Give and Devote Unconditionally


Feb 21, 2017

The devotion that comes from selfless alms giving is not done to attain any material object or purpose. When it is because there is no object and purpose to this devotion, the merit of formless alms giving is the greatest form of devotion, which to some can be inconceivable.

There are various forms of devotion. Anyone who selflessly gives away one's material, spiritual, and soul wealth shows devotion.

Devotion without a purpose is impossible for ordinary people. The devotion of the world has a utilitarian purpose. After giving, people have a kind of expectation, expecting to achieve one's own goal, expecting to realize one's own ideal. The devotion of those with the Mahayana wish is not purposeful. They just give, and never expect to get anything in return or achieve any goal.

Devotion for a purpose is because you don’t understand the way of the Greatest Creator. The way of the Greatest Creator is just and fair. If you don’t believe in the Greatest Creator and the fairness of the way of the Greatest Creator, you will not be able to be devoted without some purpose.

Only by being selfless can you reach your goal, and only by being selfless can you accomplish this yourself. The more selfless you are, the more you can enjoy everything. The more selfless you are, the more you can experience happiness and freedom. If you are truly unselfish and selfless, you are a Celestial Being or Buddha, or even a god.

The sum of the positive and negative energies of the universe is zero. The more you give, the more you will receive and enjoy. As long as you give, your receiving won’t go away, you will definitely receive. If it weren’t like this, the universe would have disappeared long ago.

To obtain the blessings of the kingdom of heaven, we must give all our life. If we want to get the blessings of the kingdom of heaven by just giving a little, it definitely won’t do. We need to give ourselves completely. Don't expect to get anything or achieve any goal, just pay, and give, and leave the rest to the management of Tao, if you believe that Tao is fair.

In reality, we are often confused by a phenomenon, that is, many people seem to have paid but did not get anything in return, so they feel that the Tao is unreliable. Since the Tao is unreliable, they use human ingenuity, dexterity, and cleverness, which is the cognition of the mortal eye. If you have the Dharma Eye and the Buddha Eye, you will see that once you have devoted yourself, you will get a corresponding gain. If you pay by money, you may not get money, you may get health and safety or your bad causal trajectory might be changed, you may get your wealth stored in heaven, which you will enjoy in heaven after your death, and so on.

We should give and make devotion without considering what others will do. You give yours and others give theirs. Don’t hope to get compliments or rewards from others. The troubles and pains of the world come from always expecting and demanding from others. Once their goal is not achieved, they will be angry, complain, resent, explode with rage, doubt, blame themselves, and regret, so on and so on, how could they climb to the pinnacle of life and LIFE?

I love you, whether you love me or not. To love is my business, not to love is your business. If I build a Xanadu is my business, if you have a powerful force to demolish it, it is your business. I do not dispute, argue, or confront. You do your business, I mind mine. I have no complaints, no regrets, no hate, and no pity for what I have done. I have devoted my whole life, but if my life is still difficult and suffering hardships or even poverty stricken, I still have no complaints, no regrets, no hate, no pity, because I firmly believe in the Greatest Creator, the just arrangement of Tao. No matter what Tao arranges, I will willingly accept it.

Whether I can receive or not, it is not something I should worry about. It’s the business of Tao’s arrangement and management. What I need to alert myself to is, have I made devotion unselfishly? If I have no material wealth, have I devoted my spiritual wealth? If I have no spiritual wealth, have I contributed soul wealth? If I don't give anything, how can I have a better tomorrow and future?

I am an honest person, I don’t have deep wisdom, profound knowledge, and impressive skills. I don’t have a backer that can make me rise to the top, I only have a one-track mind, which is my firm belief that the Greatest Creator is perceptive of the slightest; the Tao has a fair arrangement for everything; and that selfless devotion will lead to a glorious tomorrow and future.

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