Seeing Without Recognizing and the Folly of “Buying the Casket and Returning the Jewel”


Everyone desires to possess treasures, be it rare diamonds or exquisite jade, be it wise mentors and supportive friends or virtuous and beautiful women. It's the intrinsic value that triggers people's longing and pursuit.

Among all treasures, the most valuable is the truth that allows LIFE to extend towards higher level space—the spirit of the Greatest Creator and the pure and kind hearts of humanity.

Treasures are everywhere, appearing and hiding at every turn. Why can’t we see or find them? It's because we are blind to the jewel.

In 1995, our family hired a lady for the first time. This lady, named Rebecca, learned to cook Chinese food in just three days. After she tidied up the house, it was sparkling clean, spotless, well-organized, and neat. Every day, after my beloved and I returned home from work and the kid came back from school, she stood at the door to welcome us, showing concern and casually taking the kids' school bag and our purchases. It felt like we were reuniting with long-lost relatives. Inside the dining room, a table of not-so-sumptuous yet delectable dishes always awaited us. The day's fatigue dissipated in this warm and harmonious atmosphere. At that time, my residence had no flowers or plants outside. However, since Rebecca arrived, she managed to bring in some exotic plants and flowers. Two months later, flowers blossomed in front and behind the house, creating a splendid scene. Unfortunately, due to our move, we had to let her go after six months. More foolishly, we lost the note with her address.

A rare and precious jewel was thus lost. Every time we think of Rebecca, my beloved and I deeply sigh, regretting immensely. Such a wonderful woman, where else could we find her? I am someone who is blind to the jewel.

The gem is right in front of us, but we do not cherish it. Once it's gone from us, it's hard to trace it again.

One wrong step causes everlasting regret. Discarding the jewel hurts the heart the most. Who should be blamed when blind to the jewel? Blame no one but your own blindness.

Blindness to the jewel not only hinders its discovery but also ensures its eventual loss even if acquired. The story of "buying the casket and returning the jewel" is due to the people of Zheng State only seeing the gorgeously decorated wooden box but not recognizing the gem inside, leading to a lamentable event spanning ages.

The ancients had their foolishness, just as modern individuals can be ignorant.

Often encountering bookworms, their memory may be strong, their reasoning abilities not weak, they can eloquently expound on principles, citing references after references. Yet, besides regurgitating some worn-out clichés, there's not a glimmer of wisdom in their discourse. It's not problematic if they lack their own thoughts. However, they insist on using history to shackle and restrict the development of reality, speaking only in traditions and orthodoxy. It's akin to the scholars and Pharisees of Jesus' time—although Jesus preached the truth, they spouted dogmas, pretending to uphold orthodoxy, vehemently hindering the spread of truth. These individuals are like the people of Zheng State, interested not in the gem within the box but in the gorgeously adorned wooden box containing the gem.

The truly invaluable gem lies within people's hearts. If we do not protect the gem in our hearts but blindly pursue the externally decorated wooden box, are we not like the people of Zheng State buying the casket and returning the jewel?

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