Revelation: the More Excellent, the Happier


December 4, 2020

This year, one of my friends sent me twelve large peaches from Vancouver. The color of them were gorgeous, they tasted tender, crisp, and sweet, they were big and fragrant, and except for some that I had eaten as a child, I had not enjoyed such big and fragrant ones in many decades. Later, I bought several kinds of peaches from a local supermarket, but in terms of size, color, and sweetness, they could not compare with those big peaches from my friend.

To satisfy my guests, I always serve a plate of fruit for breakfast; grapes are a standing item, so I serve them every day of the year. In addition to ones grown locally in Canada, there are also grapes imported from the United States and Mexico. Since I buy and eat grapes often, I discovered their secret: the bigger the grape, the sweeter and more fragrant, the more delicious, fewer seeds, and less residue they have, and of course, the more expensive they will be.

From the above revelations of peaches and grapes, I have found that for all things, including LIVES, the more excellent that they are in some ways, the better they will be in many ways; this revelation even applies to people. The more excellent that people are, the easier it becomes to deal with them, the less trouble they bring to others, the more reasonable they are, the more flexible and accommodating they are in dealing with affairs, the more they give and dedicate, the less they ask for, the more humble, positive, and optimistic they are, and the better the quality of their lives are. The more excellent that people are, the better one feels about getting along with them; on the other hand, the better that people can get along with them, the more excellent they are.

A further enlightenment is that only the excellent can create beautiful environments and lives. Perfection creates perfection but flaws create defects. From this revelation, we can understand that if a region or country is poor and backward, then too few outstanding people must reside within it, but if it is prosperous and its people live and work in peace, then many outstanding people must live within it.

By the way, if someone always brings hope, beauty, happiness, and joy to people, and excites and makes them ecstatic, then this person must be excellent and is a big fairy peach or a big, sweet, fragrant, and colorful grape; if on the contrary, a person always brings, worries, anxiety, troubles, confusion, pessimism, and unpleasantness, then they guessed it!

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