Heaven is in the Palm of Our Hands


Heaven is not unattainable; it rests within our grasp.

If we live in worry, pain, anxiety, sorrow, and fear, then we are living in hell. Conversely, a life filled with happiness, joy, freedom, bliss, and contentment is like living in heaven.

Why choose to live in hell when heaven is an option?

Some might argue, “I don’t wish to live in hell, but heaven seems far beyond reach.”

Let me guide you down the path to heaven. Give it a try and see if it holds true. If it doesn’t, feel free to call me a charlatan. But if it does, then perhaps you’ll find me to be a truthful soul.

Chasing wealth, power, fame, profit, and desire will lead you towards hell. Yearning for possession, hoarding resources, and seeking control over others will also steer you in the same direction.

If you aspire to glorify your ancestors, be envied as a superior being, climb the social ladder, or achieve immortality, you are on the path to hell.

Constantly believing you are right and others are wrong, grumbling incessantly, and finding fault with everything around you is a one-way ticket to hell.

If you perch on the moral high ground, preaching goodness while failing to practice it yourself, or worse, living a double life, you are bound for hell.

In a nutshell, as long as you are selfish and stubborn, I assure you that you are heading towards hell. In fact, you are living in hell right now.

So, how does one reside in heaven? The answer is simple: embrace selflessness and let go of ego, and you will find yourself in heaven at every moment.

Is there proof? Indeed, there is. Ask those who dwell in the Second Home established by Lifechanyuan, known as the Chanyuan Celestials. Most will affirm they live in heaven.

Live in heaven now, and after a lifetime, you will find your place in heaven; live in hell now, and you will descend into hell thereafter. This is called biological inheritance, also called LIFE inheritance.

See, isn’t heaven right in the palm of our hands?

Our future lies squarely in our own hands.

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