Close One Door, and Others Will Open Automatically


Many movie theaters, auditoriums, conference halls, and such have multiple entrances and exits. After watching a movie, all the doors in the cinema open, but we can only choose one to leave. One person cannot exit through two doors simultaneously, similarly, one cannot enter through two doors at once.

There are 36 doors in the universe, but available for humans, there are only 12. We can only choose one; we cannot simultaneously pick several doors.

The 12 doors available for human entry and exit remain open at all times; they never close. We have the power to choose at any moment. However, once we choose one door, the other 11 automatically close. Similarly, when we close one door, the remaining 11 doors open automatically.

It's like going to an airport to board a plane; dozens of planes wait on the tarmac for passengers. We can only choose one; we cannot fly on two or several planes simultaneously.

Likewise, a high school graduate who passes the university admission score has dozens of universities to choose from. They can only make selections from the list and ultimately enter one university; they cannot study at several schools simultaneously.

The saying "A man fears choosing the wrong profession; a woman fears marrying the wrong man" implies this philosophy.

If we regard Tao, Virtue, Law, Benevolence, Righteousness, Rituals, Wisdom, Credibility, and Magical Art as doors within the human value system, we also face the issue of choice. Moreover, it's a situation where we can only choose one, unable to possess them all. If we choose Tao, Virtue becomes void; if we choose Virtue, Law is forfeited; if we opt for Law, Benevolence is sacrificed; if we choose Benevolence, Righteousness is relinquished; if we prefer Righteousness, Rituals are forsaken; if we choose Rituals, Wisdom diminishes; if we opt for Wisdom, Credibility is forfeited; if we select Credibility, Magical Art is relinquished. Conversely, choosing Magical Art means no Credibility; choosing Credibility means no Wisdom; choosing Wisdom means no Rituals; choosing Rituals means no Righteousness; choosing Righteousness means no Benevolence; choosing Benevolence means no Law; choosing Law means no Virtue; choosing Virtue means no Tao.

Regarding this, 99% of people might disagree, thinking Tao, Virtue, Law, Benevolence, Righteousness, Ritual, Wisdom, Credibility, and Magical Art are like nine dishes on a banquet table, and individuals can freely pick and choose. If one holds this view, he fails to grasp understanding of the contradictory nature among these "nine dishes."

Some may believe they can perfectly embody both Tao and Virtue, which is impossible. Having Tao would inevitably mean lacking Virtue, and possessing Virtue would surely mean lacking Tao. If someone claims to have both Tao and Virtue, then the Tao they possess must be a facade, a false front.

The complexity of human history lies here, and the root cause of human confusion resides here. (Please contemplate this on your own).

Closing one door automatically opens several others; opening one door automatically closes others.

Choosing death, the door to life automatically closes; opening the door to life, the door to death automatically closes.

The key is to be clear about which door you are currently in. Once you become a farmer, you have no connection with being a worker. If you become a thief, you cannot become an upright gentleman. If you become a corrupt official, you are no longer a representative of the people. If you become a prostitute, you cannot be called a lady.

Many people know which door they are in, and they are aware of the difficulties in their current door. However, they lack the courage to close it, fearing that once closed, there will be no door to enter. In fact, such concerns are unnecessary.

There are only 12 doors of LIFE (speaking only in terms of human existence), and there are countless paths in life. Regardless of which path you take, eventually, you will enter one of the 12 doors of LIFE.

All roads lead to Rome, but not all roads lead to heaven. Many paths lead to hell. It's time to choose which door to enter. Delaying decisions will only lead to lifelong regrets.

Lifechanyuan is one such door, primarily leading to the Thousand-year World.

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