Spiritual Garbage and Its Categories


Spiritual garbage can be classified into eight categories: primitive, habitual, cultural, cognitive, regional, circle-based, self-centered, and belief-based.

The definitions and main manifestations of each category are as follows:


Primitive Category

This refers to the garbage inherent from birth, such as jealousy, conflict, theft, robbery, quarrelsomeness, showboating, fear, domination, and control. All psychological and behavioral tendencies displayed by various wild animals, domestic animals, and plants fall under this category.


Habitual Category

This category includes garbage stemming from long-standing habits, such as littering, poor hygiene, creating dirty and chaotic environments, belittling or discriminating against the vulnerable, abusing weaker life forms, judging people by appearance, valuing wealth and social status as the sole measure of a person's worth, and desiring to stand out and gain admiration.


Cultural Category

The spiritual garbage subtly instilled in people over centuries through their own national or ethnic culture includes notions such as:

• "In books, there are houses of gold and beauties to accompany you."

• "Without enduring hardship, one cannot rise above others."

• "Men must marry, and women must wed."

• Strategies from The Thirty-Six Stratagems, principles of "Thick Black Theory" and "Success Studies,"

• Ideas like wealth redistribution, "People die for wealth, just as birds die for food,"

• Keeping up with others, valuing appearances, flattery, sycophancy, bribery, corruption, and striving for family glory.


Cognitive Category

This category arises from limited perspectives and personal beliefs about life and the world, leading to misguided views, such as:

• "The sun revolves around the Earth."

• "There are no eternal friendships, only eternal interests."

• "Death is the extinguishing of existence."

• "Humans are the spirit of all creation."

• "Life is meaningless."

• "Without the nation, there is no family."

• "Private property is sacred and inviolable."

• "Belief in utopia leads to suffering."


Regional Category

This includes narrow-minded perspectives formed from one's local environment, such as:

• "There are four seasons in a year."

• "There are only two seasons: dry and rainy."

• "Anglo-Saxons are the most superior."

• "The sick man of Asia."

• "He’s an outsider."

• "They are foreigners."


Circle-Based Category

Spiritual garbage formed by perceptions shaped within social circles based on factors such as faith, culture, economy, and wealth includes notions such as:

• "Western imperialist powers,"

• "Hegemonism,"

• "The working class,"

• "White-collar professionals,"

• "The noble class,"

• "Racial discrimination,"

• "Marginalized groups,"

• "The poor,"

• "City dwellers,"

• "Country folk," and so on.


Self-Centered Category

This includes any thoughts, words, or actions stemming from self-interest, such as:

• "This is mine."

• "This is my home."

• "This is my country."

• "This is my wife (husband)."

• "This is my child."

Any behavior or mindset that centers on "me" constitutes spiritual garbage.


Belief-Based Category

This type of garbage is derived from one's belief systems and their associated views on life, values, morality, existence(LIFE), and the world, such as:

• "Holy wars."

• "All things are born equal."

• "Infidels."

• "The only truth."

• "Cults."

• "Everything is created by God."



Throughout human history, all conflicts, contradictions, worries, and suffering stem from spiritual garbage. Without cleansing this garbage, humanity cannot achieve peace or tranquility, and individuals cannot lead truly fulfilling lives. Even if you become an emperor, a billionaire, a national hero, or a globally renowned figure, troubles and sorrows will persist, and regret and fear will remain unavoidable.

January 2, 2025

Last updated