Exploring the Source of Happiness


Dec. 16, 2021

Everyone longs to live a happy life, desiring happiness in life. So, how exactly can one attain happiness?

Happiness requires the following eight conditions:

1. Having the ability to contribute and serve others without expecting anything in return.

2. Living without pressure, free from ridicule, belittlement, insult, or attack from others.

3. Seeing labor and creation as the primary elements of life and enjoying working and creating.

4. Having someone who cares and loves oneself, having someone you deeply cherish in your heart, and having an admired figure.

5. Having faith in the Greatest Creator, also known as the ancestor of Buddha, so that even under the most difficult circumstances in life, one can still hold onto hope and feel happiness. Otherwise, once struck by adversity, happiness will vanish without a trace.

6. Possessing abundant soul and spiritual wealth, and loving nature.

7. Regardless of one's situation, never comparing oneself to others, never envying others, and never resenting others.

8. Having a heart of gratitude, contentment, non-greed, and having never harmed any life or nature.

Regardless of who it is, once they possess the above eight conditions, they will surely experience deep content and happiness.

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