Adorn Your Soul With A Holy Robe


Jan. 17, 2022

The beauty of the world is revealed through myriad things.

The value of an item is shown through its function and purpose.

The inner beauty of a person is reflected in their words and actions.

The beauty of the soul is manifested through the light and colors it presents to the world.

Let us clothe our souls in a sacred garment, radiant and translucent.

This sacred garment is made of the following materials:

Regardless of how dirty the surrounding world may be, maintain cleanliness.

No matter how frenetic the world may be, remain calm and grounded.

Never bully the honest, let alone deceive the weak. Never lose your temper with them.

Never praise power, never admire status, never grovel before money.

Speak without pretense, act without being secretive or sneaky.

Never engage in giving or accepting bribes, never covet even a penny of ill-gotten gains.

Rely solely on your own efforts for what you gain, refuse any excess.

Either speak the truth or remain silent. Always tell the truth.

Treat guests with the best you have.

Either avoid dealing with others, or deal with them sincerely and genuinely.

Once you make a promise, even if it costs you your LIFE, fulfill it.

Do not judge without understanding the facts and truth.

Maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of yourself and your living environment.

Grow vegetables, fruits, and grains untainted. Produce food without toxins.


Do not let your soul be tainted by impurities for the sake of survival.

Maintain the nobility, sanctity, purity, and elegance of your soul.

Even if no one appreciates your pure soul,

Do not descend to the level of falsehood, evil, and ugliness.

Even if evil forces push you to a dead end,

Do not bow down to them in submission.

When light pierces through darkness and illuminates the earth,

All will be revealed in their true forms.

At that time, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's,"

At that time, cattle will return to the pen, pigs to the sty, celestials to the celestial world, Buddhas to their pure land.

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