40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator (21--25)


21.The Pleasure of Sex is not only for Carrying on the Family Line

The core point of the pleasure in sex is the orgasm during sexual intercourse. None of the first love, adoration, yearning, dating, caressing, and other emotional enjoyments can compare to the orgasm in sex.

Then, what is the orgasm in sexual intercourse? To help us understand the feeling of orgasm between males and females, I have selected some sections from “Kinsey Reports”, “Hatty Report on Sex”, and especially “Sex Codes—China Reports”.

“I feel like I'm in heaven.”

“I have a blurry sense of giddiness—the thrilling and exciting warmth, fullness, humidness, and force.”

“A sense of urgency, an irresistible sense of pulling.”

“I feel extremely excited and short of breath. Meanwhile, I feel my head lifting up as if in a dream, the sound is vague and distant, time seems still.”

“Joy, happiness, exhilaration, and excitement. I am blissfully ecstatic”

“I feel terrific, as if I am at my best.”

“It feels like an awakening and the beginning of life.”

“The feeling is incomparably wonderful; it is an ecstasy almost unbearable to human power.”

“Charming! Surging blood! Carefree! Ecstasy! Orgasm! Unparalleled wonder! Intoxicating! Full of power! Incredible!”

“In some aspects, arousal of sexuality offers me the opportunity to transcend myself and wake up from the dense fog of daily life and existence.”

“I feel as if I have left my flesh and my spirit, caring for nothing that normally seems extremely important to me.”

“Wonderful feeling of caresses, I wish this could go on forever.”

“The stillness of life is like an eternal moment, intertwined strongly through indulging and savoring the sweet pleasure of the flesh.”

“A fantastic sensation, I myself am in another dimension which drifts and melts from the supporting point of my LIFE.”

“A raging flame, violent and engulfing everything. Extremely fantastic.”

“A refreshing and irresistible orgasm is increasing to such an extent that an intense charge surges around the clitoris, just like a space-exploring rocket shooting up explosively. Then the charge radiates in the entire region of my pubes. At this moment all other things have vanished from my consciousness. It seems that the “inside” of me is filled with enormous power. The wetness, the heat, and the intensity make me feel incomparably comfortable. During the whole process, all the raging wonderful feelings are radiating on the internal side of my legs. It seems that all things around me have ceased their existence. I am completely immersed in this wonderful feeling. By far, I have not experienced a more wonderful feeling than this.”

This feeling is a complete immersion that has nothing to do with will and thought. It has completely conquered me, occupying my body. As for the overall effect of its destructiveness, the best word to describe this physiological feeling is “madly carefree”. The only feeling I can relate to is a certain form of overall stiffness and tightness and the indistinguishable “internal explosion” at the sexual organs.

“My body gradually tightens up. I feel as if I have reached the precipitous peak of perfect happiness, then I approach the plateau of ecstasy, I utter a sharp scream, glide past the crest plane of bliss, then I experience five or six fits of violent twitches and convulsions, which are acute, vehement, and agitating in the beginning and become duller, slower and milder.”

This is the orgasm in sexual pleasure.

From the above statement, we can see that the physiological and psychological sensations during orgasm are incomparably wonderful pleasures and the ultimate beauty. No wonder Ban Gu said in "The Book of Han, Arts and Literature": "Sexual intercourse is the ultimate expression of emotion and nature, the boundary of Tao." Jared Diamond, a physiology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, said: "Human sex is weird." “It is magical, incredible, and beyond nature”.

The pleasure between two sexes is so magical, so soul-stirring, so desirable, no wonder Freud concluded that the driving force of sex is the greatest force that propels social development.

Then, who created such a wonderful feeling for humankind? Is sexual orgasm a result of natural evolution? Is sexual pleasure solely for the purpose of reproducing?

R. Stephen Howard, a graduate student at Indiana State University, said: "In terms of energy required, asexual reproduction is a more economical way to transmit genes to one's progeny." His research results showed that asexual reproduction is the most economical way and the most effective way to transmit the genetic traits of a living organism to its offspring.

But how did sexual reproduction come into being? Is sexual pleasure only for bearing children? The answer is no. Prostitutes engage in prostitution not to bear children for pleasure-seeking men, and those men do not seek out prostitutes to have children with them.

Human intelligence can create a master machine that produces products continuously. So, why couldn't the Greatest Creator make a matrix that continually produces offspring?

The pleasure of sex is purely for the enjoyment of LIFE, and this is the universal love of the Greatest Creator. As for the propagation of offspring, it is only a byproduct of the pleasure of sex.

Moreover, asexual reproduction will pass on diseases carried by genes to future generations. Through copulation, diseases carried by genes can be remitted or even eliminated. The benefits of crossbreeding are evident. Therefore, a species may go extinct without a sex life.

Thus, the pleasure of sex is an arrangement of the Greatest Creator. Sex life conforms to the decree of the Greatest Creator. Suppressing, inhibiting, or destroying sex LIFE is against human nature. We should have sex life and enjoy it too. Sex life should accompany us to the other shore of LIFE.

It is unreasonable to suppress, inhibit, or destroy sex life because it goes against human nature. Why should we refrain from what the Greatest Creator has created?

There is no such thing as debauchery and dissipation in sex life. The more, the better. There is nothing wrong with the “Mu Zi Mei” phenomenon. If Lin Daiyu in A Dream of Red Mansion had experienced an orgasm, she would not have had such a miserable ending.

Does this mean that Lifechanyuan is against Christianity and Buddhism?

The seventh precept of the Ten Commandments is “You shall not commit adultery.”

In Matthew 5:28-29, Jesus said, "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into Gehenna." (Gehenna, a garbage dump outside of Jerusalem)."

The first precept of "upholding the right Dharma" in Volume 6 of the Buddhist "Shurangama Sutra" is "to abstain from sexual misconduct." "If the minds of all sentient beings in the six realms of the world are not tainted by sexual desire, they will not be subject to birth and death. If you cultivate Samadhi without removing the desire, you cannot transcend worldly sufferings. Even if you have great wisdom and meditation, if you do not refrain from sexual misconduct, you will fall into the demonic path. There are high-ranking demon kings, middle-ranking demon followers, and low-ranking demon women. These demons also have their own followers, and each one claims to have achieved the heavenly path. In the Dharma Ending Age after my Nirvana, these demonic followers will be prevalent in the world, widely promoting greed and sexual misconduct as virtuous conduct, causing sentient beings to fall into the pit of attachment and lose the path to enlightenment."

Jesus is god, and Sakyamuni is Buddha. Their profound wisdom is beyond us mortals, and their teachings are invaluable treasures to our LIFE. Jesus instructs us in divinity. Following the supreme road of LIFE guided by Jesus, we can enter the kingdom of the Greatest Creator. Sakyamuni enlightens us from the perspective of Buddhism. If we want to attain Buddhahood, we must break with lewdness, not only physiologically but also psychologically. Just like the teachings of Jesus, you have already committed adultery even if you only have harbored the lustful desire.

Christianity is the religion of god, and Buddhism is the religion of Buddha. The two religions have made indelible contributions to mankind. Through them, we have come to know the road to supreme LIFE space. It is the primary task of Lifechanyuan to make Jesus and Sakyamuni an integrated part of our life.

If the path of human development is comparable to a three-story building, then Christianity will be on the top level, Buddhism at the middle, and Lifechanyuan will be at the bottom.

From the perspective of the level of life, Buddhism is a direct ship that leads people to the Western Pure Land (the Elysium World in the 36-dimensional spaces) by crossing over human nature. To board this ship, one must "cut off lust".

Where exactly Christianity wants to guide people in terms of the level of life space, I cannot fully comprehend with my current knowledge. Based on the miracles and teachings of Jesus, it seems that the goal is to make everyone an angel and enter the "Heaven World", god's paradise. In 12:18-25 of the Gospel of Mark, Jesus said, "For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven."

What is an angel? An angel is the Super Celestial Being and Buddha with divinity. Buddha is under the control of the power of Buddha, while a Super Celestial Being is the free, elegant, and magically powerful spiritual entity of high energy, second only to god. Christianity guides people to develop in the direction of Super Celestial Being, which conforms to Jesus' teachings. Only in this way can they have a definite development direction for LIFE space. However, from the activities and pursuits of Christians, it seems that they are still clinging to worldly affairs, to the relations of parents, children, couples, and friends and relatives, and to private properties, which is unreasonable. In Luke 14:26, Jesus said, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own LIFE, he cannot be my disciple." Because if you don’t hate them, you cannot become an angel. For angels, there is nothing like family love.

We can see from the teachings of Jesus and Sakyamuni that the ultimate wisdoms are communicable. They have the same purpose.

Buddhists are capable of determinedly cutting off all their attachments to worldly affairs, including the relations of father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, belongings, status, reputation, and their own souls. They will commit themselves to self-improvement and self-cultivation wholeheartedly. They are the real Christians. However, the so-called Christians may inspire suspicion of "crying up wine but selling vinegar."

The direction of development for us, mankind, is the direction given by Jesus and Sakyamuni.

The problem is that there is a vast ocean between humans and angels (Super Celestial Beings and Buddhas), and how can we navigate our LIFE boat through the turbulent and surging "vast ocean" to reach the ideal shore?

If we can abandon worldly pursuits and devote ourselves to cultivation like the monks, nuns, priests, and sisters in the temple, it would be the best way. Although it may be difficult to ascend to heaven in one step, it is worthwhile.

The problem is, can we do it? Let's drop all other obstacles. How many of us can surmount the huge mountain of the pleasure of sex?

I have another question: why should we surmount this huge mountain now that the Greatest Creator has equipped us with the pleasure of sex to enjoy? Isn't the feeling of orgasm, entering paradise, feeling celestial, release and proliferation of love, the standstill of time and space, the feeling of being blended into the universe, and the expectation to give up all worldly desire and stay forever at that time point, the highest realm of LIFE we pursue?

Our ultimate goal is to become angels (Super Celestial Beings and Buddhas). It would be too difficult for ordinary people to jump from the starting point to the endpoint, unless they are born with the wisdom of an angel (like my granny, who was a vegetarian by birth, not due to personal preference, but due to disgust at the smell of fish and meat). Entering graduate school directly from primary school is a process of transcending comparable to the thorough remolding of oneself and reaching the peak of perfection. It is just too difficult!

Are there any smoother paths to the final success of becoming a Super Celestial Being or Buddha?

Yes, there are.

Let's first arrive at the Thousand-year World because the enjoyment of the pleasure of sex will only affect our success of becoming a Super Celestial Being or Buddha and will not prevent us from approaching the Thousand-year World (please refer to the Thousand-year World of the 36-dimensional spaces).

Although it is still hundreds of thousands of miles away from the kingdom of the Super Celestial Being and Buddhas, the Thousand-year World is, after all, a world with sublimated human nature. We can first arrive at the Thousand-year World before reaching the Ten-thousand-year World and finally make it to the world of Super Celestial Beings and Buddhas—the Elysium World. This is comparable to a primary school pupil who pursues their education in the order of primary school, middle school, university, and finally the graduate school.

Let's return to our topic. The pleasure of sex is the arrangement of the Greatest Creator and the favor HE has granted us. The Greatest Creator will not punish us as long as we are grateful to him and remember his grace when enjoying the pleasure of sex.

I have seen the Greatest Creator through the pleasure of sex. Have you?

22.The Masterpiece of the Greatest Creator: The Beauty of Nature

While learning about Introduction to Literature, our teacher told us, "We are surrounded by beauty. The reason we have failed to discover beauty is that we lack the eyes to perceive it."

In 1986, I went to the Mandarin Duck Reservoir in Jinta County with my classmates from Jiuquan Education College. We got off the bus on the road from Jiuquan City to Jinta County. Guess what my first impression was?

I felt the beauty of relaxation and happiness for becoming a part of Mother Nature because, as soon as we got off the bus, we saw the vast expanse of the endless Gobi desert. It seemed that we city-dwellers had entered another world of wildness, wonder, remoteness, and vastness. All of us cried out with one voice, "Wow, beautiful!"

How can we say that the Gobi desert is not beautiful!

When I climbed the Great Wall at Badaling during my study at Beijing Foreign Trade University, I saw the meandering Great Wall fly like a gigantic dragon on the top of the undulating mountains. I felt a beauty of valiance, unrestrained freedom, and flying.

During my study at Zhangjiakou Geology Technical School, I used to go climbing with my classmates. Standing on the mountaintop and overlooking the wilderness with curling smoke beyond the Great Wall, I felt a beauty of serenity, leisureliness, composure, and ease induced by the picturesque natural scenery.

While studying in Lanzhou Education College, I would sit by the Yellow River whenever I had the opportunity. Since I grew up by the Yellow River, I have a special love for it. Watching the surging and rolling river flow in its meandering course, I felt that my thinking had been carried to a remote place, and I was filled with the aesthetic feeling of surging emotions and endless yearnings.

In the small islands of Luanda, the capital of Angola, in the Bela Port of Mozambique, on the beach of Dares Salaam, the capital of Tanzania, in the End of the Earth of China’s Hainan Island, in the Cape of Good Hope of South Africa’s Cape Town—everywhere the azure sky and sea elicits in me an aesthetic sense of mystery, fantasy, eternity, and infinity.

There is the world-famous Victoria Waterfall on the Zambezi River between Zambia and Zimbabwe. I used to drive a six-ton truck of the Chinese Jiefang brand to fetch water from there. Each time I approached it, I was overwhelmed by its tumbling heroism. Its vigorous momentum, mountain-shaking power, thunderous rumbling, dragon's soaring, and the numerous rainbows among the waterfall created a dreamlike aesthetic feeling of dauntlessness and unrestraint.

Harare is a gardenesque city, and Zimbabwe is a green country. Here, birds sing and flowers bloom all year round. Everywhere, you can see lush and green foliage. For years, I wandered among the green mountains and rivers. Under the blue sky and white clouds, the trees, flowers, and grass are extremely beautiful.

I have not been to a prairie, but a dance I learned in middle school has always been lingering in my mind. The dance sings praise of the prairie of Hulunbuir in Inner Mongolia—the galloping courser, the herds of sheep, the drifting white clouds in the blue sky, and clusters of small flowers dotting the endless stretch of green land—in my imagination, the prairie is refreshing and intoxicating, and I long for it.

The Gobi desert, mountains, fields, rivers, oceans, creeks, and waterfalls, the blue sky and white clouds, flowers, grass, and trees—all are beautiful. The prairie, even in imagination, is also very beautiful.

The starlight stretching across the sky, the morning and evening glows, the hovering eagles, the dancing butterflies, the grapes on the vines, the mouth-watering melons and fruits, the exquisite and translucent gemstones, the sparkling and shining dewdrops, the croaking of frogs, the chirping of insects, the singing of birds, the neighing of horses, and even the mirage, nature displays strange and stunning beauty everywhere.

Nature is beautiful, and man is even more beautiful. I have not seen "The Four Ancient Beauties in China," nor have I studied any of them carefully. However, I have appreciated numerous Western beauties from the internet, especially nude ones.

I have been deeply influenced by Buddhism, Christianity, and Confucianism, but the power of beauty is so great that it can cause the complete collapse of my "moral" defense line. The temptation of beauty is so strong that it can intoxicate and thrill people. Sometimes I imagine them to be the painted skins (Hua Pi) in "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio," which will suck my marrow and blood, pull out my tendons, and skin me alive. I also know that "a beauty of 18 is soft and tender; her charm is as sharp as a sword that can cut through an ordinary man, although he may look the same, unknowingly his marrow is sucked clean and dry." However, my natural inclination for beauty is so strong that I wish to be consumed by it.

Should we turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to beauty? If beauty can cause our downfall, so can the beauty of nature. Aren't they the same?

The earnest and tireless teachings of Jesus and Sakyamuni keep ringing in my ears. On the other hand, beauty bewitches me with its irresistible force. I have been plunged into deep misery and desperation. Why is this?

I ponder, I repent, I hate myself, and I pity myself. What should I do?

I cannot help but look for the Greatest Creator, pleading for a definitive answer.

Who has bestowed beauty upon everything? If a person has no other purpose than mere survival, they will need nothing more than a kennel and a basin of pig feed. Why should everything be given a beautiful appearance?

Finally, I have found the answer: the beauty of everything has been created by the Greatest Creator, who intended for us to enjoy the beauty of LIFE.

Now that the revered Greatest Creator of the universe has offered us beauty, why should we act against the will of the Greatest Creator and view beauty as a dreadful disaster?

Is Jesus wrong? Is Buddha Sakyamuni wrong? No, not at all.

Honey is sweet, but if we cannot extricate ourselves from it, we may put our lives and wonderful future at stake, which is quite unworthy. We must heed the painstaking advice of god and Buddha.

However, now that all beauty has been created by the Greatest Creator, we are entitled to enjoy it. All beauty should be shared and not privatized. Everyone is greedy and exclusive by nature. When one cannot possess certain beauty, they will try every means to decry it and prevent others from enjoying it.

I praise all of you beautiful men and women, and through you, I praise the Greatest Creator.

Internet beauties, the road to paradise and Elysium World has been closed to you. Let me lead you to the Thousand-year World. You have shown your beauty to the world and the public. You are not monsters, nor are you sprites. But remember, your beauty is given by the Greatest Creator. You should always remember the favor of the Greatest Creator and feel indebted to and love Him. However, it will be a different story if you use your beauty for evil.

Beauty is the masterpiece of the Greatest Creator, and the existence of beauty is the best evidence of the existence of the Greatest Creator.

23.The Bright Eyes - Windows to Beauty

Of the six senses - vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and spiritual sense - felt by the six sense organs - eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind - vision accounts for more than 80% of our understanding of the material world. Although more than 80% of the knowledge of the nonmaterial world comes from spiritual sense, vision is the foundation for spiritual sense, thus eyes are called the windows

of the soul.

Vision relies mainly on eyes.

Although purely a material physiological structure, eyes can project the forms and movements of the boundless universe onto our brains, which enables us to survive effectively in the complicated nature. Without eyes, a person cannot live effectively, and without eyes, humankind cannot survive effectively.

So, how did eyes come about? Is it possible that the miraculous and intricate eyes have evolved from a single-celled organism and developed into the fully functional and perceptive eyes of humankind?

Human eyes have two functions: one is the function of vision, and the other is the function of aesthetics.

The formation of vision involves an entire system of highly efficient image analysis structures. Strictly speaking, the objects we see are not the same objects because a period of time has passed in the process from the perception of an object to the imaging of the object on the retina to the conceptualization of the object after being reflected to the brain by the nervous system. Although it lasts only several ten-thousandths of a microsecond, theoretically, the image in the brain is already not the image of the real object. For example, a flower we see may have withered after some time, but the flower in the brain is still the one originally reflected. For another example, when a relative of ours has passed away and is no longer alive, our brains still retain the lovely voice and happy countenance of the deceased.

How does vision happen?

Vision is a reaction to the stimulation of light energy of the eyes. An object will reflect the light from the sun or other light source. Via pupils and lens, the reflected light will fall on the retina for imaging to take place. Then, stimulated by light energy, the nerve cells on the retina will convert the light signal into a bioelectrical signal, which will deliver the vision information to the nerve center via optic nerves and finally to the brain. The brain's mechanism for analysis, judgment, and identification will form the concepts of the object's size, shape, and color and then pass on these concepts to the related parts of the body, ordering them to maintain high vigilance and be ready to respond to emergencies.

For the smooth running of such a complicated program, a "man" of supreme wisdom is needed to conduct the perfect design of the eyes, just like the design of cameras by scientists. We can know that the eyes are designed by the Greatest Creator through the following passages.

(1)What is visible to the eyes is only the visible light with wavelengths ranging between 400 and 760 nanometers.

Beyond this visual range, the world is completely different. The blue sky is no longer blue. Our eyes would be overwhelmed by the variegated and weirdly colorful scenes created by cosmic rays such as infrared, ultraviolet, gamma rays, beta rays, X-rays, electromagnetic waves, and particle flux. In less than 10 minutes, our nervous system would become chaotic, and we would go insane. Moreover, we might occasionally perceive spirits, immortals, goblins, devils, monsters, paradise, and hell, or even the thought waves in other people's minds. Then we would not be able to behave like rational beings and enjoy the beauty of life in a muddle-headed and unrestrained manner.

(2)Enable the eyes to distinguish between different colors.

Within the cone-shaped photosensitive cells of the human eye's retina, there are three different photopigments that can absorb blue light with a wavelength of 445 nanometers, green light with a wavelength of 535 nanometers, and red light with a wavelength of 570 nanometers. The combination of these three lights in varying proportions has created a vast array of colors. Our eyes have the ability to distinguish these subtle color differences. If not, we would all be color blind and how could we fully enjoy the infinite beauty of nature?

(3)Give the eyes a broad field of vision.

Our eyeballs are only 24 millimeters from front to back, 23 millimeters from top to bottom, and 23.5 millimeters horizontally. The pupil of the eye is only 2.5 to 4 millimeters in diameter, but with the ability to scan widely, we can see views within a range of dozens of kilometers If our eyes do not have this function, and we could only see an area the size of our eyes, our field of vision would be extremely limited, like looking through a bamboo tube at something a few meters away. Our field of vision would be very narrow, and we wouldn't be able to see a wolf approaching or a snake crawling up to our feet. This would be very troublesome, wouldn't it?

(4)Provide the eyes with stereoscopic vision.

People often say, "We can see clearly at a glance," but can one see clearly with only one eye? Try closing one eye and see if you can thread a needle or pour strong sulfuric acid accurately into a small test tube in a chemistry lab. Therefore, having two eyes is important.

(5)Enable the eyes to blink. The eyes blink every two to eight seconds.

Why do we blink? If our eyes remain open all the time, they will become dry, astringent, and may attract dust and bacteria. If this continues for an extended period, we may lose our eyesight. By blinking, tears are evenly distributed in the eyes to moisten the cornea and conjunctiva, preventing dryness and astringency, maintaining the luster of the cornea, and cleaning the conjunctival sac of dust and bacteria. See how considerate the Greatest Creator is.

(6)Provide the eyes with a mechanism for self-protection.

The eye is a complex, sensitive, and delicate organ that cannot be protected by relying on human self-awareness. Therefore, the Greatest Creator has designed eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids, and tears for protection. Eyebrows, growing on the protruding supraorbital ridges, ward off dust and sweat from above like an umbrella, preventing them from entering the eyes. Eyelashes resemble bamboo curtains or two platoons of embattled sentinels, always ready to keep away and block the unannounced invasion of enemies like dust and microorganisms. Eyelids act as loyal soldiers guarding the frontier line of the eyes. Whenever foreign matter or strong light attacks, the eyelids close up immediately and protect the eyes within them from harm. This prevents foreign matter from damaging the eyeballs and strong light from hurting the optic nerves.

In case foreign matter or bacteria invades the eyes, tears from the lachrymal gland flush away the foreign matter. Lysozyme and immunoglobulin in tears inhibit bacterial growth and kill bacteria by decomposing the sucrose mortierellate in the cell wall.

This protection mechanism is perfect. Is it a result of evolution? Our eyes have possessed these functions since humans appeared on earth. They have not evolved or regressed, nor have they gone through gradual perfection and evolution.

In addition to their visual function, eyes also serve an aesthetic purpose. Expressions such as "bright eyes," "speaking eyes," "amorous eyes," "flirting eyes," and so on, provide us with aesthetic enjoyment.

I have brainstormed hundreds of schemes to adjust the size and position of the eyes to find a better design. For example, placing the eyes at the top of the head, at the back of the head, or on the buttocks, palms, or beneath the mouth. I also considered exchanging the positions of the eyes and ears or replacing human eyes with those of horses, rats, or frogs. However, only the current size and position of the eyes are just right, and any changes will lead to ugliness. Try it and see.

Through our eyes, we can see the Greatest Creator and witness the exquisite and profound wisdom of the Greatest Creator.

Beauty is the masterpiece of the Greatest Creator, and the existence of beauty is the best evidence of the existence of the Greatest Creator.

24.The Marvelous Biological Remote Sensing, Telesthesia, and Telepathy

Let's first look at the following cases.

Case 1: Huiyan reported in Four Flowers and Four Dragons — the Story of Two Quadruplets, "If one of the quadruplets catches a cold, the other three will surely have a fever." "Three brothers yawned in step with each other, with three little mouths opening simultaneously. They uttered 'Ah...' sonorously, as if proclaiming their manliness."

Case 2: There is a report called The Unexpected Reunion of Kindred, the details of which I cannot remember very well. It relates the reunion of a mother and daughter after a separation of more than four decades. Under a strange combination of circumstances, the daughter was adopted by other people. So she took the foster mother for her birth mother and indeed she did not know that she had a natural mother, who was now old and lived alone, knowing nothing about her only child, who had been separated from her since very young. A curious coincidence brought the daughter into an out-of-the-way alley, where she coincidentally met with an old lady. Because she had accidentally helped the old lady, she was invited by the old lady into her humble hut, where she accidentally saw a picture on the wall of the old lady when she was young. She was astonished because her foster mother had given her a photo, which had been placed at the bottom of a box for decades. The photo on the wall was the same as the one she had placed at the bottom of a box. After talking with the old lady, she came to know that the old lady in front of her was none other than her own mother. The mother and the daughter felt both misery and happiness. Thanks to the mercy of heaven, the old mother had eventually found her daughter that she missed every day.

Case 3: Dead Body Returns Home reported that when the famous American actor Charles Cleveland died in 1899, he was buried in Galveston, Texas. The next year, a hurricane flooded the cemetery. The family of the deceased searched everywhere, but with no result. However, 28 years later in September 1927, this magical coffin mysteriously reappeared. It drifted for 3000 kilometers and arrived at the homeland of Cleveland — Prince Edward Island.

Case 4: According to The Omens of Mice' House Moving, after World War Two, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Macy, who were in the film industry in New York, rented an apartment at No. 80 Street of East Borough. One day Mrs. Macy spotted from the window on the second floor that many mice were pouring out in full force from the house opposite, running out as fast as they could. Shortly after, the old lady living in the opposite house died of suicide. After the death of the old lady, the mice returned in troops to the house. Some time later, a blond dancing fashionably dressed girl moved in, who was often accompanied by a young man. One day the flock of mice once again fled from the house. A few days later, this young man died of a heart attack. After the death of the young man, the dancing girl moved out. Strange enough, the mice once again returned to their old "home." A short time later, a young industrialist took residence in the house. After a period of peace, those mice left the house for another time. Mrs. Macy has a hunch that something unexpected might happen again. True enough, this young industrialist died in a plane crash. "It is said that the house was built by a famous lawyer who suffered from lunacy shortly after the building was completed and eventually killed himself by jumping into the Hudson River.

Case 5: According to the report of the Miraculous Biological Telesthesia, "As early as the last century, Professor Gregory of Edinburgh University had introduced an experiment of Berua. In the experiment, Berua divided the 50 snails into 25 pairs. Each pair was separated from the other pairs. After some time, the same letter was written on the shells of each pair of snails, and one of the pair was brought to America, the other still remained in Paris. Later, at a given time, the snail staying in Paris was stimulated with electric current, at the same time the one brought to America also exhibited the same "Electric stimulation reactions."

Alright, let's just take the above examples to explore what remote sensing, sensing, and perception are all about.

Remote sensing: First, I'd like to make it clear that the remote sensing I am talking about is purely biological remote sensing, which is different from the electromagnetic wave remote sensing, sonar remote sensing, and geophysical field remote sensing applied in aviation, spaceflight, navigation, meteorology, mapping, global positioning, resources survey, environmental protection, disaster prevention, hydrology, and geology, and archeology.

In the mythological novel "Fengshen Bang," there are two extraordinary individuals named "Qianli Yan" (Thousand-Mile Eye) and "Shunfeng Er" (Wind-Piercing Ear). Their abilities allow them to perceive everything happening in Jiang Ziya's military camp from a distant location.

The mice's behavior in case 4 is an example of animal remote sensing.

The special ability of remote clairvoyance frequently mentioned in the science of qigong is also a kind of remote sensing.

Then, what is remote sensing?

Remote sensing is a biological ability to perceive the condition of a distant person, object, or scenery by receiving the thought waves or electromagnetic waves emitted by them through directional thinking.

Remote sensing is not a mysterious phenomenon but rather a "resonant frequency," just like a television channel that receives electromagnetic signals of live broadcasting transmitted by a TV station and informs us of the happenings in a different place or like a radio that picks up the frequency of a certain radio station and broadcasts the clear voice of the announcer.

Remote sensing is a natural phenomenon in the universe, but its occurrence is very unusual. Strictly speaking, the scenes described in science fiction are not sheer fabrications but a reality that has transcended time and space. Some people can accurately predict the future because they have actually mastered the "technology" of remote sensing. For example, the French doctor Nostradamus, the eccentric Dorothy, Sakyamuni, and so on. The death of Russian Czar Ivan at the end of the 16th century had been accurately predicted by 60 Russian prophets 12 days prior to his death. It is said that some people had given up the journey on Titanic for remote sensing its fore-coming disaster.

There are a lot of prophecies in the Bible, the Qur'an, and the Sutra. Actually, these prophecies are a kind of remote sensing.

My description of the 36-dimensional space is also the result of remote sensing. Explanations regarding the origin of the universe, the origin of humanity, and the origin of life are merely perceptions beyond time and space based on spiritual intuition. They do not rely on my meager knowledge or logical reasoning. From a scientific perspective, my arguments and evidence may be insufficient, but I believe that humanity will eventually know that what "I" am saying is correct.

The number of people with the ability of remote sensing cannot be too many,just like there can be only several queen bees in a swarm of bees. The world will fall into chaos if everyone is capable of remote sensing. So I shall drop the topic here. If you are capable of remote sensing, it is your good luck.

Sensation: Sensation is a physiological phenomenon, and it refers to a kind of physiological transmission of perception that goes unnoticed. The most unique example is the arrival of milk after childbirth. Taking humans as an example, regardless of how full a woman's breasts are, and despite engaging in sexual activities countless times, even after being pregnant for ten months, milk will not appear until the child is born. Only the physiological response triggered by the baby's need for milk after birth leads to the abundant production of milk. This is similar to the tear glands secreting tears—tears are only produced when a foreign object enters the eye or when there is a significant emotional fluctuation.

Cases 1, 2, and 5 are examples of biological sensation.

Remote sensing can be acquired through conscious cultivation, while sensation is an unconscious physiological behavior, a physiological mechanism, and a natural program designed by the Greatest Creator. In this regard, we don’t need to pay excessive attention.

Telepathy: Telepathy is a universal phenomenon in the universe. Everything has telepathy. Strictly speaking, all activities of LIFE-forms are the result of telepathy. More accurately, all the phenomena we see are the result of telepathy. The macrocosmic universe is the result of telepathy, and the microcosmic universe is also the result of telepathy.

Both organic and inorganic substances are capable of telepathy. Humans, animals, plants, and insects have telepathy. Mountains, rocks, rivers, and weather are all capable of telepathy. The effective evidence for the telepathy of microscopic matter can be found in the fact that the famous Buddhist master Jingkong cited on many occasions the Japanese scientists' research on the crystal of water molecules when expounding on Mahayana's Sutra of Infinite LIFE. He said that when we say "thanks" and "love" to water, the arrangement of water molecules will be a very beautiful crystal and that when we are hostile and indifferent to it, the arrangement of water molecules will be a chaotic assemblage. Hence, Master Jingkong told us that since the human body is 70% water, as long as we show more care for water in our body, then the water molecules in our body will act effectively, and we will increase our health. We may be free from illness all our LIFE. He went further to enlighten us that since 70% of the earth is covered by water, as long as we don't pollute the rivers, lakes, and oceans, the earth will not be inflicted with floods, inundations, droughts, and hailstones.

Like the gravitation between everything, the telepathy between everything exists and occurs everywhere and at any time. The most obvious examples are electromagnetic induction, sound wave induction, photoelectric induction, and so on. Now there are automatic doors in cities around the globe. The door closes when a person leaves and opens when a person approaches. Some street lamps will be automatically turned on when it becomes dark and will be automatically turned off when dawn breaks. Some anti-theft devices will automatically set off alarms when a person enters a security zone.

Telepathy between LIFE-forms happens at every moment. In case 1, the quadruplets will all have a fever as long as one of them catches a cold. When one yawns, the others will open their mouths simultaneously. The same phenomenon occurs with twins and multi-births. Different degrees of telepathy occur at any moment between mother and daughter, father and son, lovers, and enemies. The abnormal behaviors of animals before earthquakes, the pain in joints suffered by arthritis patients before heavy rain, the frantic movements of insects before storms, the suicidal behavior of plants like bamboo prior to a disaster, and the sudden fidgets and vexations experienced by people occasionally are all results of telepathy.

Two days ago (November 30, 2003), I ran into a former colleague of mine. He had rented a luxury villa with a courtyard where four rows of grapevines, each 30 meters long, grew. He told me that the grapevines had not produced grapes for many years, but after he began to live in the villa, he watered the grapevines every three days, applied fertilizers, hoed up weeds, and dug up the soil. Now the grapevines are heavily laden with grapes, and he can earn a handsome sum of money from them alone. He said excitedly, “Plants will repay when they get enough care and protection from humans.” This is also a kind of telepathy.

In front of the window of the master bedroom in my yard, there is a tree whose name is unknown to me. It blooms small white and purple flowers, which emit a strong fragrance when the tree is in full bloom. One year, when I stood in front of the flowers, I muttered to myself, “These flowers are so beautiful and fragrant. How wonderful it would be if the tree is in bloom every day. It would be very good if the tree can flower many more times every year.” Three months later, the tree was in bloom once again. I asked the gardener, Gift, who had worked in this compound for nearly ten years, whether this tree would flower twice every year. He replied, “No, it flowers only once every year, and I don’t know why it has flowered twice this year.” Suddenly, I realized that it was my wish that had prompted it to flower one more time. I felt very guilty. This is a flower tree with great spiritual nature. To satisfy my private needs, it has overstretched itself against the law of nature. It must have tried hard.

The second time, the flowers had such a faint fragrance that one could hardly smell it. This is the result of overspending. I apologized in my mind, “Flower tree, flower tree, I am deeply indebted to you for your kindness. I understand you now. Please don’t overdo yourself again in the future. Meanwhile, Lifechanyuan will try its best to protect you and all the flowers, grass, and trees. You are silently dedicated to mankind, flowering to beautify the environment, bearing fruits for people to savor, afforesting to conserve water and soil, exhaling oxygen, and inhaling carbon dioxide to purify the environment, and photosynthesizing to create nourishment--carbohydrates for humans and animals. Without you, there would be no insects, animals, and humans. You are the foundation on which LIFE depends. Lifechanyuan will make it its tenet to protect the lives of all living things. We humans should no longer be arrogant, conceited, and ungrateful.

There is telepathy between plants and humans, as well as telepathy between humans and gods. I have a friend whose father was nearly eighty years old. He was kind-hearted, amicable, and genial, and very healthy in Zimbabwe. However, there was a period when he was vexed and troubled, insisting on returning home to his homeland in China. My friend had no choice but to send him back. Soon after, the old man passed away in his sleep.

Why did the old man feel anxious and eager to return home when he was enjoying a very good life in Zimbabwe? This is the beckoning of the gods. Although he did not know it, the old man had experienced telepathy physiologically.

Moreover, telepathy also occurs in many of our daily recreational activities. Last month (November 2003), my wife and I played poker games with some friends for six hours. The cards in our hands were very bad from beginning to end. Our friends had climbed over several mountains while my wife and I were still fixed at the starting point. Finally, I realized it was because my wife and I felt upset and distracted several days before. When one's mind is disturbed, the cards will also be a mess. Only if one has a calm mind will they get very good and orderly cards. (You can try it if you're interested.)

Recently, another case of telepathy happened to me. I have the habit of reading Reader. Once I read several articles by the Taiwanese writer Lin Qingxuan and discovered that Mr. Lin has a very high spiritual nature. As far as I can tell, however ignorant I may be, Mr. Lin is one of the people with the highest spiritual nature in the Chinese nation. I consider it great luck and happiness to read more of his books. However, I am abroad and have very little chance to buy his books. I never expected that recently a girl of my children's generation came from China and brought me two books written by Mr. Lin, "Search the Homeland of Soul." Why did she buy books instead of anything else for me? Why did she buy Lin Qingxuan's book instead of other books? It turned out that this was a result of my telepathy.

Seth said, "Physiological symptoms are communications from the inner self, indications that we are making mental errors of one kind or another." In other words, physical symptoms are a response of the body to psychological and spiritual ailments.

All the wars, conflicts, natural disasters, and diseases in human history are the result of the mutual influence between gods, humans, animals, and plants. The great flood in the time of Noah was also a consequence of the induction caused by human conceit and arrogance.

Remote sensing,sensation, and telepathy are all embodiments of "Tao" as described by Lao Tzu in Tao Te Ching.Tao is an embodiment of the spirit of the Greatest Creator. Ultimately, remote sensing, sensation, and telepathy are programs designed by the Greatest Creator to maintain the balance of nature. We can hence feel the unfathomable profundity of the Greatest Creator's wisdom.

25.Decomposition – the Nourishment for New LIFE

Decomposition is a natural phenomenon in the natural world. It is a transformation of decay and putrefaction. Decay and putrefaction are undesirable, but decomposition is a form of energy conversion and a transcendent aspect of life.

You can observe a fallen apple from the tree. It rots at the beginning, but after a period of time, only an empty shell is left. Then, after some time, even the empty shell vanishes. Where has the entire apple gone? It has undergone the process of decomposition.

All things in the material world will go through decomposition, without which there would be no such material world.

Just imagine, how can we have today’s environment and civilization if the carcasses of animals remain intact for thousands of years, if the leaves fallen from the trees remain as fresh as ever, if the piled garbage does not rot, if the slave society and feudal system do not corrupt, and if despotism is always maintained, if the original religion does not corrupt, and if the ancient civilizations last for eternity?

The rotten carcasses of animals and the decayed plants will be decomposed by microorganisms in soil or water and converted into nutrients, which can be absorbed and utilized by other plants. The ancient religion and civilization were decomposed by the development of the times and converted into knowledge and wisdom, which can be absorbed and utilized by the present religion and civilization. How perfect the design is! The waste is changed into valuable materials, and the corrupted is turned into wonders. Who is capable of such considerate and flawless thinking?

The Greatest Creator!

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