The Revelation About LIFE from Chopping Wood


September 3, 2024

While chopping wood, I observed an interesting phenomenon. Some logs split in half with just one strong, well-aimed strike. However, there are some logs, about 60 cm long and 20-30 cm in diameter, that no matter how much force or precision is applied, cannot be split with a single strike. Even after multiple attempts, they remain unbroken. To split these special logs, I had to insert an axe into the initial crack and then hammer the back of the axe. As the crack widened, I would insert another axe into the new opening and continue hammering until, after dozens of attempts, the log finally split in half.

When comparing the split surfaces of normal logs and these special logs, normal logs have flat, even surfaces, while special logs have twisted, spiral surfaces.

Why is this? Although I haven’t conducted a detailed study, I speculate that these special logs experienced some kind of twisting pressure during their growth. To survive and grow, they didn’t grow straight but in a spiral manner. Over time, the grain of these trees became twisted rather than straight.

Logs with straight grain are easy to split, while those with twisted grain are much harder to split.

The grain represents the nature of the tree. Trees can have straight or twisted natures. Straight-grained trees are not only good materials for making furniture and building houses, but they are also easy to split for firewood. Twisted-grained trees, however, are not suitable for furniture or construction, are difficult to process, and are hard to split for firewood.

This gives us an insight: If something grows and develops in an environment without suffering or prolonged pressure, it easily becomes useful, and its nature remains pure, simple, and gentle. Conversely, if something endures more suffering and hardship during its growth, its nature becomes twisted. It is not easy to become useful, but its character becomes very resilient and strong.

Further insight is that if a person has a gentle nature and easily gets along with others, their family environment is likely harmonious, with parents who rarely argue or use threats and violence. They receive more praise than criticism in school and experience smooth sailing at work. Conversely, if a person grows up in a disharmonious family, with parents often belittling each other, and experiences frequent criticism and suppression at school and work, their nature becomes twisted. They develop strong resilience, and external forces find it hard to break them. They also find it difficult to accept others’ advice and persuasion.

Another insight from this is that on our life journey, when we encounter people with resilient and strong natures who are difficult to persuade, we should be more understanding and forgiving. We should show more sympathy and compassion because they have already endured much suffering. However, remember that their nature is already formed, so do not argue with them. Any dispute will not only be ineffective but will also strain the relationship, which is detrimental to both parties.

Specially natured things are special materials needed in unique situations, so they have their distinctive value and purpose. Similarly, special people have their unique value and use. Therefore, whether normal or abnormal, all are creations of nature and treasures in the Greatest Creator’s embrace.

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