Benevolent Evil


Once while watching "Animal World" on TV, I came across a scene: a tall tree with a bird's nest, a big bird "cruelly" driving away a young bird seemingly not fully feathered from the nest. The young bird, panicked, tried to hide, squeezing back into the nest. The bird mother, seemingly lacking any "sympathy" for her "daughter," flapped her wings, squawked, not letting it take a step back, eventually forcing the young bird to fly away from the tree nest and clumsily spread its wings for the first time.

The fledgling bird landed clumsily on the grass, and the big bird promptly flew to a branch not far from it, preening its feathers. But observing the newly liberated young bird, chirping and hopping joyfully on the ground, it seemed to say, "Mom, look, I can fly! I can hop on the ground! Life outside is so much freer and comfortable than in the nest. Look, Mom, I can even catch insects! Oh, the outside world is wonderful!"

At first glance, the mother bird's act of driving away her offspring seemed "evil." Yet, upon seeing the joyful scene of the young bird on the ground, I immediately recognized that the mother bird's seemingly “evil” actions were, in fact, a form of benevolent evil.

Inspired by the big bird, I employed a kind of benevolent evil in raising my own child. Starting at 13, my child took charge of the family's dinner, learned to drive at 14, and began driving to school at 16. I never did tasks he could manage himself. At 16, he competed for the position of the student company's general manager and succeeded. Regarding university, I said he could choose any university in the USA, UK, Australia, or South Africa, except elite schools like Harvard or MIT due to unaffordable tuition fees. Eventually, he researched online, contacted universities, and chose a top-ranked university within the global top 100. At 18, he left home (the nest), went to the US and UK embassies to apply for his visa himself, bought a plane ticket, registered in the USA, found accommodation, opened a bank account, and everything went smoothly.

Finally, like the big bird, I "drove" my child out of the nest. Consequently, just like the young bird landing on the grass, he discovered a broader world and a space of freedom beyond the nest. His academic performance remained outstanding, and he received care and support from various quarters.

People who know us envy our obedient and sensible child, but little do they know that I employed an "evil" educational method.

Whether educating children, managing employees, or governing countries, leading people should adopt benevolent evil. Pure kindness ultimately harms oneself and others, only benevolent evil can save both.

To those who are ignorant, the most effective approach is to employ a strategy of benevolent evil, as they are unresponsive to reason and unmoved even in life-threatening situations. Resorting to a fascist dictatorship is inhumane, leaving us with no option but to employ "evil" methods.

To those who damage nature, those who cause trouble without reason, those who lazily parasitize, and those who are fanatics, the most effective way to rescue them is through a form of benevolent evil. If we spend too much time waiting for them to understand it, it is too late, and humanity will be on the brink of catastrophe.

Children who cannot swim insist on bathing in the river, those unfamiliar with electricity want to touch high-voltage wires, those lacking faith insist on “freedom,” and those unfamiliar with Chinese culture and the human spiritual world insist on advocating private ownership. Is it wise for them to follow their own whims without considering the consequences not only for themselves but also for the future of others and the entire nation?

Humanity faces an immense potential disaster; we are standing at the edge of a precipice. It's time to wake up.

Ninety-eight percent of people are currently in the nest. Don't you want to fly freely like the young bird?

All authoritarian systems are nests. Can there be prospects for those crowded and fussing within these nests for an extended period?

All religions are nests. Can there be prospects for those dreaming with closed eyes within these nests for an extended period?

Like the big bird, Lifechanyuan aims to encourage the young birds to leave the nest. Only by flying out of the nest can you understand the benevolent evil of Lifechanyuan.

Soar into the world, and it becomes yours; remain behind, and it leads to a dead end.

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