A Revelation from the Structure of Graphite and Diamond


October 25th,2012

Graphite is an allotrope of carbon, a transitional crystal among covalent crystals, metal crystals, and molecular crystals. In crystals, the same layers of carbon atoms form covalent bonds by sp2 (trigonal) hybridization. Each carbon atom connects with three others, and six of them form a regular hexagon ring on the same plane and stretch to form laminated structures. These carbon atoms in the same plane also have P orbits, which overlap with each other to form delocalized electrons that can move freely in crystal lattices and can be motivated. That is, the graphite has metallic luster which can conduct heat and electricity. Due to the large distances between the layers, and with small bonding forces, they have soft and creamy textures, are gray-black, opaque, and solid. They have a density 2.25g/cm³, a melting point 3652℃, a boiling point 4827℃, and a Moh scale hardness of one. The chemical properties are stable and corrosion resistant, and not very reactive with acid, alkali, or other chemicals. When burned in oxygen at 687℃, it will produce carbon dioxide. It can be oxidized by strong oxidizing agents such as concentrated nitric acid or mineral chameleon. It can be used as an anti-scuff agent and as a lubricant. Highly pure graphite can be used as a neutron moderator in nuclear reactors and can be used in the manufacture of crucibles, electrodes, electric brushes, dry-cell batteries, graphite fibers, heat exchangers, coolers, electric arc furnaces, arc lamps, pencil lead, and much more.

Diamonds are allotropes of carbon atoms which are typical covalent crystals. The carbon atoms form four sp3 hybrid orbits which connect to each other with covalent bonds. Each carbon atom is in the center of a regular tetrahedron formed by four other carbon atoms associated with it, forming a crystal, and the entire crystal can be regarded as a giant molecule. These crystals belong to cubic systems and are usually in forms with eight faces. The purest quality ones are colorless, transparent, strong, and lustrous, but impurities will make them appear blue, sky blue, light yellow, red, or black. Their density is 3.15 ~ 3.53g/cm³, their melting point is 3550℃, and their boiling point is 4827℃. With a Moh scale hardness of ten, they are the hardest of all materials. They are non-conductive and appear pale blue fluorescent under ultraviolet light. They do not react with most chemical agents, and can be burned in oxygen at 777℃ to produce carbon dioxide. Transparent carbides are known as diamonds after they have been carved and polished and are luxurious ornaments. There are few diamond minerals in nature. Diamonds can be made artificially, such as with graphite, subjected to high temperatures, high pressures and catalyzing agents.

What revelation can we obtain from the above data?

Graphite and diamonds both consist of carbon atoms, which means that the material of both is the same, but the differences of their molecular structural permutations lead to completely different physical properties. The Moh scale hardness of graphite is one while that of diamonds is ten. The extreme differences between the two lead to extremely different uses, and that is to say that for the same material, when its molecular permutations change, its material properties also change. This principle can be used in the management of the production, life, and human resources, and that is by the permutation and combinations of the managers. Perfect permutations and combinations will make teams like diamonds, with powerful and efficient managing ability. Conversely, if the team is like graphite, it will be weak, ineffective, and have poor managing efficiency. Graphite has free (radical) electrons, while diamonds do not. This shows us the analogy that if one group consists of people with different faiths and viewpoints who act without coordination by their own free will, then it will lack cohesion, capacity, and have low efficiency and internal friction. Conversely, if the group is like a unified diamond, it will be invincible, capable of destroying any stronghold, and energy efficient. The same materials form different material properties because of their different permutations and combinations. So it is with LIFE; if the LIFE’s nonmaterial structure is different, then it can be transformed from one form of LIFE into another, and a human may be transformed into a Celestial Being or a Buddha. We can regard humans as graphite, while Celestial Beings and Buddhas as diamonds. If the consciousness of a human is out of order, they will likely devolve towards lower LIFE; if the consciousness of a human is in order, they will likely evolve toward a higher LIFE.

I have obtained the secrets of transforming humans into Celestial Beings and Buddhas and I am aware of how to do this with self-cultivation and self-refinery. As long as one follows my guidance strictly, they will become a Celestial Being or a Buddha and reach the high-level space of LIFE. This is assured.

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