40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator (1--5)


Open the windows, the sunlight and fresh air will come in

Take a broad view, you will see the faraway mountains fresh and green

Stay and study in Lifechanyuan; a new LIFE will begin

Your spirituality will grow, and your thinking will transcend the limitations of human nature and ethics.

Once we calm our minds, we can feel that there is a supernatural power in control of the movement of the universe, the birth and death of all things, and the track of human LIFE. No one can deny fate, yet no one can grasp their own fate. Everything around us seems to be prearranged by certain powers, and we are only moving according to the LIFE courses assigned to us.

So, does such a supernatural power exist? Is there a super wisdom in control of the entire universe? If there is not, then how did the universe come into being? Where did the variety of LIFE forms on the Earth come from? If there is, where could the supernatural power be? What is its form? Does it resemble a man? What characteristics does it have? Why can't we see it? Does it care for humankind? How does it manage this astronomical universe? How can we get to know it?

1.The Orderly Operation of the Solar System Needs “Someone’s” Design

The solar system, with the sun at its center, consists of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, comets, the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, meteoroids, interstellar matter, the Earth's satellite moon, and other asteroids. Other celestial bodies revolve around the sun, attracted by the sun's gravitation. Among them, the nine planets revolve in the same direction around the sun along nearly round orbits in approximately the same plane.

For billions of years, the solar system has been running in the Milky Way galaxy in an orderly manner, without any mistakes. The nine planets, the Earth's satellite moon, and other asteroids have unfailingly maintained the order of the solar system, cooperating tacitly with each other, obedient and conforming. There has never been any bullying. There is a high degree of organization, discipline, and unity. If any planet does not obey the command and acts on its own, the whole solar system will immediately be knocked over by other stellar systems in the galaxy. The main task of the whole solar system is to sustain LIFE on Earth. If this order is disturbed, humans will also perish.

To live harmoniously, even a big family of about a dozen people needs some "domestic disciplines" to keep it in line. A company, no matter how small, must have "rules and regulations" to survive and develop. A house should have a design before builders can begin work - how the doors, windows, kitchen, living room, bedrooms, and bathroom should be arranged. To survive, even a pack of wolves, a swarm of bees, a cohort of ants, or a flock of sheep must have a leader in charge; otherwise, the result will be a state of disunity and chaos.

Let's take a look at the general manager's office. The desk, chairs, bookshelf, sofas, tea table, telephone, and other objects are all arranged in an orderly manner. The tea table will not be placed on the desk, and the chairs will not be put on the sofas. Why? Because they have already been designed and arranged.

Let's have a look at the workshops of a factory. The lathes, milling machines, planers, drill presses, workbenches, grinders, and tool cabinets are arranged in an orderly manner. They are not randomly placed or cluttered together. Why is that? It’s because someone is organizing and arranging them.

Let's take a look at the assembly workshop of TV sets. There is a strict order for the assembly of different components. Is this order formed naturally? Of course not; someone is doing the design and arrangement.

Let's take a look at everything in nature and every activity in human society. It is not difficult to discover that all have been organized and arranged by someone or some certain "brain."

Then, how about the orderly functioning of the solar system? Is it not designed by someone?

By logical reasoning, we can infer that there must be someone in charge of the creation and arrangement of the solar system. But who is this "someone"? He must be the designer and organizer of the universe and the wise omniscience - the Greatest Creator.

2.The Distance from the Earth to the Sun is the Result of Deliberate Arrangement

The distance from the earth to the sun is 147 million kilometers, which is the ideal distance for the earth to absorb solar energy. If it were too far, the earth would be a cold and bleak place; if it were too close, the earth would become a flaming globe.

You may have experienced warming yourself by a fire on cold winter days. Your distance from the fire is determined by its size. If you are too close to the fire, the heat will be unbearable, but if you are too far, you cannot absorb the heat. You will automatically adjust yourself to an appropriate distance that is not too warm to bear.

Now, let's do a calculation. Imagine yourself as the earth and the fire as the sun. What will be the proportion? Let's suppose the proportion is X; then the proportion from the sun to the earth is also X.

That is to say, the distance between the sun and the earth is not a matter of coincidence but a deliberate arrangement. Except for the Greatest Creator, who else could have done that?

3.The rotation of the earth is a planned arrangement, and the velocity of the rotation has been accurately calculated

If we keep facing the fire, we feel comfortable on the front of our body but still cold on our back. At this time, we will unconsciously turn around and let our back face the fire. After some time, we will turn around again. In such a case, wouldn’t it be ideal for us to sit in an automatically rotating chair so that our entire body can evenly receive warmth? However, the rotation should not be too fast; otherwise, we will feel dizzy and cannot see the objects around us clearly. More dangerously, we might be thrown off the chair. Too slow a rotation won’t do either. One side of the body is warm enough, but the other side is in urgent need of heat, and yet the chair has not turned around. We can certainly find an optimum rotation speed that can make us feel comfortable and evenly warmed.  

The earth is rotating at an ideal speed. It rotates at nearly 28 kilometers per minute and completes one rotation in 24 hours. This speed ensures that both the eastern and western hemispheres can receive heat evenly, and that animals, plants, and humans can have time for labor and rest respectively. If the Earth did not rotate, the eastern hemisphere would be forever facing the sun, making it unbearably hot, while the western hemisphere would be in eternal darkness, unbearably cold. Vice versa. If the rotation speed of the Earth were too fast, for example, if it rotated once every 12 hours, then there would only be three hours for each morning, noon, afternoon, and night. We would not have enough time to sleep, and the sun would rise very early in the morning. When we woke up, it would still be dark outside; then should we get up or continue sleeping?

If the rotation speed were too slow, for example, one rotation every 36 hours, there would be 18 hours of daylight and 18 hours of darkness, how should we humans plan our daily routines? Not to mention the excessive or insufficient time for plant photosynthesis, and the abnormal climate it would cause.

The rotation of the earth and the speed of rotation are intentionally and meticulously designed by the Greatest Creator. If you are not convinced, just try it yourself and see whether you can come up with a better arrangement.

4.The earth orbits the sun, and its running speed is in strict accordance with the laws of physical movement.

The earth orbits the sun at a speed of 29.8 kilometers per second, which does not allow for the slightest error. If the speed exceeds 29.8 kilometers per second, the earth will fly off its orbit along the tangent and enter the vast universe. LIFE on earth will go extinct due to a lack of appropriate light and heat from the sun. If the speed is slower than 29.8 kilometers per second, the earth will fail to reach escape velocity and be drawn to the sun, falling towards it just like an apple falls to the ground. Isn’t that terrible?

It is well-known that earth's satellites should orbit at a speed of 7.9 kilometers per second. If the speed is faster, they will not be able to fly around the earth along a certain orbit; if the speed is slower, the satellites will fall down to the earth. The speed must reach 111.8 kilometers per second to escape the constraint force of the earth. The speed must reach 166.7 kilometers per second to escape from the solar system. These are absolute numerical values that allow for no exception or negotiation. Now, think it over. Why should the earth revolve around the sun at exactly 29.8 kilometers per second? Why not any other numerical value? Without the calculation and arrangement of a super-wise being, is it possible for the earth to run for 4.6 billion years, obediently, meticulously, and voluntarily?

5.The tilting of the earth is deliberately set up.

As for the earth's orbit, it is tilted at a gradient of 23.5 degrees (you can use a globe as a sample). Without the tilting, there would be no alternating seasons on earth. The equator would be unbearably hot, the temperate zone would be turned into the Frigid Zone, and Siberia in Russia would be part of Antarctica. If the tilting were at 90 degrees, the ice and snow in Antarctica would all be melted, and the earth would be a complete ocean, with no single stretch of land. Can the earth tilt at 24 degrees or 23 degrees? Absolutely not. If the earth tilted at 24 degrees, all coastal cities would be submerged by water. If the earth tilted at 23 degrees, the earth would suffer from severe water shortage, and many rivers would disappear.

Just imagine, would it work without the computation and design of a super-wise being?

Then, who is this super-wise being? Neither you nor I, but the Greatest Creator.

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