Responding to the Revelation, Finding the Way Out


Aug. 16, 2005

A lightning bolt streaks across the expansive sky, accompanied by distant rolling thunder, foretelling an impending storm.

On September 11th, the towering and sturdy World Trade Center collapsed abruptly, trapping people inside.

Ah! If someone had warned those inside the building of its imminent collapse and urged them to evacuate, would they have heeded the advice? "Nonsense! How could such a solid world-class building collapse?" They might have replied in disbelief.

Humans, how much do you understand the mysteries of the universe? How much do you comprehend? Why don’t you respond to the revelations?

Someone explicitly tells you that he is a messenger of the Greatest Creator, here to “harvest the crops,” yet you mock, ridicule, and scorn him. Even when, in humility, he kneels before you as a commoner, begging for your response to the revelations, you continue to mock, ridicule, and scorn him. What kind of person do you need to save you?

The immense love of the Greatest Creator for humanity, the care from god Jesus Christ, and Buddha Shakyamuni for humanity, have been clearly and evidently revealed to you. Do you desire wealth or LIFE? LIFE or your status, wealth, and reputation. Which is more important?

There was a notorious pirate who amassed countless treasures. One day, he was caught. In court, he arrogantly told the judge, "I have countless treasures. I'm willing to give up one-third of my wealth to buy my freedom." The judge replied, "You've committed robbery and murder. Your wealth cannot buy your freedom." "Judge, I'm willing to give up all my treasures to save my life. You should know, my wealth is enough for the whole nation to spend for three years. People die for wealth; birds perish for food. Don't people love wealth?" The pirate began pleading. The judge resolutely replied, "Debts must be repaid, and life must pay for murder. Your wealth wasn't rightfully earned; it was plundered. The law is not negotiable. I declare that tomorrow at three in the afternoon, you will be hanged."

The pirate, with tears of regret, lamented, “Had I known that wealth couldn't spare my LIFE, why did I strive so ardently to amass it?”

Human laws are not child's play; they cannot be bargained with, let alone the laws of the Greatest Creator.

Don't be stubborn, do not falter, do not retreat midway, do not be captured by demons. Ignite the divine lamp within your heart, seize the moment; transcend the shackles of LIFE and death, reclaim your true nature, discard conventional thinking, advance at superluminal speeds, abandon all possessions, firmly believe in the journey of LIFE.

Don't look around, do not heed others' words, do not run with the crowd, do not feel lonely and forsaken. The key to opening the gates of heaven lies in your hands. You need only ponder quietly, listen to the guidance of your inner spirit.

Don't wait for torrential rains to build an ark; do not wait for the Titanic to hit an iceberg to search for LIFE jackets; do not wait to see a "bombing plane" before rushing out of the building. Once everything becomes apparent, it's too late.

"Your Eastern land, due to its vastness, sparse population, and abundant resources, has fallen into a state of excessive greed, rampant killing, widespread falsehoods, and deceitfulness. Many are unfaithful, unfilial, unkind, and unjust. Now, I bring the Tripitaka, capable of transcending LIFE and death, to save all beings."

"Your Eastern land, ignoring the Tripitaka Buddha scriptures, your sky is low, your earth thin, your resources scant, and your population dense. You do not believe in gods, Buddhas, despise laws and heaven. Yet you still indulge in excessive greed, rampant killing, widespread falsehoods, and deceitfulness. Many are unfaithful, unfilial, unkind, and unjust."

"Your Eastern land, disregards Buddhas and the Greatest Creators, unaware of how to be human. Ears but deaf, hearts but void, as fragile as paper, as lofty as the sky, spirits desolate, hearts like stones, still stubbornly refusing to heed teachings, superficially humble, but inwardly arrogant. I now call again, hoping for a response to the revelations, a return from the misguided path. If delayed or procrastinated, divine punishment will follow."

The vast heavens perceive your hearts; the myriad gods know your names; the sun, moon, and cosmic laws observe your deeds.

In the vast expanse of existence, LIFE takes precedence; in the limitless desert, retracing steps leads to the oasis; every millennium is but a fleeting moment; the righteous path is the only way.

Respond to the revelations and find your way out of the maze.

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