Others May Doubt, I Believe


A friend from Tianjin visited my office the day before yesterday and inquired about matters related to space and time. I asked him why he was interested in such questions. He said, "Not long ago, I had a dream. My grandfather appeared and told me that after using the toilet, he suddenly fainted before standing up, unable to get up. He said he was leaving and urged us to live well while he waited." The next day, my father called from China, saying my grandfather had passed away. He told me my grandfather had collapsed and passed away while using the toilet. I found it quite strange—how could my dream about my grandfather match the actual events? What's going on with time and space?

I asked him if he had watched the “Lifechanyuan” section on “Chinese Soul,” and he mentioned that he had seen some of it. However, due to the extensive content, he hadn't watched it all. I responded, "Your grandfather left this physical space and entered another dimension of LIFE. Due to his concern for you, he conveyed his 'inner thoughts' to you through a dream before departing from this space. This is entirely normal. Your elevated spiritual sensitivity allowed you to connect with your grandfather's thoughts. There's nothing mysterious about it." Taking the opportunity, I asked, "Do you believe in the immortality of the soul and in the existence of other dimensions of LIFE apart from our current space?" He replied, "While others may doubt, I believe."

"Belief," such a mysterious and profound word. Peter, a disciple of Jesus, walked on water because of "belief" but almost drowned when he saw the wind and waves and lost "belief."

Those with "belief" are blessed; those without "belief" are miserable. Those with "belief" have roots; those without "belief" are like floating duckweeds. Those with "belief" know how to navigate life; those without "belief" randomly fly like headless flies. Those with "belief" are humble; those without "belief" are arrogant. Those with "belief" have a bright future; those without "belief" have a bleak one.

What to believe in? Believe in facts, believe in what you see, hear, and experience.

Whom to believe in? Believe in Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Laozi, and the sages.

What to believe in? Believe in the negative-universe information sensed by your spiritual perception.

Whom to believe in? Believe in The Greatest Creator.

Many people doubt everything, do not believe in anything, lack faith in themselves, and have no confidence.

Some start with belief but, swayed by phenomena and others' opinions, lose faith even in facts. They cannot sustain their faith, vacillating between belief and doubt until they believe in nothing.

Some seem to believe but harbor doubts, so when confronted with storms, they lose their foothold and are devoured by demons.

Some people's faith is mere lip service, steering with the wind, changing with their immediate self-interest. In reality, their hearts lack genuine belief. Today, they believe when it's advantageous, and tomorrow, they do not when it's not. How can one live without faith? What is the purpose of such a life? Where is it headed?

Job in the Bible is an exemplar of faith, Apostle Paul is an exemplar of faith, and several Bodhisattvas in Buddhism have also set examples of faith for us. Many believers in Islam are also exemplars of faith.

Without faith, one cannot stand firm.

I said to my friend, "Your dream aligning with reality can be considered a revelation. While the world may harbor doubts, you cannot afford to. Doubting would betray your grandfather's wishes and the revelation."

In the end, my friend reiterated, " While others may harbor doubts, I remain steadfast in my belief."

Friend, do you also believe?

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