The Revelation of the Camera


February 20, 2024

In this era, no matter where you go, there is likely a camera watching you, recording everything you do. This is especially true in important places like banks, jewelry stores, airports, and stations. But don’t forget, many homes and even hotel rooms are monitored by cameras. Sometimes it’s unimaginable that someone might secretly install a camera in your bedroom to record everything.

This phenomenon tells us that no matter where we go, whether there is a camera or not, we must be prepared for the possibility of being watched by countless cameras. We must behave honestly and decently, otherwise, our actions may be captured by others and become irrefutable evidence for blackmail.

What does this phenomenon reveal to us?

It reveals to us that “the sky has eyes, the earth has eyes, everyone has a pair of eyes,” “there are gods three feet above our heads,” there is a space called “retention information space” in the 36-dimensional spaces. This space tells us that everything in the universe is a camera. Our daily words and deeds are meticulously recorded by the “retention information space”. As long as the universe exists, everything from our past, including a few years ago, hundreds of years ago, thousands of years ago, tens of thousands of years ago, hundreds of millions of years ago, is fully recorded, not in photo form, but in documentary form. Many people see their past like watching a serial drama after being hypnotized. Therefore, never do evil, never have the mentality that if I do this, no one will know, especially when you are alone, don’t think that no one knows what you do, the actual situation is that heaven knows, earth knows, you know, the Greatest Creator knows, everything knows. So don’t sneak around doing bad things, you can’t escape the law.

Now let’s think about another question, does anyone know every thought in our hearts?

Before we get this answer, let’s think about whether anyone will know every word we type on our computer and mobile phone. The truth is, as long as our computers and mobile phones are connected to the internet, no matter what content we type on our computers and mobile phones, the network terminal knows, and even records it.

We know that every person is connected to the entire universe, so we know that the universe knows all our thoughts and ideas, and they are all recorded. How can the universe know our thoughts and ideas? How does it know our inner activities?

It turns out that all our thoughts and activities in our hearts will turn into a frequency wave and be emitted into the universe, and our biological wave color will also change with our inner activities, even our expressions, emotions, and postures will change with our inner activities, how can the universe not know?

The universe knows everything means that Tao will record everything that has happened and is happening in the universe, this means that the Greatest Creator knows everything, our every little bit including inner activities can’t escape the Greatest Creator’s eyes and ears.

So we understand, the reason why miracles appear when we cry out to the Greatest Creator for help in times of crisis, we will understand the value and significance of praying or confessing to the Greatest Creator.

So we further understand that our current life situation is all caused by our past words and deeds and all the activities in our hearts, everything is just right, there is no favoritism and injustice.

So we understand how to live this life, understand which path to take in life.

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