Work Diligently and Operate the Home on a Thrifty Basis


Oct. 19, 2010

Sisters, brothers, relatives, and lovers living permanently in the home!

First, we should know that we come to the Second Home to initiate the new way of life for mankind and to pay back our debts and accumulate the wealth to go to the heavenly kingdom instead of simply enjoying happiness.

Second, we should understand that half of our living expenses rely on the contribution from sisters and brothers, because currently we are not self-sufficient enough.

Lastly, please keep in mind that we will refund the money (with the deduction of 2000 Yuan) that has been contributed to the home by any Chanyuan celestial who later chooses to cancel his or her membership in the home and leave the home.

We should understand there is no free pie falling from the sky, and we should work to earn anything. We should not leave things to chance and try to enjoy what others have earned through hard work. Any one shall take a toll of anything that he or she has come into possession for no credit, and anyone shall get rich reward for his free contribution and devotion. This is required and represented by the principle of zero sum of positive energy and negative energy.

The great man Mao Zedong has told us long before that we should rely on ourselves and work energetically for the prosperity of our country. And this also holds true with our home. We will work diligently with our dexterous hands and beautiful soul to create the ideal home that belongs to us, and we shall never count us others or the society to provide us with material guarantee. No, we should never have such a mentality! If so, we will become slaves and puppets, and vassals to be ordered about by others. If we have such a mentality, we will never get freedom, in addition, Jesus Christ has long warned us that if we owe the human world money, even if a cent, we will not be able to leave the human world, and we will have difficulty in realizing our wonderful ideals.

We thank Buddha and the Greatest Creator for this beautiful home we now have, we should be grateful, we should be greatly grateful! We should value and cherish!

We shall work hard and run the home on a thrifty basis. All sisters and brothers permanently living in the home shall not be lazy and should not gain advantage by trickery. We should learn from Shenci and Ende, the two people in the home who are nearing their eighties. They are still working diligently for the home. This year they have pulled out almost all the grass in the corn field in the Chengxian Valley that was the height of man. We shall also learn from Xuande and Yidi, who willingly bear the burden of hard work and are working for more than ten hours every day. There are many such Chanyuan celestials who are working hard and conscientiously for the home.

We should always ask ourselves: what have we done for the home? and what results have we achieved?

If we get more from the home than what we have contributed to it, we should be on alert. We should know that laziness is the greatest enemy of the home and anyone who idles here is likely to be asked to leave anytime.

Therefore, we shall try to do as much as we can, we shall get out of the shadow of living on the donations as early as possible. Currently, the home shall keep a strict budgeting and shall not waste on anything. We should back all the unnecessary expenditures, and this can only be achieved through the highly voluntary action of every brother and sister.

Thank the Greatest Creator for his mercy, and thank Tao for its arrangement. In recent days we have decided to sow rapeseeds. The weather was fine, so the home has successfully sowed rapeseeds on several acres. Today, it is raining again. Just see how kind the Greatest Creator has been to us.

In the last few months, Yunnan has suffered severe drought that has not

been seen for a hundred years. However, the home has enjoyed favorable

weather, except for a dozen days, during which the water was a little scarce.

And this shows that Jesus Christ is with us, Buddha Sakyamuni is with us,

Celestial Lao Tze is with us, and Buddha and the Greatest Creator is with us.

Practice has proved that as long as we follow the way of the Greatest Creator, and follow the road map of the guide strictly, Buddha and the Greatest Creator shall protect us, and we will have a more and more beautiful future, and our prospect will be infinitely splendid.

If we work hard and run the home on a thrifty basis, we will not only reap very rich spiritual wealth, soul wealth, but also sufficient material wealth.

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