EQ (emotional quotient); IQ (intelligence quotient); SQ (spiritual quotient)


May 20, 2018, at Lac La Hache Lake, BC, Canada

People have three quotients, namely, emotional quotient (EQ), intelligence quotient (IQ), and spiritual quotient (SQ).

EQ refers to a person's ability to control his emotions and deal with the relationships that he has with others, society, and nature, as well as having the courage and boldness to overcome difficulties.

IQ refers to a person's ability to analyze, judge, and summarize the essence of a phenomenon, and then use this information to solve a problem.

SQ refers to a person's comprehension by intuition and ability to respond to various information stimuli, and his sensitivity to perception, to enlightenment, and the epiphany of a certain phenomenon.

If a person can maintain a good relationship with people around him with few exceptions, that proves that a person has a high EQ. If he can get along with anyone and have a close relationship with them, the EQ of this person is the highest. Also, if one is not afraid when facing difficulties and crises and still has the courage to maintain a good mental state, this person must have a high EQ. On the contrary, if one cannot handle interpersonal relationships well, and is always out of place with people around him and feels discouraged and depressed when he encounters setbacks and blows, it proves that the person’s EQ is very low.

If a person’s heart is very calm and his life is in order, when in the face of difficulties and dangers in life, he can maintain a good attitude, hold on to his beliefs, and actively seek ways and means to solve problems, that proves that he has a high IQ. If a person can't distinguish between priorities in life and his life is messy and disorganized, that proves that his ability to analyze, judge, and summarize things and phenomena is low. And if he is helpless in the face of difficulties and complains about others, there is no doubt that this person's IQ is very low.

If a person is agile and lively, is good at understanding truth from all the phenomena encountered, discovering another level of a realm, and can quickly adjust his mentality, state, and direction, it proves that this person has a high SQ. Conversely, if a person is arrogant, obsessed with his own opinions, and always believes that he is correct, there is no doubt that the person's SQ is very low.

How can we improve our EQ, IQ, and SQ?

The way to improve one's EQ is to turn to love and let everything and everyone in the world become the object of your love.

The way to improve one's IQ is to listen and learn, to listen to the teachings of the sages, listen to the sounds of nature. To study, expand your own thinking horizon to the greatest extent, and not to limit your consciousness to a certain field inflexibly.

The way to improve one's SQ is to cultivate faith and religious sentiments. Remember, without faith, there won’t be a high spiritual quotient.

A simple way to test your EQ, IQ, and SQ.

EQ: If you have good relationships with people you know, your EQ is high; if you have many conflicts with people you know, your EQ is low.

IQ: If you feel that life is full of joy, your IQ is high; if you feel that life is full of troubles and pain, your IQ is low.

SQ: If you believe that you don’t need knowledge, your SQ is high; if you think of yourself as capable and intelligent, you have low SQ.

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