Pathways of Heaven's Rewards and Punishments


January 30, 2022

Rewards and punishments are administered through interactions with those closest to us. If our parents, children, spouse, or partners bring us joy, happiness, freedom, and bliss, it is a reward from the Greatest Creator. Conversely, if they bring troubles, pain, worries, and despair, it is a punishment from the Greatest Creator.

Rewards and punishments are also delivered through interactions with those we frequently associate with. If our relatives, friends, colleagues, schoolmates, neighbors, superiors, subordinates, lovers, and online acquaintances bring us joy, happiness, freedom, and bliss, it is a reward from the Greatest Creator. Conversely, it is a punishment if they bring the opposite.

Food can also be a means of reward or punishment. If we have abundant, nutritious food that nourishes our body and maintains our health, it is a reward from the Greatest Creator. Conversely, scarcity, poor quality, and contaminated food that leads to illness are punishments from the Greatest Creator.

The environment plays a role in rewards or punishments. Living in a peaceful, harmonious, warm, beautiful, and prosperous environment is a reward from the Greatest Creator. Conversely, living in an environment of fighting, smashing, robbing, killing, competing for advantages, deceiving, kidnapping, cheating, and stealing is a punishment from the Greatest Creator.

Social mechanisms determine rewards or punishments. Living in a democratic, dignified, rights-respecting society where one can live and work in peace and contentment is a reward from the Greatest Creator. Conversely, living in an autocratic, oppressive, deceitful, undignified, insecure society that constantly keeps people on tenterhooks and instills fear is a punishment from the Greatest Creator.

Natural disasters can serve as rewards or punishments. Favorable weather conditions are a reward, while incessant natural disasters are a punishment.

Special events can result in rewards or punishments. Meeting helpful individuals who guide us on our path and experiencing smooth and safe journeys are rewards from the Greatest Creator. Conversely, encountering malicious individuals who lead us astray and facing difficulties and obstacles are punishments.

Life’s ascent or descent can signify rewards or punishments. Going to heaven after death is a reward, while being reborn in the animal world or descending into hell is a punishment.

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