how to choose, the battle of the soul begins. Our hearts will become full of pain and contradictions, it is like a confusion in our hearts, a fishbone stuck in the throat, being overcast with haze, a cold wind blowing, being full of doubts and having many feelings scratching at the heart.

The battle of the soul is being staged every moment. A million people die by suicide every year in the world. A person who commits suicide has lost the battle of the soul. It is estimated that the number of people who attempt suicide is much higher, which shows the severity of the battle of the soul. Everyone, if their minds are normal, can't escape the battlefield of the battle of the soul. They fight with themselves almost every day, only the severity of the tragedy differs.

The battle of the soul is a battle of faith, a battle of values, a battle of the outlook on life, a battle of the outlook on LIFE, and a battle of world views. Just like the Sino-US trade war, from its appearance it is a war caused by the imbalance of trade, but in essence it is a war between two different systems, and the core of the systems lies in the difference in values. Therefore, the core of the Sino-US trade war is a battle of values, so the core of all wars is a battle of souls.

Where the values are the same, there will be no battle of souls, where there is no battle of souls, there will be no contradictions and conflicts, let alone wars. The "war" I am talking about here is not only limited to the battle between two armies. Where there are conflicts and fighting between two sides, there are "wars". The conflict within oneself is a kind of "war", and the quarrel between husband and wife is also a kind of “war”. The phenomenon of vying with each other, cheating, and intriguing against each other in officialdom, business, love, gambling and many other fields is actually "war" after “war”.

There is no battle of the soul in heaven. If you want to eliminate the battle of the soul, you can only do it by entering heaven.

There is no battle of the soul in the heart of Buddha and of Celestial Beings. If you want to eliminate the battle of the soul, you can only do it by becoming a Buddha or Celestial Being.

Before becoming a Buddha or Celestial Being, or entering heaven, one needs to find the pure land of the soul.

Where is the pure land of the soul? It is not in money, power, fame, profit, sex, in marriage, family, political parties, religion, and country. It is in the new mode of production and life created by Lifechanyuan. If you want to do this by pursuing and owning more money, more real estate, a higher reputation, greater power, and better-looking people, not only will you not be able to eliminate the battle of the soul, but it will aggravate the tragic situation of it. If you want to achieve the goal of eradicating the battle of the soul by strengthening your organization, your country, your political party, and the religion you belong to, the result will be exactly the opposite. If you want to eliminate the battle of the soul by making connections through extensive relationships, and by getting married and having children, the result is equal to quenching your thirst with a poison.

I hope that everyone can find their own pure land of the soul, and that they do not get stuck in the mud of the battle of the soul and feel exhausted physically and mentally.

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