On the "Trinity"


Firstly, the God in the Old Testament of the Bible is not the real God, and I briefly explained this in "The Chapter of the Greatest Creator" – The Greatest Creator has eight major characteristics: unique and exclusive, amorphas, neutral, mysterious, impartial, merciful, supremely powerful, and intelligent. The God in the Old Testament of the Bible does not possess these eight attributes. If anyone disagrees with these eight attributes, please refute them. If there is no objection, please provide evidence from the Old Testament of the Bible.

The existence of the Greatest Creator is unquestionable. If anyone doubts the existence of the Greatest Creator, please debate with me.

To understand the Greatest Creator, one needs to rely on spiritual enlightenment, which is achieved through observing the universe and then gaining enlightenment.

Jesus is the spokesperson for the Greatest Creator on earth, but Jesus is not the Greatest Creator.

The blind spot of the entire Christian world lies in confusing the difference between the Greatest Creator and gods. The Greatest Creator is the Greatest Creator, and gods are gods. The Greatest Creator is unique and exclusive, while there are many gods.

Jesus is a god, but not the only one, so Jesus is not the only god.

The universe created by the Greatest Creator has scientific laws, and science and reason are important tools for understanding the Greatest Creator.

The Bible speaks of "God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit," which is correct. God the Father refers to the Greatest Creator, God the Son refers to the gods created by the Greatest Creator, and the Holy Spirit refers to the Greatest Creator's consciousness, which is the Tao described in the Tao Te Ching. This Tao is the law, blood, and driving force of the universe.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit can be said to be the Trinity. Jesus is the Son of the Greatest Creator, so his thoughts are homogeneous with the Greatest Creator, but the Father is the Father, and the Son is the Son; the Father is not the Son, and the Son is not the Father.

The doctrine of the Trinity in Christianity is: "The Father is the Greatest Creator, the Son is the Greatest Creator, and the Holy Spirit is the Greatest Creator, but there are not three Greatest Creators, only one."

The problem with this doctrine of the Trinity lies in treating the Father as the son and the son as the Father, which violates ethical principles. Even more seriously, it confuses Jesus with the Greatest Creator himself, which directly confuses people's vision, makes people easily deviate from the Tao, and makes it difficult for them to recognize the true Greatest Creator.

Jesus said, "The Father is greater than I." - John 14:28

Jesus prayed to the Greatest Creator, saying, "let your pleasure, not mine, be done." - Luke 22:42

These words of Jesus prove that Jesus himself is not the Greatest Creator.

So why do many Christians insist on seeing Jesus as the Greatest Creator himself? This is a great mystery of the Bible and partly the reason why the God in the Old Testament is not the real God.

There are "people" who want to block people's vision, prevent them from seeing the flaws in the Old Testament, and prevent them from recognizing the true God. At the same time, by elevating Jesus' status, they negate Jesus' teachings and lead people away from Jesus.

So where is the mystery? It is not time to reveal it now.

I hope everyone will read the Bible deeply, but not blindly. Continuously ask questions and repeatedly ask: Why? Why? Why?

Everyone can directly face the Greatest Creator, and if your spiritual perception is sensitive enough, you can see the Greatest Creator and communicate with the Greatest Creator directly.

The true scripture that spreads the way of the Greatest Creator is not the Bible, but Lifechanyuan.

The one who truly spreads the bright way of the Greatest Creator's is Jesus, not anyone else.

However, to fully understand the way of the Greatest Creator, we must learn the Bible, the Quran, Buddhist scriptures, the Tao Te Ching, and scientific knowledge. Just learning from books is not enough. We must grasp any phenomenon in nature and human social life, then trace it back to the origin of the universe and the origin of LIFE. Only then can we truly understand the way of the Greatest Creator.

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