Those Who Do Not Understand Love Cannot Feel the Love of Others
March 19, 2011
What is the most brilliant, beautiful, sacred, solemn, captivating, mesmerizing, pure, pristine, perfect, soul-stirring thing in the universe—something that makes one willing to endure any hardship, face any suffering, and even give their life for it? The answer is: love.
The Greatest Creator Himself is love! This means that the more love a life embodies, the closer it is to the Greatest Creator, the more aligned it is with Him, and the more it resembles Him. Those who attain the highest state of love are sublimated into Super Celestial Beings, and this is the principle behind it.
What is love? Love can only be intuitively understood; it is difficult to express in words. If we must define it, love is a selfless devotion without any conditions.
Sacrificing oneself is not love. Love does not involve sacrifice; it is only filled with profound joy and bliss. If someone feels they have sacrificed something for others in the name of love, they are gravely mistaken. Such an attitude desecrates and insults the sacredness of love.
Today, I realized that when people commonly talk about “love,” they often misunderstand its true essence and misuse the term. What they mean is not love but “liking.” For example, when someone says, “I love you,” what they often mean is, “I like you.”
A person whose soul garden is untended, filled with weeds, cannot truly understand love. If someone harbors jealousy, comparisons, resentment, anger, selfishness, arrogance, possessiveness, controlling tendencies, greed, or other weeds of the heart, they will never taste the essence of love.
What is the essence of love?
To use an extreme metaphor, it’s like the object of your love plunging a knife into your heart, and you find it so wonderful, so comforting, so soul-stirring that you say, “Oh God! Thank You for this greatest blessing!”
Does this sound like a case of sadism and masochism?
No! Absolutely not! Because the knife is wielded by the object of your love, not by anyone else. Only you can experience and comprehend this deeply.
Love is not something to be spoken lightly or casually. Once spoken, it becomes a promise. If that promise is not upheld, it becomes a heavy burden and a debt.
Love should be shared with those who understand love. Speaking of love to someone who does not understand it is futile; it’s like trying to discuss emotions with a cow.
If you are going to love, love those who understand love. For those who do not, no matter how deeply you love them, they will not be able to experience or feel it. It’s like feeding grass to cows, sheep, or horses, or feeding meat to lions, tigers, or leopards, or feeding soil to earthworms. Cows, sheep, and horses will not eat meat; lions, tigers, and leopards will not eat grass.
When your love is not understood by others, do not be angry. Understand that the one you love still needs to go through a process of perfection.
The fewer the weeds in a person’s soul garden, the more they can understand love.
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