The Revelation from the Mudslide Stopping for Him for 16 Seconds


July 5, 2024

When the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, the sea stopped flowing to give them a path. Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves and two fish, and Christ turned water into wine. These stories from the Bible often seem like myths or science fiction. However, a real-life phenomenon, “the mudslide stopped for him for 16 seconds,” happened in our time.

I saw the video “the mudslide stopped for him for 16 seconds” on the internet. I believe it’s real, although I don’t know the time and place it occurred. From the video, you can see it was in a village, likely after heavy rain caused a mudslide. The mudslide flowed down a village path, then suddenly stopped moving, waiting there motionless. At the forefront of the mudslide was a white van in extreme danger. Seeing the mudslide stop, the van quickly drove away. Once the van was out of danger, the mudslide roared down with a force like an avalanche.

A mudslide stopping for 16 seconds and then resuming its powerful flow defies common sense and rationality. We wouldn’t expect a river to stop flowing temporarily to ensure someone’s safety and then continue once they’re safe. Rationalists would never acknowledge this because it defies common sense and logical thinking.

I recommend that readers search online and watch the “the mudslide stopped for him for 16 seconds” video.

In Chanyuan, we have a value that nothing is impossible; there are only things we can’t imagine or comprehend.

If a mudslide can temporarily stop to ensure someone’s safety, what can’t happen?

The insight we gain from the mudslide stopping is as follows:

“Do good deeds, regardless of what the future holds.” “God bless those kindhearted.” “A kind person may be bullied by others, but not by heaven; an evil person may be feared by others, but not by heaven.” “A true gentleman does not seek blessings, yet Heaven guides him; a cunning person tries to avoid disaster, yet Heaven takes his soul.”

Reflecting on the car accident that happened to me, it changed the course of my life completely. When I got out of the car and looked at the scene, the first thought that came to my mind was, “God saved me.” Since then, I stopped considering myself and dedicated myself wholeheartedly to the theory of Lifechanyuan and the construction of the Second Home. I knew that I died in that car accident, and what remained of me belonged to God. Thus, my life’s motto is: entrust my LIFE to the Greatest Creator and let the Tao manage my life. I have only one task: to walk the way of the Greatest Creator.

What is destined to come will inevitably come; trying to avoid it is futile. What is destined to leave will inevitably leave; trying to hold on is futile.

Selflessness, unselfishness, non-attachment, taking things as they are, associating with others by following natural come-and-go relations, acting in accordance with one’s intrinsic nature, and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise—this is the best way to live. It is also the essential way to the heavenly kingdom that the Greatest Creator can bless us to go.

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