The God promoted in the Old Testament of the Bible is not the Greatest Creator


First of all, we need to acknowledge that the Bible is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Israeli nation. It faithfully records the history of the Jewish people and explains to the utmost the relationship between gods and demons, and human beings, pointing the way forward for humanity.

The Bible, along with the Quran, Buddhist scriptures, and the Tao Te Ching, is a treasure trove of human wisdom, a book of treasures that teaches us how to be human and how to develop towards higher levels of life.

The opening statement of the Bible is true, but not everything covered by the sacred robe is necessarily sacred, and not everyone who wears the sacred robe is necessarily an abbot in charge.

The Bible has a problem, and that is that the God promoted in it is not the real Greatest Creator.

We already know that the Greatest Creator has eight main features: uniqueness and exclusivity, formlessness, neutrality, mystery, impartiality, mercy, supreme power, and intelligence. Intelligence is mainly manifested in the establishment of the universe order, the design of the life program, and the knowledge of the past and the future.

So, does the God in the Bible possess these eight features?

Let's take a few examples to illustrate.

Adam and Eve's betrayal.

In the book of Genesis, it is said that Adam and Eve, under the temptation of the serpent, ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which God had forbidden them to eat, and as a result, they disobeyed God's will and were expelled from the Garden of Eden.

This event shows that the God in the Bible is: a. powerless; b. lacks foresight; c. unjust.

His powerlessness is evident in that he was a failure from the beginning. The first couple he created betrayed him. How can we believe in a "God" who often fails? The Flood killed most of humanity, and what about the future humanity? They still don't listen to him. Moses' Ten Commandments were God's instructions in the Bible, but how many have humans obeyed? Not a single one has been sincerely followed. It seems that God in the Bible is helpless when it comes to humans. The only way is to threaten and threaten again: If you don't do this or that, you will be punished. It has been thousands of years, from the beginning to now, and humanity is still the same. Is there really no other way? Is there other force constraining this almighty God? If so, is God not the only one? Humanity has been going against you for thousands of years, what are you waiting for?

The lack of foresight in the God of the Bible is shown in his ignorance of Adam and Eve's betrayal, and his lack of knowledge about the future development trend of the things he created. Can we rely on a God who cannot predict the past and the future? If the earth were to fly out of the solar system, and you didn't know, how could you save humanity? If you can't even manage humans, how can you manage gods and demons? How can you manage the vast universe?

The unfairness of God in the Bible is manifested in his failure to distinguish right from wrong and a lack of reasoning.

There are three reasons why Adam and Eve betrayed him: firstly, the genetic structure of Adam and Eve, which he created, was flawed or imperfect. The things he created turned against him, causing him to become angry and frustrated. This is like an architect working hard to build a house, but the house collapses just as the project is completed and falls on his feet. Should he blame the house or blame himself?

The second reason for the betrayal is the temptation and instigation of the snake. Adam and Eve were human beings, and the power behind the snake was Satan, the devil. Human energy and wisdom are unable to contend with evil, and yet God did not punish the devil, the culprit, but instead vented his anger on Adam and Eve, banishing them from the Garden of Eden. Is this fair? If a rapist rapes an eight-year-old girl, and instead of punishing the rapist, he blames the girl for having a weak resistance and for having developed a vagina, is this fair?

The third and most important reason for the betrayal is the damned tree of knowledge of good and evil. Who planted it in the Garden of Eden? Why did they plant it? It's like putting poisonous candy on a child's dinner table. Is this not intentionally creating a situation where "there is no silver in this place"? On the one hand, constantly showing pornographic videos to young girls, and on the other hand, pretending to demand that they remain chaste. Is this the behavior of a moral person? Is it not the cunning and wicked "person" who planted the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden that led to Adam and Eve's betrayal?

Furthermore, for a person who can create the universe, is banishing Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden the only solution? Is there no other way? Is it fair to not even give a chance to correct a mistake made once? Is it fair to be guilty for a lifetime for one mistake?

Jesus came to the world mainly to "redeem sinners." According to the logic of the Bible, people have "original sin," which comes from the ancestors of humanity, Adam and Eve, and their "sin" was caused by eating the fruit from the cursed tree of knowledge of good and evil.

From the moment we were born, we have been burdened with the "original sin" inherited from Adam and Eve. This "cross" is too heavy to bear. The logical conclusion of this reasoning is: "the son of a thief is always a thief," "the son of a criminal is always a criminal," the children of landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements, and rightists will always be labeled as the "Five Black Categories", "the son of an emperor is always an emperor." No wonder in human history, especially in the feudal era, "one person commits a crime, and nine generations suffer," no wonder "when one person ascends to the Dao, the whole family prospers," no wonder the emperor doesn't take turns to reign and instead lets an ignorant child inherit the throne at the age of three. It turns out that all of these conform to the logic of the Bible.

If there is guilt, firstly it is on God in the Bible and Satan. Just for Adam and Eve, over a hundred billion people throughout human history have had to suffer. How can this be humane? Why not execute Adam and Eve at that time and then create humans again? Is it really that difficult for God in the Bible to create a person?

Humans are born with sin, which is why every person who comes into this world has to suffer. But this sin is not inherited from our ancestors, but something that each person creates themselves in their past lives. If a person has no sin, they would become a deity or a Buddha.

The Ten Plagues of Egypt are recorded in the Book of Exodus: when Moses and Aaron asked Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt in the name of the God in the Bible, they were refused. As a result, the God in the Bible brought ten plagues upon the Egyptians.

(1) The water of the Nile turned into blood, and the fish in the river died, causing a foul odor to arise.

(2) Frogs jumped out of the Nile and spread throughout the land of Egypt, causing a foul odor.

(3) The dust of the land of Egypt turned into lice, crawling on the bodies of people and animals.

(4) Swarms of flies plagued Egypt.

(5) A plague killed almost all of Egypt's livestock.

(6) Boils appeared on the bodies of the Egyptians.

(7) A rare hailstorm occurred.

(8) Locusts ate up all the green plants that were left after the hail.

(9) Darkness covered Egypt for three days.

(10) The firstborn of both people and livestock were killed.

If we say that God punished Egypt because Pharaoh did not obey God's will, it can be understood. But killing the firstborn of both people and animals in Egypt is a bit too much, unreasonable. If the Egyptian emperor does not listen to you, you can punish him, but why bring disaster to ordinary people? Even worse, even the children of the slave girls who are at the bottom of society, like donkeys pushing mills, are not spared and must be killed. Does such a God have mercy? This is simply the behavior of a devil that destroys humanity.

What is even more hateful is that the main reason why Pharaoh did not allow the Israelites to leave Egypt is that the God in the Bible made Pharaoh's heart hardened. Before the Ten Plagues occurred, the God in the Bible had already made preparations. Exodus 7:3 records: "But I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and though I multiply my signs and wonders in Egypt." This means that the God in the Bible had set a trap for the Egyptians but was finding ways to punish them. Exodus 8:19 says, "But when Pharaoh saw that there was a respite, he hardened his heart, and hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said." Exodus 9:35 says, "And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, neither would he let the children of Israel go; as the LORD had spoken by Moses." Exodus 10:20 says, "But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go." Exodus 10:27 says, "But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he would not let them go." Exodus 11:10 says, "And Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh: and the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go out of his land."

It was the God in the Bible who allowed the Israelites to leave Egypt, but also the same God who made Pharaoh's heart hardened and caused many problems, not allowing the Israelites to leave Egypt easily. What is the God in the Bible doing? On the one hand, he encourages the people to rebel, while on the other hand, he informs the government authorities and encourages them to brutally suppress the rebellion. Isn't this person a schemer and a two-faced person?

Is this what God looks like? The Israelites are God's chosen people.

The Bible is divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament refers to events before the birth of Jesus, and the New Testament refers to events after his birth. The term "testament" refers to a covenant, contract, or agreement. The entire Bible mainly deals with the covenant, contract, and agreement between God and the Israelites.

This raises a paradox: there are probably more than 3,000 ethnic groups in the world. Why did God make a covenant only with the Israelites? Aren't other ethnic groups also God's people? If so, God cannot make a covenant only with the Israelites and ignore other ethnic groups. If not, where did other ethnic groups come from? Did Adam and Eve not serve as the ancestors of all humanity, only the ancestors of the Israelites? Were people of other ethnic groups created by the devil?

From the creation to the Great Flood is 1656 years. From the Great Flood to the exodus from Egypt is a total of 857 years. From the exodus to the establishment of the Israelite nation is 396 years. From the establishment to the Babylonian exile is 510 years. From the Babylonian exile to the rebuilding of Jerusalem is 152 years. From the rebuilding of Jerusalem to the birth of Jesus is approximately 450 years. From the birth of Jesus to today is a total of 2003 years. According to the calculations in the Bible, human history is approximately 6376 years.

According to the Bible, only eight people, Noah, his wife, and his three sons and their wives, survived the Great Flood, which occurred about 4,700 years ago. That means there were no other people on earth besides Noah's family.

This raises a series of questions. First, where did Native Americans come from? According to the theory of continental drift, the separation of the American continent from other continents could not have occurred within the past 4,700 years. How did Noah's descendants travel from the Middle East to America? Moreover, after the Great Flood, Noah's family consisted of only eight people, and it is impossible that they immediately dispersed. Noah could not have sent one of his sons and his daughter-in-law to cross the freezing Siberia and take the risk of crossing the Bering Strait to America.

The second question is about where the black people in Africa came from. From a genetic perspective, black, yellow, and white people all have their own ancestors. A pair of purebred white people cannot produce a black or yellow person, even with evolution. Even if we talk about evolution, the Israelites could not have evolved into black or yellow people within 4,700 years. Moreover, according to Darwin's theory of evolution, it is the survival of the fittest. Could the Israelites who wrote the Bible have evolved into African Americans? No matter how we comfort our black brothers, they are not superior to the Israelites in terms of intelligence.

As for the Chinese nation, the appearance of the emperor was about 4,600 years ago, and the story of Dayu controlling floods was about 4,200 years ago. From a time span perspective, the descendants of Noah could not have come to the Central Plains just over 100 years after the Great Flood. Even if they could have come to the Central Plains, could they have reproduced so many people in 400 years to follow Dayu to control the floods?

Where did the Chinese nation come from? Can Dayu's flood control be understood as controlling the Great Flood of that time?

From the perspective of the Bible, the theory of biological evolution cannot be recognized, because once the theory of biological evolution is recognized, the theory of God creating humanity is undoubtedly denied. But if we deny the theory of biological evolution, we cannot explain the origins of black and yellow people, and we cannot say that Adam and Eve are the common ancestors of humanity.

The story of Cain and Abel.

After Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden, their first child was Cain, and their second child was Abel. "One day, Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the Lord. Abel also brought the firstborn of his flock and their fat. The Lord favored Abel and his offering, but he did not favor Cain and his offering." As a result, out of jealousy, Cain killed his own brother, Abel.

We want to ask God in the Bible, why did you only accept Abel's offering but not Cain's? Isn't Cain's jealousy and the subsequent murder of his brother Abel a trouble of your own making? If you didn't show partiality, how could you provoke Cain's jealousy? Why is it that the people you created cause so much trouble? Adam and Eve disobeyed you, and their sons ended up killing each other. Can't you, as God, solve these problems? Or is this your deliberate plan?

Cain was a murderer and should have been punished severely, but you said, "Anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over." This is a non-standard morality! If you don't punish the criminal, that's one thing, but if someone else punishes the criminal, they should receive seven times the punishment? Isn't this protecting the criminal?

No wonder human history has been filled with bloodshed and crime for thousands of years. It turns out that God in the Bible is protecting criminals.

“Anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Cain is a criminal, so we can fully understand it as: “Anyone who kills a criminal will suffer vengeance seven times over.”

From this, it seems that it is better to be a criminal, as at least someone will protect you. If you're a good person, not only will no one protect you, but you'll also suffer seven times the punishment.

Then there are the prophets and dreams in the Bible. The prophets are representatives of God on earth with incomprehensible wisdom and ability. This makes us ordinary people unable to distinguish between truth and lies. If someone says, "I am a prophet," should we believe them or not? If we don't believe them, are we not opposing God? But if we believe them, could they not be using the name of the prophet to deceive us?

Speaking of dreams, there are a lot of dreams and interpretations of dreams in the Bible, especially in the Book of Revelation. Of course, only prophets can interpret dreams, which brings us endless confusion.

First of all, did you as a prophet really have this dream? Your dreams are not visible to others, so could you be making up some dreams to deceive us? If you really had the dream, is your interpretation correct? Could you be interpreting the dream in the opposite way?

We would like to ask you, the God in the Bible, you often directly communicated with people. Why did you stop talking directly to humanity later on? Is it that the Adam and Eve on other planets also rebelled against your guidance? Why did you have to warn humanity in the form of dreams? Why not make the truth clear and straightforward? Don't you have the ability to do so? Do you not have the time? Do you have something to hide?

We can give many examples to show that the God in the Bible does not possess the attributes of being uniqueness and exclusivity, amorphousness, neutrality, mystery, impartiality, mercy, supreme power, and intelligence.

It can be said with certainty: "The God in the Bible is not the real God!"

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