The Greatest Creator is always Watching Everyone


January 1, 2021

The Chinese sages warned us that, "there are divinities watching over us". I perceived the revelation that the Greatest Creator watches everyone when I became the guide of Lifechanyuan. From the perspective of material thinking, as well as from those of vision, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching, we cannot simply understand the phenomenon that, "The Greatest Creator is always watching everyone", nor is it easy to understand that from the perspective of rationality. Can the Greatest Creator see us all? Can the Greatest Creator manage it? In the public places of cities, especially in banks, stations, and traffic arteries, cameras are everywhere. All the activities of people within the scope of those cameras are recorded constantly and clearly. If anyone misbehaves within their scope, the records will find them out.

Since I became the guide of Lifechanyuan, all Chanyuan celestials have come into my view. That is to say, I have watched every one of them; wherever they are and whatever they do, I see them. I hear what everyone says, see what they do, and even know what they think. How can I do this? It is not by Dharma eyes or Buddha eyes, but simply by what they say and do. Every word that anyone says and everything that they do exposes them. If someone says and does nothing, that exposes them even more thoroughly.

Why should I stare at everyone? Because I want to be able to implement my guidance consistent with their states of being. Everyone's words and actions show their inner worlds and the depths of their states of being and I can learn from this who will go to the Thousand-year World, who will go to the Ten-thousand World, who will go to the Elysium Celestial Islands Continent, who will continue to reincarnate, and who will fall into hell. I will adjust my guidance plan according to everyone’s states. If some Chanyuan celestials cannot go to heaven no matter how they endeavor to self-cultivate, then I will give up on them as soon as possible and let them fall off my RADAR screen.

This fact tells us that the Greatest Creator must be watching everyone and guiding us in ways that are not easy for us to detect or understand. The Greatest Creator is very observant of the words and deeds of each of us and records each of our merits and demerits without omission. From this, we will be given timely rewards and punishments. We can understand the truth that "the Greatest Creator is always watching everyone" from these three real-life phenomena:

  1. People who raise animals know that however many chickens, ducks, pigs, horses, cows, or sheep they raise, they know almost every detail of each of their animals; which chickens lay more eggs, which ones lay fewer, which pig is fat, which one is thin, which animals are ill, and which horses have good tempers; it is so clear because the keepers watch the animals constantly.

  2. Those who have been teachers know how many students are in each of their classes and the state of each one. You should be very clear if you monitor each student constantly.

  3. A couple has ten children and they are basically clear about the state of each one because they always monitor them. Some parents might not be able to predict the futures of their children because they do not understand them enough, but that is due to their lack of insight and wisdom, but in any case, they are always watching them.

There are so many advantages to becoming aware of the Greatest Creator always watching everyone, here are two:

  • The first is that you never dare to speak carelessly, let alone to do anything unruly, because you know that you will be punished if you say or do anything wrong. You will not make mistakes, especially when you are out of everyone’s sight.

  • The second is that you will only say the right words and do the right things, and you do not need to worry about anything else because the Greatest Creator is always watching over you and will surely reward you.

As Christ Jesus taught us, do not worry about what you will eat, drink, or wear tomorrow; first ask for the kingdom of the Greatest Creator and the righteousness of the Greatest Creator. If at every moment, especially when no one sees us, we think about the Greatest Creator watching us, then we will no longer dare to talk nonsense or act recklessly. In this way, life will be smoother and we will be further from hell and closer to heaven. What is more is that when we think like that, we will lose all of our worries, anxieties, and fears, and our lives will follow very wonderful paths. Realizing that the Greatest Creator is always watching oneself is quite different from not realizing it. If you do not believe it, try it for a period of time and learn its effect?

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