The Function and Value of Garbage


In 1997, while tidying the courtyard, I collected a carload of trash. Following municipal regulations, unlike in my homeland where one might handle garbage as they wished, I obediently took the trash to the designated dump. At the dump's entrance, after paying the dumping fee, I precisely disposed of the trash in the specified area, as directed by the dump's staff.

After dumping the garbage, I glanced around and noticed that over the years, the garbage pile had become a thriving mound of plants and flowers. It was hard to imagine a vibrant world of flowers and lush grass growing atop a massive heap of rubbish.

Nature is truly amazing! It can turn decay into wonders, and death into eternal LIFE.

This was a remarkable revelation that urged me to treat garbage with kindness. Garbage is treasure. By collecting various types of trash in one place and allowing them to undergo exposure to the sun, rain, wind, and heat, the garbage can transform into potent organic fertilizer, providing a continuous source of nutrients for the plants growing above it, creating a beautiful garden.

Expanding on this revelation, if material garbage can become nourishment for plants, can spiritual garbage become nourishment for spiritual LIFE? Deliberately, I began collecting spiritual garbage. I discovered that human-created culture contains a considerable amount of garbage. If we gather this garbage and let it ferment and decay within our minds, it will surely turn into something extraordinary and magical.

Scavengers in cities know where to find scrap iron, discarded cans, old papers, and bottles. Similarly, I gradually learned where to find cultural garbage. Aside from picking up garbage from historical cultural repositories, I also collected garbage from modern political doctrines, religious studies, scientific inferences, especially from newspapers, magazines, and online forums, where I could gather large amounts of trash every day. I loaded all this garbage into my mind, allowing them to contradict, refute, and generate a "biochemical reaction." Eventually, I used this as nourishment for Lifechanyuan, providing fertile soil for its germination and growth.

Just as grass and flowers grow on piles of material garbage, Lifechanyuan has sprouted from heaps of cultural refuse. Just as grass and flowers purify the earth, Lifechanyuan purifies the soul. Anticipate the future of Earth—verdant, blossoming, filled with talented individuals, and harmonious.

Watch with anticipation. Now and in the future, humanity's cultural treasures will radiate brilliant light within Lifechanyuan. The writings of saints and sages will find their place here, sparkling like stars, galloping like a thousand horses. And those articles deemed cultural garbage will continue to provide nourishment for Lifechanyuan.

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