Make a Home for Our Souls


Nov. 26, 2005

Are you restless? Are you sad? Are you anxious? Are you at a loss? Are you lonely? Are you solitary?

If not, good, it means that your soul has a reliable home.

If so, that's troublesome because it proves that your soul has no home, and you are like a wandering ghost, aimlessly wandering around.

Those who trust in Jesus are saved because they have a home for their soul; those who trust in Shakyamuni are saved because they also have a home.

The difference between having a home and not having a home is significant. Those with a home live calmly, naturally, serenely, and happily; those without a home live miserably, aimlessly, confusedly, and blankly.

The outcome of having a home and not having a home is also different. Those with a home have someone to trust, a guide, and a destination. No matter what happens, they will reach their destination. Those without a home have no one to rely on, always blindly rushing around without a goal. When something happens, they become anxious, crazy, helpless, and struggle confusedly. In the end, due to the lack of someone to look after, protect, and guide them, they can only report to the King of Hell in the end.

Friend, do you have a home? Where is your home?

No! No! No! The home I am referring to is the home of the heart, or the home of the soul. Your secular home is just a place for your body to rest for the time being, which is temporary. It's a stage on your journey, or a temporary hotel on your journey. The home of the soul is your destination, a place that is not subject to time and space, and the most ideal and beautiful place you have been searching for for over tens of thousands of years.

LIFE is infinite, but life is limited, and a moment is a hundred years. It's time to find a home.

Where is the home of the soul?

Friend, if you know Jesus, then trust him with all your heart, follow him closely, and do everything according to his words because Jesus is a home of the soul. If you know Shakyamuni, then practice, recite, and explain the Diamond Sutra to others because the Diamond Sutra is a home of the soul. If you are not familiar with Jesus or Shakyamuni, do you know Xuefeng? Xuefeng founded Lifechanyuan, and Lifechanyuan is a home of the soul. Xuefeng himself is not a home; he is the tour guide of Lifechanyuan, surrounded by a group of angels who guide you to the paradise of the Greatest Creator.

If you don't believe in any of these, then what do you really believe?

Believe in science? My friend, science is just a tool to understand nature, and tools cannot be a home.

Believe in philosophy? My friend, philosophy is just a way of thinking, and a way of thinking cannot be a home.

Believe in money, power, and status? My friend, can money, power, and status be considered a home?

Believe in communism? My friend, communism is just a theory, and a theory cannot be a home.

Believe in ancestors, parents, and teachers? Hey, aren't ancestors, parents, and teachers just like you? Where are they?

Believe in Lao Tzu? Let me tell you, he didn't make the truth clear, and he doesn't want to. He rode a black ox and left the Hangu Pass. Where can you find him?

Believe in gods? Okay! But which god do you believe in? If you worshiped the wrong god, you may never recover.

Believe in Buddha? Okay! The problem is, where is Buddha? What is Buddha? Don't confuse him with the "clay Buddha crossing a stream---hardly able to save itself " kind of Buddha!

Believe in the Tao? Great! You have found the home. But do you know what the Tao is? Can you understand the meaning of the Tao without guidance? Don't rush, a tiny mistake can lead to serious consequences.

Believe in yourself? Oh, my friend, who are you? Once you figure out who you are, you can find the home. Don't say "I am my father's son; I am my son's father" – that's meaningless.

My friend, it's better to find a home early, let your wandering soul settle down, and give your spirit a place to go.

You don't listen? Then wander around! But let me tell you, when the time comes, you will be homeless.

Last updated