Do Not Seek Fairness, But Seek Peace of Mind


Oct. 19, 2021

The way of nature is just and fair, only with the eyes of Dharma opened can one see clearly, there is no place that is not fair, no time that is not just, the retribution of cause and effect is not wrong by a hair’s breadth, the sum of positive and negative energy is zero, as sure as nails hammered into a board.

Everywhere people see is unfair. Facing cats, it is unfair to mice; facing lions, tigers, leopards, and wolves, it is unfair to antelopes, buffalo, sheep, and deer; facing birds, it is unfair to insects; facing people, it is unfair to animals and plants; facing the gods, buddhas, and celestial beings of heaven, it is unfair to people; even between people, some are handsome, some have a wretched appearance, some are beautiful and sexy, some make people unwilling to take a second look, some are born into luxury, some struggle all their lives but still cannot live without worries about food and clothing even in their old age, some are intelligent, some are dull, as long as we compare, we will find that the world is unfair everywhere.

Since reality is like this, then let's not pursue fairness. Once pursuing fairness, one will have trouble sleeping and eating, one's life will be spent in worries, pain, anger, resentment, jealousy, and hatred, without happiness, joy, freedom, or bliss, and will be far from heaven.

Being able to be born as a human, one should be grateful to the divine. If one can be born with normal facial features and physiology, it is already a great blessing. If one can live a life without major disasters, diseases, or troubles, it's already like burning high-quality incense, and ancestors' graves emitting green smoke. If one can live a life where one can eat full meals and live in a hut sheltered from the wind and rain is also considered a great blessing. If one can have no worries about food and clothing and can sit down with three or five close friends and relatives to chat over drinks and discuss the sun, moon, stars, seasons, and the changing times, it's comparable to the life of a little deity. Life is like this, what else is there to seek? Why suffer from joy and sorrow? Why pursue fairness?

"Comparing oneself with others will only lead to frustration." "Being frustrated" can't be blamed on others, only on oneself, why do you need to compare yourself with others?

Article 102 of the "800 Values for the New Era Humans" states, "A mind of comparison is a mind of wickedness. " Why is the mind of comparison considered wicked? Observing the vast majority of ugly phenomena in human society, most of them are the result of people comparing themselves with others. When one’s neighbor buys a small car, the one without a car starts to feel uneasy, starts to think about how to buy a better car than their neighbor. When the Zhang family in the countryside buys a house in the city, the nearby Li family can no longer sleep, and must also buy a house in the city to feel at ease. Isn't this suffering for nothing?

If you are 1.7 meters tall, why envy someone who is 1.8 meters tall?

If your family is healthy and safe, why envy someone who has a bustling scene in front of their house?

If you have an acre of land to cultivate, why envy someone who has thousands of acres of fertile land?

If you have three or five close friends to "drink and talk about mulberry and hemp" with, why envy others' high-sounding speeches on the public stage?

"Contentment brings no disgrace, moderation brings no peril, and one can endure for a long time." "There is no greater sin than desire, and no greater calamity than discontent." Discontentment arises from comparison. If people do not compare with each other, the world will be prosperous.

Feeling unfairness is the result of comparison. Pursuing fairness is folly.

If someone else has youthful pimps and you don't, do you feel disadvantaged?

If your neighbor's doorstep is piled with garbage, do you feel it's only fair to pile garbage at your own doorstep?

If someone else's house is washed away by floods, do you feel it's fair to knock down your own house?

If someone else has a lump on their heart and undergoes surgery, do you feel it's fair for you to undergo surgery too?

If someone else embezzles a hundred million yuan and is sent to prison, do you feel it's fair for you to live in prison too?

Where can you find fairness?

For twenty years, I lived in a villa with a lush green lawn, a large swimming pool, and flourishing flowers and trees, but you couldn't live there. Do you feel it's unfair? If you feel it's unfair, it's because you haven't seen how I struggled and lived over the past decades. While you leisurely enjoy TV programs, I am studying hard under the lamp. You lived leisurely, I studied hard, this is unfair to me, isn't it? One day, when I was enjoying creating beautiful sceneries on the Balikia Island of the Celestial Islands Continent, you were envying and resenting me in the human world, thinking it was unfair, but you never knew what I had sacrificed for it.

In fact, behind any unfair phenomenon we see, there is a reason for the unfairness that a person does not know. It's true that "for ten years, no one asked about the hardships of studying, but once you're recognized, everyone knows." There is a cause-and-effect relationship between "being recognized" and "the hardships of studying for ten years." Understanding this truth, one will no longer pursue superficial fairness, but will instead put effort into places where no one knows.

In fact, speaking from the way of nature, there is no need to put effort into places where no one knows. As a human, one only needs to have peace of mind. The so-called peace of mind means not to harm others, not to harm nature. To respect the Greatest Creator, to respect life, to respect nature, to follow the way of nature is to be extremely auspicious, to be justified in peace of mind, and to be able to walk towards heaven.

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