Love to the Extreme is Worship


Dec. 28, 2021

Worship is the ultimate expression of emotion. When a person loves something or someone to an unparalleled extent, worship emerges. When worship occupies someone's mind, they become irrational. They become fervent, their spirit entering a realm akin to obsession, intoxication, dreams, or illusions. Verbal expression of such emotions seems inadequate; they may resort to shouting, waving arms, kissing the cheeks, hands, toes, or even the buttocks of the worshipped object or person, demonstrating their immense reverence and love. At this point, any change in the worshipped entity will immediately trigger intense emotions, even hysteria, in the worshipper.

Worship is unrelated to morality, ethics, culture, correctness, logic, philosophy, or science. Worship is purely a psychological activity, the ultimate expression of emotionalism in the spiritual world.

Worship has two diametrically opposite consequences: worshiping the wrong object leads straight to hell, while worshiping the right one leads directly to eternal bliss in heaven.

Objects of worship are diverse, including totem worship, ancestor worship, power worship, money worship, sexual organ worship, art worship, idol worship, personal worship (such as worshipping a master), and pure land worship. When we look back at historical instances of worship, we may find them laughable, ridiculous, ignorant, and pitiful.

Poison may sometimes be a precious medicine, while medicine may sometimes be a corrosive poison. Worship is both poison and medicine.

Therefore, worship is both the most dangerous and the safest.

Worship has the following eight characteristics:

1. Blindness.

2. Explosive bursts of intense emotion.

3. Love to the extent that one forgets oneself.

4. Utter lack of rationality.

5. Fervor.

6. Ultimate purity.

7. Indiscriminate acceptance of the worshipped object, regardless of truth or falsehood, goodness or wickedness, beauty or ugliness, correctness, or wrongness.

8. Fearlessness of danger and death.

Those who have never experienced a climax of sexual ecstasy cannot comprehend the sensation of extreme climax. Similarly, those who have never experienced feelings of worship cannot understand the extreme joy and beauty within the hearts of worshippers.

A highly rational person will never develop a sense of worship, while a highly spiritual person is prone to develop worshipful tendencies.

Worship is when the worshipper harbors absolute trust, respect, love, and adoration for the worshipped object, without any doubt or flaw, and enters a psychological, emotional, and conscious state of worship.

In the material world, it's best to let those without worshipful tendencies manage, as their rationality brings order, fairness, and peace to the world. However, rational people find it difficult to feel and experience the wonders of heaven; the most wonderful experiences belong to those with a sense of worship.

When we see a madman, dressed in tattered clothes, who seemingly has never washed his face or taken a bath, shouting irrationally, we can’t help but feel pity for him. But in the world of the irrational, they see us as expressionless wooden or stone figures or grotesque monsters with no interest in anything.

Worshippers are pitiable because they are the easiest to manipulate and the easiest to send to hell.

Worshippers are the happiest because when the sense of worship arises, they are actually living in heaven.

Oh, worshippers! How pitiful!

Oh, worshippers! How beautiful!

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