The Inspiration of Glass


Wind cannot enter, rain cannot enter, but only light can enter—this is the unique property of window glass.

In broad daylight, when you enter a room without windows and close the door, the room is enveloped in darkness. In a place without light, people are like the blind—they can’t see anything. To find direction or a goal, one must fumble around, and it’s impossible to carry out detailed work. At this moment, if a glass window is installed on the wall, suddenly light floods in, the room brightens instantly, and everything becomes clearly visible. Whatever you want to do becomes simple and easy.

The more and larger the windows in a room, the more and brighter the light that enters. Window glass keeps the wind out, keeps the rain out, and keeps the cold out, yet it allows light and warmth to enter.

Where there is no light, under natural conditions, it becomes dark and damp, and vitality weakens. Chives, for example, turn pale yellow without sunlight. This is because, without sunlight, plants cannot carry out photosynthesis and generate energy, leading to a frail vitality.

This phenomenon gives us an insight: If we want to find our goals and direction, if we want to have a vibrant life force, we need to let light in. The system of life must not be closed off—it must engage in “photosynthesis” with the outside world. At the same time, it’s important to avoid the temptation and contamination of harmful influences. This means that the human heart (or consciousness) must be like glass—wind cannot enter, rain cannot enter, cold cannot enter; only light and warmth can enter.

Any closed system, because it lacks light and entropy increases, will ultimately weaken and collapse, heading toward death and an end. The more opaque something is, the less vitality it possesses. This teaches us that our thoughts and ideas must be transparent—nothing should be concealed or shady. Things that cannot withstand the light are dark and filthy.

We must allow light and warmth to enter while keeping out the wind, rain, and cold. To achieve this, we need something like glass to protect our consciousness. What is this material? The answer is faith and beliefs. Faith and beliefs can prevent us from being tempted by harmful things or corrupted by evil, while also allowing our hearts to remain bright and healthy.

Therefore, life cannot exist without faith and beliefs.

September 7, 2024

Last updated