Tigers Will Not Grow Wings on their Backs


March 6, 2021

Suppose that tigers had wings on their backs and they could give birth to more than ten cubs at a time like pigs and dogs. What would result? I am afraid that many other animals would have little chance to survive and it would be questionable whether even humans could survive or not.

This revelation tells us that life cannot be perfect and that people’s wishes cannot be fully satisfied. If you want to be rich, powerful, famous, have a happy family, and go to heaven, there is no such possibility. You can either be a bird with wings, or a fierce tiger, but no desire to be both a bird and a tiger can be satisfied.

When we study the scientists who have won Nobel Prizes around the world, we find that they had been trying assiduously to explore the mysteries of the material universe in obscurity. One day one of them succeeded in discovering one of the mysteries that was sought but before that success was their perseverance of long and hard work and a devotion to it. Just imagine, if a person wanted to be an entrepreneur, a government official, and a star, could they also become a Nobel Prize winner? Of course not! If you covet too much, then in the end, you will accomplish nothing. Too much greed will not only cause successive worries, but also lead to schizophrenia and, of course, failure.

If a man wants to get a beautiful, sexy, charming, gentle, considerate, artful, loyal woman who can “entertain guests and cook well” with a successful career and who can make a lot of money and always accompany her husband to serve him tea and coffee, could he find her? No way; she does not exist! That would be like looking for a tiger with wings on its back.

For those who are determined to trek to the peak of life and LIFE and finally reach heaven, when you decide to start, you must say goodbye to your desires for money, power, fame, profit, status, and carnal bliss. You must no longer want to own anything, you must reach the state of zero, possess nothing, and be selfless. In your process of trekking and climbing, you cannot look back, nor look around to compare, but you must remain focused on your way forward. In this process, what you should overcome are not the difficulties and obstacles on your way forward, but rather, your inner hesitation, anxiety, pain, fear, lack of confidence, your inner purgatory, and your mental and spiritual torture. Do not expect people around you to understand and support you. That would be impossible. Consider yourself fortunate if they do not try to pull you back. You will taste despair to the point of considering suicide, and at the same time, you will not have the time or energy to explain anything, let alone to get angry, complain, or consider revenge. These kinds of mental and spiritual suffering will be the prices that you will have to pay to go to heaven.

Never have regrets in life; they will ruin your good memories of the past and your spiritual power to go toward the beautiful time and space. Over the past years, no matter how much blood, sweat, tears, and hardships we have paid, and no matter how much grievance and helplessness we have experienced, it has become history, and history is a burden. With this heavy burden, it is impossible to move forward lightly and leisurely, to walk a long way, and to reach the most ideal destination.

For the past, no regrets, to the future, firm faith; this way, there will be hope to climb to the peak of life and LIFE.

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