Shocking Thunderclap in Silence


Aug. 16, 2005

That was a day on the Christmas of the previous year. I was driving a van, transporting eight employees from my store to a fast-food restaurant and bar I owned, about 10 kilometers away, to celebrate Christmas. Just as we pulled up to the entrance of the bar, we heard a “clack” sound, and the left front wheel dropped, tilting the vehicle to the left. Quickly checking, I discovered the axle supporting the left wheel had completely snapped.

After a week, I had the car towed to Sadie Motor for repairs. The shop owner, holding the fractured axle, asked me, "Why didn't the car overturn?" I replied, "The axle broke only as the car came to a stop, that's why it didn't overturn." That British gentleman sighed, saying, "A miracle, the Greatest Creator's protection. In such a situation, the car should have flipped, causing injuries. How did it break only after the car stopped?" He then pointed at the fracture and explained, “This axle began breaking at least half a year ago. It didn't snap suddenly but deteriorated bit by bit. Its complete fracture was inevitable; it should have happened during driving. You're very lucky."

Initially, I didn't care for the analysis, but after hearing his explanation, I felt terrified. I usually drive fast. If the axle had snapped during high-speed driving, not only would everyone in the car have been in danger, but other vehicles around might also have faced disaster. That was close!

The axle had been gradually breaking for months, yet I remained oblivious. Thunder lurked in silence; disasters hid within calm waters. Unseen perils surfaced unnoticed amid the excitement and joy. How can one prevent such occurrences?

Since then, I have started contemplating the latent crises within nature. Earthquakes, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, plagues, wars, floods, landslides, droughts, pestilence, sandstorms, accidents, plane crashes, collapsed walls, dam breaches, land subsidence, strokes, sudden power outages, water stoppages, social unrest, riots, and other unforeseen calamities—all exhibit early signs of “axle fractures”.

People typically care about results or consequences, rarely focusing on the gradual “axle deterioration” leading up to them. People often live in regret, never considering early checks and preventive measures. Furthermore, since “axle fractures” happen gradually and invisibly, they are easily overlooked. Even if someone predicts a disaster in advance, not many believe it. “This guy's exaggerating, talking nonsense, or has ulterior motives”.

What's the solution? Think about Noah building his ark on the mountaintop — how many ridiculed and mocked him? Currently, Lifechanyuan has faced and will continue to face ridicule, mockery, and cold indifference from many.

Among all these "axle fractures," my focus is on the fate and future of humanity. It seems that the Greatest Creator, god Jesus, and Buddha Shakyamuni have particularly favored me, granting me the key to unlock the treasury of wisdom and authority to establish Lifechanyuan, bestowing upon me the honor of "harvesting crops."

People, I know you will not easily believe me. In Jesus' era, how many truly believed in Jesus? How many truly believed in Buddha Shakyamuni? How many truly understood Muhammad and Laozi?

Many talk about the Greatest Creator, Allah, the Ancestor of Buddha, Emperor Shakra, the heavens, or the divine, but how many genuinely follow them? Many speak of "Tao manifests itself in nature." What is nature? Do you understand?

Some claim that Xuefeng is creating the Greatest Creator, that he aspires to be its spokesperson. Oh, ignorant ones, can the Greatest Creator be created? Is Xuefeng's "The Chapter of the Greatest Creator" creating the Greatest Creator? Who in human history has explained the Greatest Creator as comprehensively as "The Chapter of the Greatest Creator"?

Thunder in silence exists. If you don't believe it, just wait and see.

But I'll caution everyone in advance: Do not come running later, shouting, "Greatest Creator, now I believe," after the "axle breaks." By then, it'll be too late, and no one can save you.

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