Fragrances Will Attract Butterflies To Flowers And Pure Hearts Will Be Frequented By Celestial Being


Foreign dignitaries visiting often opt for stays in five-star hotels, never considering ordinary roadside inns. Recluses choose picturesque mountains and rivers as their places of cultivation, avoiding desolate and barren lands. Virtuous ministers select noble leaders to serve, while birds choose worthy trees for their nests. Harlots attract promiscuous men, and debauchees specialize in tempting women seeking extramarital affairs. Gamblers revel in murky, obscure environments, while sages prefer abodes with serene and fresh air. The environment not only shapes species but is also shaped by them—just as filthy places attract flies, while blooming flowers welcome bees and butterflies.

Planting different trees attracts different birds. People who browse the internet daily tend to favor websites that suit their temperament and personality, occasionally visiting other sites. Birds of a feather flock together, and individuals group based on shared interests. Scammers and thieves find it easy to communicate with each other, while sages seek companions with kindred spirits. In the eyes of lovers, beauty lies in the beholder, while evildoers may perceive others as troublemakers. Tyrants often surround themselves with sycophants. In the heart of enlightened beings, there are few living souls in the mundane world.

A phoenix avoids barren lands; enlightened souls do not consort with common folk. Rain avoids deserts; peonies do not grow in the Gobi Desert. These are common sense not needing exhaustive illustration.

To those who have entered Lifechanyuan, I wish to convey: "A pure heart attracts celestial beings."

Consider this: when in a chaotic place, overwhelmed by countless tasks, it's hard to deeply contemplate a single matter or write a valuable article. Only in tranquility, free from desire, does the mind become sharp and clear, writing effortlessly—a state called "When the mind is calm, ideas flow naturally”.

A tangled mess is distressing for anyone who encounters it. In a society with disorder, it is difficult to establish a positive moral atmosphere. Noise is irritating, music brings joy, orderly lines are soothing, and the chaotic arrangement of structures in a painting disrupts one's thoughts. Higher-quality LIFE tends to favor order, while lower-quality life leans toward chaos. Saints and sages would never guide people towards rebellion, rioting, plunder, or bloodshed. Those with distorted mindsets eagerly anticipate chaos in the world, hoping for frequent government overthrows, thinking, "Why isn't the world in chaos yet?" "Chaos is good; amidst the chaos, one can fish in troubled waters and seize power."

The virtuous individuals who enter the Lifechanyuan community appreciate order and abhor violence and plunder. Even amid a storm, they remain as "the wind blows, the mountain stands still; leaves fall, silently." This is not a matter of moral quality but rather a question of LIFE quality.

Disorder ravages life. If scorching sun today, biting cold tomorrow, morning serene, afternoon a deluge, month after month, year after year—can there still be traces of LIFE on this Earth?

If a person's emotions fluctuate unpredictably, desiring to engage in business today, aspiring for politics tomorrow, thinking of marrying Xiao Wang in the morning, and wanting to wed Da Liu in the afternoon, month after month, year after year—can they still lead a long life?

So, what does "A pure heart attracts celestial beings" mean?

A pure heart signifies a state of tranquility and order within the mind. In this state, the heart resembles a babbling brook, a field adorned with blooming flowers, a serene and elegant garden, towering and overlapping mountain ranges, a tranquil lake with rippling waves, a blue sky with drifting clouds, and the vast expanse of the starry night sky. When the heart resides in such a state, life thrives, divine blessings abound, and celestial beings visit.

How to achieve purity of heart? In the intermediate stages of cultivation, I discussed that a heart harboring evil thoughts is impure; a deluded and fantasizing mind is impure; an incessantly greedy heart is impure; seeking undue advantage taints the heart; deceitful behavior soils the heart; speaking nonsense stains the heart; insulting gods and buddhas clouds the heart; disrespecting parents darkens the heart; engaging in conflict, killing, and robbery contaminates the heart; ambiguous thoughts obscure the heart; an impure body defiles the heart; a dirty and disorderly living space pollutes the heart; deception, fraud, and manipulation sully the heart; lacking compassion stains the heart; ignorance and irrationality darken the heart; and blasphemy against the Greatest Creator stains the heart.

A purified state of mind is the realm of celestial beings. Achieving this state naturally attracts the presence of celestial beings for spiritual guidance. A pure heart attracts celestial beings.

The words spoken by Jesus, Buddha Shakyamuni, and Laozi all emanate from a pure state of mind. Attaining purity of heart enables one to tap into the wisdom of Buddhas and celestial beings. Understanding the teachings of Jesus, Buddha, and Laozi becomes as effortless as turning one's hand because, as the saying goes, "Fragrances attract butterflies to flowers, and pure hearts are frequented by celestial beings."

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