Thank You, the Children of the Greatest Creator


April 22, 2014

Lifechanyuan has been enduring a period of suffering since November, 2013. The three community branches created by Lifechanyuan were disbanded, properties worth twenty-six million Yuan were taken, and 150 people were forced to leave the home. Lifechanyuan suddenly fell from heaven to the earth and it became so weak financially that people are facing tremendous survival challenges. Where is the home for these people and how should we support ourselves? The huge pressure on me affected my breathing, I lost sleep for many nights, my eyes became weak, and my vision became blurred.

But we should survive and we must survive! We migrated to a place several thousand kilometers away and came to the Gobi Desert. We drink the bitter and carcinogenic, saline - alkali water, we live in a few run-down houses and we began another round of hard times. We managed to survive, but to remain as civilized people while living in such primitive conditions, we still have many challenges. Each step forward needs money, and in reality, everything seems to us so direct and cruel. Even now, I cannot sleep well and there are many nights when I only sleep three or four hours. There are so many chores waiting for me to sort through and deal with, how can I manage to sleep?

The constitution and laws only maintain slavery, they do not protect human dignity. The society’s morality tends to maintain the brutal, ignorant, and backward consciousness and lifestyle, not the innovative and civilized ones. It is only when human beings experience huge survival crises that they will start to accept new-born ideas and things. Otherwise, the laziness and historical habits will stop them from making great progress and evolution.

Although many challenges lie ahead, my heart is full of gratitude. Gratitude to the Greatest Creator for letting us survive, and gratitude to the children of the Greatest Creator, the Chanyuan celestials, for the selflessness and active efforts they have all given and are continuing to give. Also, gratitude to all the people who comforted and helped us in every possible way during our hardest times.

In the past half year, Chanyuan celestials’ best qualities have been put into full play. Faced with life or death, nobody complained of hardships or backed off. Nobody shouted at me or did reasonless or extreme things. Everyone accepted what happened silently. What we said and did are civilized, our soul gardens are becoming purer and more beautiful. Everything is running in good order. Because of this, our new life erupts.

We still have a long way to go to reach the ideal realm. We will still encounter many kinds of challenges. However, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles we encounter, I hope the children of the Greatest Creator will always be civilized and maintain good behaviour, never hurt Mother Nature, any living beings, society, or any nations. Please keep the purification of your soul garden as the first priority. Do not be selfish, jealous, greedy, arrogant, possessive, or fearful. Let nature take its course. Keep the inner peace and firmly believe in the Greatest Creator and in Karma. Try your best with everything in your daily life and stand to the original intention. Let us continue to climb to the highest states of Life and LIFE!

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