Frequently Expose Yourself to the Sun
November 19, 2010
Many objects, if kept away from sunlight for too long, will rot, mold, stink, or deteriorate. Sunlight dispels evil, kills germs, detoxifies, boosts energy, and strengthens the body. Regularly exposing objects to sunlight keeps them fresh, clean, and prolongs their lifespan.
Human thoughts are like objects. If hidden for too long without exposure, they become filthy, corrupt, tainted, and gradually deviant. The public is like the sun—capable of restraining erroneous thoughts and making them difficult to conceal. By regularly sharing your thoughts openly with others, you ensure that your thinking remains upright, pure, bright, and healthy.
Thoughts, in essence, are what we contemplate, ponder, worry about, and dwell on. We must have the courage to expose these thoughts to public scrutiny, allowing others to examine, evaluate, and correct them. By doing so, we can maintain clear and proper thinking. If we shy away from sharing our thoughts, they can easily lead us to incorrect actions, disrupt our lives, and, in severe cases, take us down a path of evil.
A bright, open, and honest life is a life lived in the sunlight. A life in the sunlight knows no darkness or filth. Someone who frequently has the courage to reveal their thoughts and worries publicly—even if those thoughts are wrong, absurd, laughable, or ridiculous—is nevertheless lovable, respectable, bright, and simple and honest.
Thus, regardless of what we think, feel, or worry about, it is crucial to regularly expose these to the light of day. This practice is essential for refining and elevating our character.
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